Head of the Eagle



Saturday, October 18, 2003

Eagle Creek Park

Indianapolis, Indiana



2.75 miles against the clock


Individuals, Schools, Colleges, Clubs


Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Events

Entry deadline October 13th


Register on-line at Regattacentral.com












2003 Head of the Eagle Regatta

Register on-line at Regattacentral.com


Return entries by Monday, October 13th to:


                                                                   Fed Ex or overnight delivery:

          Head of the Eagle                                        Eric Stoll

          Indianapolis Rowing Center                          5228 N. Pennsylvania St.

          POBox 53223                                              Indianapolis, IN 46220

          Indianapolis, IN 46253   


Late Entries will be accepted if accompanied by a $20 per boat late fee.  Checks should be payable to the Indianapolis Rowing Center.



Registration opens at 7:00 Saturday morning. Waivers and final boat line ups are due at registration.



This meeting will be held at the boathouse Saturday morning at 7:30. Each club will be held responsible for the information distributed at this meeting.



Trailer parking will be at the secured Water Sports Center area.  Gates will be locked at 7:00 Friday evening and will reopen at 6:30 Saturday morning.



The enclosed park entry pass must be shown in window for free entry to the park.

The pass may be copied as needed.



USRowing Rules of Rowing (Article VIII - Head Races) apply.

The Head of the Eagle is a USRowing Registered Regatta

Lightweights: Men: 165 lbs  Women: 135 lbs.  Max. only, no average. No official weigh-in.  Scale on-site for protests.



Bow markers will be provided



Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded.

Name of Organization submitting entry ______________________________________

2003 Head of the Eagle Fees: 1x-$25  2X-$35 4+/4X-$45  8-$60 ($350 cap)

                             Entry Deadline is October 13th


Please circle class within event (ie:Men’s /Women’s; Lwt/Jr., etc)

Event   # of Boats       $ per Boat       Total                      Event                                             Time


1          __________         _________       =  _________           Women’s Open 8                                        9:00


2          __________         _________       =  _________           Men’s Novice 8                                           9:10


3          __________         _________       =  _________           Junior Men’s Novice 8                                 9:15


4          __________         _________       =  _________           Men’s/Women’s Master 1X                          9:20


5          __________         _________       =  _________           Men’s/Women’s Open 1X                            9:25


6A,6B   __________         _________       =  _________           Lwt. Women’s/Junior Women’s 8                  9:30


7A,7B   __________         _________       =  _________           Lwt. Men’s/Jr. Men’s 4                                9:35


8          __________         _________       =  _________           Women’s Novice 8                                      9:45


9          __________         _________       =  _________           Junior Women’s Novice 8                            9:55           


10A,10B__________        _________       =  _________           Men’s/Women’s Open 2X                          10:05


11        __________         _________       = _________           Men’s Open 8                                           10:15



12A,12B__________        _________       =  _________           Men’s/Women’s 4X                                   12:55


13        __________         _________       =  _________           Women’s Open 4+                                      1:00


14A,14B__________        _________       =  _________           Men’s Novice/Jr. Men’s Novice 4+               1:05


15A,15B__________        _________       =  _________           Lwt. Men’s/Junior Men’s 8                           1:10


16A,16B__________        _________       =  _________          Men’s/Women’s Master 2X                          1:15


17        __________         _________       =  _________           Mixed 2X                                                   1:20


18        __________         _________       =  _________           Women’s Novice 4+                                    1:30           

19        __________         __________     =  _________           Jr. Women’s Novice 4+                               1:35


20A,20B__________        _________       =  _________           Lwt.Women’s/Jr. Women’s  4+                     1:40


21A,21B_________         _________       =  _________           Men’s/Women’s Master 4+                          1:50


22        _________           _________       =  _________           Mixed 8                                                                 2:00


23        _________           _________       = _________           Men’s Open 4+                                          2:05


            TOTAL                                   $_______            Add $20 per boat for late entries           Hot Seating with less than 1 ½  hours between races is strongly discouraged.                                                                                    


                   2003 Head of the Eagle Regatta

Entry Form-Register at Regattacentral.com

Entry deadline is October 13th

Please submit an entry form for each boat entered even if you do not know boatings.  Masters entries must have names and age on regatta day for handicap purposes.


Event #___________         Event Name__________________________________________




Contact Person____________________________     Phone  Day: (       )                    


Address___________________________________                 Eve: (       )                          



                                                                             Masters-Age on Regatta Day

Bow/1X___________________________________        ____


2           ___________________________________        ____


3           ___________________________________        ____


4           ___________________________________        ____


5            ___________________________________       ____


6            ___________________________________       ____


7            ___________________________________       ____


8            ___________________________________       ____


Cox        ___________________________________       ____


Sub 1     ___________________________________       ____


Sub 2     ___________________________________       ____


Mixed events - ½ of the rowers must be male, ½ female

Lightweight (Max. only, no average): Men 165 lbs.; Women 135 lbs.

Novice - Any rower who did not compete in a regatta before October 19, 2002











Park Entry


























Head of the Eagle


The members of the Indianapolis Rowing Center invite you to join us for the 15th


annual Head of the Eagle Regatta on Saturday, October 18, 2003.  Our regatta is


held on the reservoir in beautiful Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis.  The novice,


junior, master, collegiate and open crews and scullers who compete at this


regatta always make for great racing.



The entry deadline is Monday, October 13th.  Entry Fees should accompany


entries.  Crews who have not paid fees will not be permitted to launch. Late


entries will be accepted with the payment of an additional $20 per entry.  The


entry fee cap is $350.  Late fees are not applicable toward the cap.  Signed


waivers for all participants must be turned in at registration. This packet has an


individual waiver form (for singles) as well as a team waiver.



Entries must include the summary sheet as well as the boat entry form. Include


a boat entry form for each boat entered even if you do not know final boatings.


Save time and postage and register on-line at Regattacentral.com


Please allow 1 ½ hours for hot seating.  


Inquiries should be directed to:


          Eric Stoll, Executive Director, Indianapolis Rowing Center

          Phone: (317) 298-9456

          Fax:     (317) 253-4434



































The Head of the Eagle is an excellent early race

for the novice coxswain because it is relatively

straight with one bridge.


There is only room for one boat under the bridge

at a time.  Information about the no passing zone

ahead of the bridge will be reviewed at the pre-race

meeting at 7:30 Saturday morning.