Head of the Genesee

  • Hosted By: Rochester Community inclusive Rowing
  • 2018 Registered Regatta

URGENT ---- Parking and High School athlete drop off instructions please READ!

Coaches and parents and athletes -----

The 30th Annual Head of the Genesee Regatta, Oct. 6,7 2018 will employ changes to the site access and setup.  These changes are made to improve athlete safety, boat movement flow, and walking traffic around the regatta site. Parents and those dropping off athletes SUNDAY morning must follow the PURPLE and Green arrows on the map below. Turn to the NORTH and drop athletes who can then walk under the bridge via the footpath indicated in green.

We are excited to have you participate in our regatta, be aware and supportive of our changes, and communicate these changes ASAP throughout your club.

Site maps depicting these changes are below - please read ----  Also all food drop offs Sunday MUST be between 6am and 7am for access to the trailer and tent areas.  Don't be late as access will be restricted after 7am Sunday.

  1. No Vehicle traffic will be allowed in Genesee Valley Park south of Elmwood Avenue with the following Exceptions:
    1. Emergency Vehicles
    2. Boat Trailers ( and Car topping Singles/Doubles) - See the 2nd map below
    3. Team Trailers, Food Trailers, Vendors - See the 2nd map below
    4. Limited Handicap Parking - See the 2nd map below
    5. Regatta Official Traffic
    6. Ice Rink Hockey Participants
    7. Car topping athletes with cars will be allowed in to park in the upper back lot to the west of the boat houses. See the 2nd map below


  1. Team Buses and Parents dropping off athletes will turn NORTH off of Elmwood Ave. onto S. Plymouth Ave at the light at the Ice Rink.  Athletes will get off in the drop-off zone, proceed along the short marked, lighted, and monitored pathway along the river, underneath the Elmwood Avenue Bridge and enter the boatyard from the North East corner, where all the boats are.  NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO WALK ACROSS ELMWOOD AVE.  (it's a busy street and the light cycle is painfully long).  Buses and parents can then drive around the turnaround loop and out onto Elmwood Avenue.  Bus parking will be accommodated in Genesee Valley Park.  Parents are suggested to park in the UR Medical parking lots, and Genesee Valley Monroe County Park lots by Shelters Roundhouse, Hawthorn, Dogwood.  There will be activities in the Ice Rink and the Ice Rink parking is not available to the regatta especially on Sunday the race day of High School and Masters..
  2. Boat Trailers will turn south off of Elmwood Ave. into Genesee Valley Park at the Ice Rink as usual, go around the circle by the boathouse and enter the baseball field outfield and park as usual.  Masters Car topping into the regatta will also enter this was and park up behind the pine trees to the west of the "circle".
  3. Team Food Trailers should plan to arrive between 6 am and 7am ---- and will turn south off of Elmwood Ave.  into Genesee Valley Park at the Ice Rink as usual, proceed just past the pool and turn EAST (left) BEFORE the batting box fence, drive along the 3rd base left field fence to their selected tent site.  Team Food Tents are encouraged to be set up along the outside (north) of the 3rd base left field fence and to the river side of the outfield fence.  No one is permitted in the infield.  (The grounds crew has done a marvelous job getting it in shape this year, and have promised bodily harm to me if we mess up their fine work!)  Also no Team tents are permitted along the path near the launch/recovery docks.
  4. Volunteers will park at the Tennis Courts.
  5. Masters Athletes will park on the south side of the Genesee River, in Monroe County Park, at the Roundhouse Pavilion parking lot.  Walk just west and cross the river on the footbridge.

Adhering to these changes is vital for the safe and efficient operation of our regatta (especially athlete drop-off and clearing up the gridlock of getting to Dock 3) and is considered a matter of good sportsmanship conduct.

Best Rowing Regards.

Dennis R. Fronheiser - Chief Referee, Head of the Genesee Regatta 2018, Regatta Co-Director

Saturday - Collegiate uses all three docks for launching events 1-7, dock 1 is reserved for landing when necessary.  Coaches and crews will receive additional information when they visit registration race day.

Sunday uses all three docks for launching until dock 1 is reserved for landing, about 20 minutes after racing starts in the morning and afternoon. Coaches and crews will receive additional information when they visit registration race day.