New Hampshire Championships Regatta

  • Oct 11, 2015
  • head
  • Pembroke, NH (USA)
  • Hosted By: Amoskeag Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

Divisions, Awards, Fees, Rules and Cancellation Policy

2015 Divisions
A.    Open - College through age 39 as of December 31, 2015.
(or anyone else who wants to row as an 'open' except a Junior or Jr-Novice)

B.    Novice - Spring, summer or Fall of 2015 is first season rowing or sculling, according to the event.

C.    Veteran - 60 years of age or older as of December 31, 2015.

D.    Master - 40 years of age as of December 31, 2015.

E.    Junior - In grammar school, high school, or prep school as of September, 2015.

F.    Junior-Novice - In grammar school, high school or prep school as of September, 2015 and 2015 is their first year rowing.

G.    To qualify for a separate division, every rower in a 4 must qualify and seven out of eight in an 8 must qualify. (Coxes are exempt from qualifying and may also be of either sex).

H.    There are no separate heavyweight or lightweight divisions and none of the races in the regatta are handicapped.  Please see below for changes to the Masters and Veterans singles races.

2015 Awards

Individual medals will be awarded to the crews of the three fastest boats in each event with the exception of the Masters and Veterans singles, provided there are at least three entries that row the event.

For the Masters and Veterans single races, medals will be awarded to the top two racers in the following age subcategories:  Masters ~ 40- 49 years old and 50-59 years old; Veterans ~ 60-69 years old and 70 years and up.  It should be noted, however, that, regardless of scoring, these races will still be run as one event, i.e. Men's Master singles, Men's Veterans singles, Women's Masters singles, etc.

The Ernestine Bayer Cup is awarded to the fastest women's single scull and the Fairwind's Cup is awarded to the fastest men's single scull.

The New Hampshire Cup is a team trophy awarded for the best overall performance. Points will be awarded for every event and the teams of the three fastest boats in each event will split the event's point pool. The event pool equals 5 points for each boat that rows the event. 50% of the pool is awarded to first place, 30% to second place and 20% to third place. A boat size adjustment will also be made. Points awarded for singles events will be multiplied by 1, doubles and pairs points will be multiplied by 2, fours and quads by 4 and eights by 6.

For example: A four placing second in an event with 20 boats will earn 120 points. There are 100 points (5 pts per boat x 20 boats = 100) in the pool. Second place earns 30% of the pool (30% of 100 = 30) and the points for a fours event is multiplied by the boat size multiplier of 4 (30 x 4 = 120.) 


8+ = $90

4+ & 4x = $70

2- & 2x = $50

1x = $40



  1. NCAA rules prohibit Junior rowers from entering Open events

  2. No team will be permitted, initially, to enter more than 4 boats in any one race, except for singles races. If more than 4 boats are entered, the additional ones will automatically be placed on the waiting list for that race until it is determined whether the race is undersubscribed and boats are admitted from the waiting list.

  3. The total number of entries for the Regatta will be capped by the host organization, the ARC. In addition, entries for individual races will be capped. Once caps for individual races have been reached, additional entries will be placed on the waiting list until it is determined whether there are reasons to relax the cap and admit additional entries to that race.  The overall regatta cap and the individual race caps have not yet been determined and will be announced later. However, all coaches and racers should be aware that caps will exist and, thus, that boats should be entered as early as possible.

  4. All race categories are temporary. If we do not receive at least 3 entries for a race, that race will most likely be  combined with another race. The final schedule - together with specific race times - will be posted after the close of registration.

  5. Some races on the schedule that typically receive a large number of entries and for which there will be a large cap may be split into an A heat and a B heat. This, however, is merely for the convenience of the race officials; it allows them to batch the crews launching for the race and then batch them at the start. All crews racing in a single race, regardless of whether they are in an A heat or a B heat will be scored together, both for purposes of individual medals and for Cup points.

  6. For more information on Masters and Veterans singles, please see note under 2015 Awards above.

  7. Except possibly for international crews, no "loaner" boats are available from the Amoskeag Rowing Club. International crews desiring a loaner are encouraged to contact the ARC Regatta Director personally.

  8. Hot-seating of boats is not encouraged and is only permitted due to unforeseen circumstances such as an equipment failure.

Cancellation Policy
There are no refunds for cancellations by registrants after the Standard Registration Deadline (October 2, 2015).

If the Regatta as a whole is cancelled prior to 5 pm on the day before the races due to weather or other disaster conditions beyond the organizers’ control , every party who requests a refund of his/her/its entry fee will receive a refund of 50% of the fee.

If, however, the Regatta commences, but individual races are then delayed or cancelled on race day itself due to weather or other disaster conditions beyond the organizers’ control, there will be no refunds.