MainLine Slide

  • Hosted By: Lower Merion High School Crew (Ardmore)


  • Warm-Up

The warm-up area, outside the main race floor, is equipped with warm-up ergs.

Please allow competitors in earlier events to warm-up before you.

Pay attention to announcements made in the warm-up area.

  • Pre-Race Marshalling

A staff member will invite rowers to the marshalling area 10-15 minutes before the scheduled race.

Staff will confirm your attendance and provide your heat and erg assignment. Heat and erg assignments will also be posted in the warm-up area.

Rowers and coaches/coxswains will be directed to the race floor.

  • Race Floor

The medical table is in the corner of the gym. Alert medical staff to any health-related issues.

You will be escorted to your assigned erg flight.

Each erg is numbered. Go to your assigned erg. DO NOT WALK IN BETWEEN ERGS TO GET TO YOUR ERG, only walk behind your row.

Confirm that your name is on the monitor. Alert a staff member if your name is not on your erg. Do NOT sit at an erg with someone else’s name on it.

  • Before The Start

Get settled quickly.

Adjustments are allowed to the seat, foot stretcher, vent, and drag factor only. Vent and drag factor may not be changed once the race has started.

Announcer will ask that you put your handle down.

Erg fans cannot be moving at the start of the race.

Athletes are permitted a single coach or coxswain who must stay to the rear of the ergs and may not come in contact with athlete.

  • Start

Rowers will take the start command from the PM5 monitor on the Concept2 Erg. The visual commands will be “Sit ready,” “Attention,” “ROW.” The clock starts with the “ROW” command and not after the handle is pulled.

The Concept2 Venue Racing System will detect and alert a false start.

Rowers who make more than one false start in a single event may be disqualified at the discretion of regatta officials.

  • During the Race

If your erg becomes disconnected from the Concept2 Venue Racing System DO NOT STOP ROWING. After about 10 seconds the PM5 monitor will display “KEEP ROWING” at the bottom of the screen. All data is retained on the PM5. Your time will be recorded by a staff member and entered manually into the race system.

If any other mechanical problem develops early during an event alert a regatta official immediately. You may be moved to an unoccupied erg or be rescheduled following an appropriate rest period.

Remember that information on the PM5 monitor reflects times and positions for your flight only. Your event may use more than one flight and in that case your monitor does not reflect your place in the overall event. Row your hardest, best race.

Vent and drag factor may not be changed once the race has started.

Although not recommended, headphones may be worn during competition. They cannot interfere with the rower’s ability to hear instructions.

  • End of the Race

Alert medical staff, regatta staff immediately if you experience abnormal breathing or other health problems.

Under normal circumstances times are recorded automatically by the Concept2 Venue Racing System.

Stay at your erg until instructed to leave.

Leave the race floor as directed by the announcer. Coaches and coxswains may also leave by the same route as the rower. DO NOT WALK BETWEEN ERGS, exit by walking behind your row.

  • Relays

Rowers must change at the appropriate interval.

Rowers are permitted one coach and one erg/foot holder.

Coaches are not permitted to assist rowers when switching.

Rowers may be disqualified if the handle is allowed to slam the erg!



The information below explains the start procedure and what is displayed on your Performance Monitor during your race.

Pre-Race Checks

  • Your race name or number is displayed beneath Next Race

  • Your name is displayed beneath Competitor

  • Your machine number is displayed beneath Erg

  • Adjust the drag factor to the setting you want to race on (it is displayed in the bottom right hand corner). Do this by adjusting the damper lever and rowing 2–3 strokes.

  • Set the monitor to the units you want to see during the race. Press Units or Change Units to toggle between the following:

  • Split time for 500m and time elapsed

  • Split time for 500m and average split time for 500m

  • Watts and average watts

  • Calories per hour and expended calories

Race Start Procedure

Shortly before your race starts the race controller will ask you to stop rowing. Put the handle in the handle hook.

Your monitor display will change to show “Stop, prepare for start.” Once this screen appears, you will not be able to change the display.

The race controller will announce that the race is going to start and tell the competitors to pick up their handles. When you pick up the handle do not pull on it as you may trigger a false start.

WATCH YOUR MONITOR. It will display “Sit ready,” “Attention,” “ROW.” Once it displays “ROW” start racing.


The time between “Attention” and “ROW” is different for each race to prevent people from trying to predict the start and jump it.

If a false start occurs, the monitor will display “False Start” and will list the lanes responsible. Stop rowing and put the handle back in the handle hook. Steps 2–4 will be repeated.

Race Display

  • Above the Thick Black Line

Top left of screen: distance to go (or time to go for a timed race)

Top right of screen: stroke rate

Center of screen (large letters): pace/500m split

Bottom left of screen: average split /500m

The center of screen and bottom left will vary depending on what units you chose before the race.

  • Below the Thick Black Line

This section will show four lines of information:

Line 1: This will show the leader on your race system and the number of meters they are ahead of you.

Line 2: This will show the person immediately in front of you on your race system with the number of meters they are ahead.

Line 3: This will show your name.

Line 4: This will show the person immediately behind you and the number of meters they are behind.

If you are leading the race on your race system you will only see Lines 3 and 4.

At the end of the race, your final time and those just ahead/behind will show in the lower half of the screen.
