Head of the Dog

  • Hosted By: Portland Boat Club

This year, the Head of The Dog will be contestedback on ourhome water: Multnomah Channel.  This is not a stake race;there is noturn.  The race headquarters, rigging, boat slinging, bownumber pick up, registration,and boat launching is 50 meters upstreamfrom the finish line (PBC Boathouse),so everyone will get a nice warmup rowing to the start, approximately 4800meters downstream.  PLEASENOTE:  in years past, when the race was inthis location, we launchedboats from Hadley?s Boat Ramp on Sauvie Island. This year, we will belaunching and recovering all boats immediately upstreamfrom PBC?sboathouse, at the adjacent Multnomah Yacht HarborMoorage.  The physical address is 12900 NW Marina Way. Therewill be fenced overnight trailer storage for clubs wishing todeliver boatsFriday afternoon/evening.  Please coordinate this inadvance with thecontact below.

If you have any questions about the return to our old venueor logistics, please call or email Ned McCall at [email protected] or 503-329-2679.

The 1strace wave will begin at 9:00 a.m.  Thiswave will include all singles,all junior boats, and 2+.  If everyonelaunches no later than 8:10 a.m.,we should be in position to start the racewith no boats on the course. Our objective is to have a ?clean?race; specifically, we do not wantboats paddling downstream on the race coursewhile the race is inprogress moving upstream.  The 2nd  waveof racers will not be permitted to row to the start until the 1st wavehave all crossed the finish line. 

The 2nd  wave is scheduled to begin at 10:30a.m.  it will consist of 4x, 4+, and 2x, and any paddlers.

Logistically,people will be able to race in both wavesquite easily, as thelaunch/take out point is immediately upstream from thefinish line. Once again, the 2nd  wave will not bepermitted to row to the start until the 1st wave is complete.

Therace course:  The finish line is PBCBoathouse.  The start is locatedabout 4800 meters downstream  betweena green floating boathouse on theSauvie Island side of the river and a markedpiling on the Highway 30side of the river.  There will be a start launchon the Highway 30 sideof the river.  Major pilings will be marked with surveyortape, butbeware, as not all pilings will be marked.  Also, the variouspilings onboth sides of the river do not run parallel to the shoreline ?somestick out farther than others.  Generally stay on the right side oftheriver ? row closer to Sauvie Island on the way downstream and closertoHighway 30, during the race, when going upstream. 

Therewill be a pre-race meeting at the launch site ?12900 NW Marina Way, at7:30 a.m.  This will include maps and a coursedescription. Registration/Bow number collection opens at 7:00 a.m.

Race registration will be at the launch site.

Costumeare encouraged.  Particularly brilliant, wellengineered, and creativecostumes will be recognized with Best of Breed Awards.

We will have food on site.

Thank you.  We look forward to welcoming everyone toour home water.