Pittsford Regatta
- May 29, 2010 To May 30, 2010
- sprint
- Schoen Place
- Pittsford, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Pittsford Crew
- 2016 Registered Regatta
In an effort to avoid schedule conflicts with end of the school year events like proms and tests, we have moved the regatta date to the Memorial Day Holiday weekend. We hope this works for you.
Here are results for Master's and Sculling, from Saturday morning. Reposted on 6/26/10.
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Saturday Rev6-26-10.pdf
---------------- Saturday Scholastic Sweep Rowing --------------
Here are all Saturday scholastic sweep oar results, stuck together in one big file.
Saturday Scholastic Sweep ALL results.pdf
Saturday Heats and semis, but not the time trials:
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Saturday - Heats and Semis.pdf
Saturday Time trials:
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Saturday - Time Trials only.pdf
Saturday Finals Only:
------------------------------------ End of Saturday results ----------------------------------------
---------------------- Sunday results --------------------------------------------------
Here are ALL Sunday scholastic sweep oar results, stuck together in one big file
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Sunday -ALL FINAL.pdf
heats and semis for Sunday
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Sunday Heats and Semis FINAL.pdf
Sunday time trials only:
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Sunday -Time Trials FINAL.pdf
FINALS only for Sunday:
Pittsford Regatta 2010 Results -Sunday - FINAL.pdf