Connecticut Indoor Rowing Championships

  • Hosted By: Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

Event #TimeErg #
1/29:0013 and Under Girls/boys -1000  meters
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubLesleyMatson
5New Canaan High School Crew ClubMadisonSilverman
7Maritime Rowing ClubClareDeSantis
9Maritime Rowing ClubKatieDe Santis
11New Canaan High School Crew ClubAasthaNarula
13New Canaan High School Crew ClubBeatriceNash
15Saugatuck Rowing ClubGabrielaHorowitz
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubChrisBabinec
2Saugatuck Rowing ClubJohnMorrison
4Saugatuck Rowing ClubEricMaier
6New Canaan High School Crew ClubBrianNelson
8Saugatuck Rowing ClubRashadNimr
10New Canaan High School Crew ClubAlexMauboussin
12New Canaan High School Crew ClubIanRobert
14Maritime Rowing ClubSeanCollins
16Maritime Rowing ClubMattMullen
18Saugatuck Rowing ClubKraeWind
20Saugatuck Rowing ClubJamesValenti
3/129:15Masters/Vet Women - 2000 meters
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubPamRaila
2Greenwich Rowing ClubKatieBlankley
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubAnitaSkor
4Saugatuck Rowing ClubNikkiTippins
5Albany Rowing Center/unaffiliatedLouiseFarrell
6Saugatuck Rowing ClubHeidiSchley
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubLauretteRindlaub
8Greenwich CrewChristieFountain
9Saugatuck Rowing ClubEveGreen
10Greenwich CrewLisaWallace
11Greenwich Rowing ClubBarbaraO'Neill
12Saugatuck Rowing ClubLizBrennan
14unaffiliatedMeg Sherman
13/169:30Masters Men - 2000 meters
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubJamesMcGaffigan
2Age Without Limits Virtual TeamSkipDonnelly
3Blood Street ScullsRobertDurham
4Iron OarsmanJamesPfeffer
5Saugatuck Rowing ClubDanielDonovan
6Maritime Rowing ClubAndrewCampbell
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubJohnTraynor
8Saugatuck Rowing ClubJamieSnedaker
9Saugatuck Rowing ClubKateCoulter
10Saugatuck Rowing ClubJonNeave
13Greenwich CrewNathanielWallace
15Saugatuck Rowing ClubAdamHodes
17/249:45Vet Men - 2000 meters
1Union Boat ClubJames f.Keating
2GMS Rowing CenterAlexMakai
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubDanielKrez
5Saugatuck Rowing ClubBruceBaggaley
8Saugatuck Rowing ClubPaulGreen
10Saugatuck Rowing ClubMikePettee
2510:30Junior B Girls - 2000m 
Heat 1
1Maritime Rowing ClubVictoriaBabchak
2Maritime Rowing ClubMeredithPersico
3Greenwich CrewLauraKeeler
4Greenwich CrewClaireKelly
5Northampton Youth & Community RowingJaimileeBontempi
6Greenwich CrewRileyJohnson
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubMaddieMelnick
8New Canaan High School Crew ClubSarahLiffmann
9Greenwich CrewSofiaSanchez
10New Have Sound SchoolJulianaKrizan
11New Canaan High School Crew ClubRebeccaParrino
12Greenwich CrewChristinaMatera
13New Canaan High School Crew ClubKatherineStevenson
14Northampton Youth & Community RowingKierstinKnightly
10:45Heat 2
1Maritime Rowing ClubEmilyPik
2Maritime Rowing ClubKaitlinSummers
3Maritime Rowing ClubStephanieWinsch
4Northampton Youth & Community RowingHannahChandler
5Pelham Community Rowing AssociationBridgetMcGowan
6Northampton Youth & Community RowingCotiHarris
7GMS Rowing CenterAnnaScillitoc
8Greenwich CrewJulieSussman
9Greenwich CrewLaraTiramani
10Saugatuck Rowing ClubElizabethMauer
11Saugatuck Rowing ClubBritanyWengel
12Greenwich CrewCaelaMurphy
11:00Heat 3
1Greenwich CrewDaisyFinley
2Pelham Community Rowing AssociationGiannaCurcio
3New Canaan High School Crew ClubKenzieBess
4Greenwich CrewDespinaPetsagourakis
5GMS Rowing CenterChristiKowalczyk
6Maritime Rowing ClubChristinWiegand
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubAllisonEvans
8Pelham Community Rowing AssociationEileenNash
9Pelham Community Rowing AssociationStephineLaGumina
10Pelham Community Rowing AssociationAlexisBiaggi
11Pelham Community Rowing AssociationJillianD'Arcy
12Maritime Rowing ClubNatashaBabchak
13Pelham Community Rowing AssociationNataliaGodiniski
14Pelham Community Rowing AssociationKaraOrlando
15GMS Rowing CenterMariaMaydan
16Pelham Community Rowing AssociationUrsulaLeone
17GMS Rowing CenterCorinneSulivan
18Greenwich CrewKatieCody
19Saugatuck Rowing ClubLilyFlynn
20Pelham Community Rowing AssociationMaggieHughes
11:15Heat 4
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubLucyGrinalds
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubKelseyGalante
4GMS Rowing CenterKelseyReelick
5Saugatuck Rowing ClubRachelUpton
6Saugatuck Rowing ClubSamanthaSmolka
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubAlexandraZadravec
8New Canaan High School Crew ClubPatriciaKelley
9Greenwich CrewMariaLycouris
10Maritime Rowing ClubAbbyStevenson
11New Canaan High School Crew ClubEllenPenchuk
12Pelham Community Rowing AssociationCharlotteMorel
13Saugatuck Rowing ClubHannahAnderson
14Saugatuck Rowing ClubBreezyFerrara
15Maritime Rowing ClubMaryNilan
16Greenwich CrewAshleyRhodes
17East Arm Rowing ClubRosaKemp
18Pelham Community Rowing AssociationAlyciaDaloia-Moore
19Saugatuck Rowing ClubChristinaLawrance
20Saugatuck Rowing ClubNicoleWells
2611:30Junior B Boys - 2000m
Heat 1
1New Haven Sound SchoolDanCote
2Greenwich CrewJackCallahan
3New Haven Sound SchoolDominicFusaro
4Greenwich CrewBrunoVaccarezza
5New Haven Sound SchoolLeClairZach
6Greenwich CrewSchantzRobert
7New Haven Sound SchoolSergioGonzalez
8Greenwich CrewAlexanderSalisbury
9New Haven Sound SchoolAldiBerezowskyi
10Greenwich CrewMikeTurzilli
11Greenwich CrewMaxDealy
12New Canaan High School Crew ClubBenHoeft
11:45Heat 2
1New Canaan High School Crew ClubEricEvensen
2New Canaan High School Crew ClubNicolasJackson
3New Canaan High School Crew ClubMatthewJackson
4New Haven Sound SchoolAdamHejmowski
5Greenwich CrewJackHodkinson
6New Canaan High School Crew ClubMichaelKucharczyk
7Greenwich CrewChristianMeskers
8Saugatuck Rowing ClubGregMarchese
9Northampton Youth & Community RowingMaxKrogius
10Northampton Youth & Community RowingEzraFleishman
11Saugatuck Rowing ClubOliverCorbishley
12Maritime Rowing ClubBrockHarris
13Greenwich CrewSebastianMeyer
14Saugatuck Rowing ClubNickCorroon
15Saugatuck Rowing ClubMaxGibson
12:00Heat 3
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubAlexVogt
2Greenwich CrewJasonBlom
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubGriffinTraynor
4Greenwich CrewHenryKittle
5Greenwich CrewJamesFinn
6Saugatuck Rowing ClubAdamYormark
7Pelham Community Rowing AssociationPatrickGoldstien
8Pelham Community Rowing AssociationHarryKing
9Maritime Rowing ClubJamesLanfranchi
10GMS Rowing CenterBenZaccara
11Saugatuck Rowing ClubBrianClark
12Saugatuck Rowing ClubAlexHeald
13Saugatuck Rowing ClubMaxMalec
14Saugatuck Rowing ClubChrisSmith
15Greenwich CrewDanielLewis
16New Haven Sound SchoolMaksDmytruk
17Saugatuck Rowing ClubConnorAustin
18Saugatuck Rowing ClubKennethSilver
19Greenwich CrewDeryckWhiteford
20Saugatuck Rowing ClubKevinBenz
12:15Heat 4
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubOwenTraynor
2New Canaan High School Crew ClubWilliamDannemann
3Saugatuck Rowing ClubAlexPerkins
4Manhasset High SchoolJosephCalderone
5New Canaan High School Crew ClubJordanMastera
6New Canaan High School Crew ClubAlecBuckenheimer
7New Canaan High School Crew ClubCharlieKelly
8Greenwich CrewZacharyWright
9Saugatuck Rowing ClubMaxMeyer-Bosse
10Greenwich CrewNicholasStewart
11Greenwich CrewConstantineLycouris
12New Canaan High School Crew ClubJeremyRotner
13Pelham Community Rowing AssociationNicholasIppolito
14Fairfield PrepDanKerrisk
15Saugatuck Rowing ClubPaulVanderslice
16Saugatuck Rowing ClubGrahamAnderson
17Saugatuck Rowing ClubRyanShimizu
18GMS Rowing CenterJustinCromwell
19GMS Rowing CenterGregBurke
27/2812:30Coxswain Girls/Boys - 1000 meters
1Saugatuck Rowing ClubGillianHodes
3Maritime RowingJessieHornung
5Northampton Youth & Community RowingJuliaMelnick
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubLaurenHodes
9Northampton Youth & Community RowingKatherineMcKemmie
2New Canaan High School Crew ClubCharlesCampbell
4Greenwich CrewMatthewHegarty
6Saugatuck Rowing ClubConorHomscheid`
291:00Junior A Girls  - 2000m
1Maritime Rowing ClubAnnaMuskyGoldwyn
2Maritime Rowing ClubNatalieKing
3Pelham Community Rowing AssociationCaraD'Arcy
4Maritime Rowing ClubQuinnWerner
5Maritime Rowing ClubMariettaCoburn
6Saugatuck Rowing ClubNicoleSalamone
7GMS Rowing CenterKaylaTrnka
9GMS Rowing CenterMairiMcKellop
10GMS Rowing CenterCaseyWatrous
11Maritime Rowing ClubJulianneMele
12New Canaan High School Crew ClubJessicaRosa
13GMS Rowing CenterAbbyConnery
14GMS Rowing CenterAndria MayKowalczyk
15Maritime Rowing ClubKerryDonovan
16Sagamore Rowing AssociationDanaFarley
17Maritime Rowing ClubLizzieKirst
301:15Junior A Girls Lwt  - 2000m
1GMS Rowing CenterKimHopewell
2New Canaan High School Crew ClubKathleenHolec
3Pelham Community Rowing AssociationMaryHoover
4GMS Rowing CenterJackie Calder
5Pelham Community Rowing AssociationBrighidBennett
6New Canaan High School Crew ClubLeslieGriffin
7New Canaan High School Crew ClubTaylorPotter
8New Canaan High School Crew ClubCarolineReiss
9New Canaan High School Crew ClubMaureenSweeney
10Maritime Rowing ClubPaigeGonye
311:30Junior A Boys
1Greenwich CrewAmadeuszPietrzak
2Pelham Community Rowing AssociationCorentinMorel
3Maritime Rowing ClubCarterAronson
4GMS Rowing CenterKynanReelick
5GMS Rowing CenterJohnMorrissey
6GMS Rowing CenterEricWessel
7Greenwich CrewTedBroadhurst
8New Canaan High School Crew ClubDavidCramer
9GMS Rowing CenterDaveCullmere
10Saugatuck Rowing ClubMarshallMayer
11Saugatuck Rowing ClubWillTwerskey
12Northampton Youth & Community RowingJoshuaLashway
13Saugatuck Rowing ClubBrianCarlson
14Saugatuck Rowing ClubAlexDiaz
15New Haven Sound SchoolDanJenetopulos
321:45Junior A Boys Lwt
1Narragansett Boat ClubErichSchultze
2Fairfield PrepLukeKerrisk
3GMS Rowing CenterTravisRebstock
4Pelham Community Rowing AssociationChrisGoldstien
5New Canaan High School Crew ClubAndrewCampbell
6Maritime Rowing ClubRogerStone
7Saugatuck Rowing ClubMichaelLo
8GMS Rowing CenterHarryRouse
9Greenwich CrewJonothanDonald
10Greenwich CrewLeightonMoskowitz
11GMS Rowing CenterChrisLanFranco
12GMS Rowing CenterMatWinkler
13Northampton Youth & Community RowingCooperFindley
14New Canaan High School Crew ClubDanielBerman
15Northampton Youth & Community RowingStephenCardinal
16Northampton Youth & Community RowingAJSerrano
332:00Open Women 
34Lwt Women
35Open Men
36Lwt Men
372:30Team Relay Women  4 x 500m
38Team Relay Men  4 x 500m
39Team Relay Co-ed  4 x 500m
402:45Parent/Child Relay  2 x 500m