RCiR Moonlight Row

  • Hosted By: Rochester Community inclusive Rowing

200 years ago, the Erie Canal transformed New York State. On August 4, 2017 under the moonlight, RCiR will host an all night row of 363 miles - equivalent to the length of the Erie Canal - to fund an INCLUSIVE rowing center to serve Veterans and people with disabilities.

If you scull, gather sponsors & come row under the moonlight with RCiR!
Target goal is $363 per seat. 100 $ minimum to row.  or by going to the sponsor tab you can cut and paste the URL below and when you email your friends and family they can donate/sponor you!  It's simple and there is going to be a great party too!  Watch the 4 minute video below to understand the mission.

If you want to 'Sponsor a Rower', click HERE for more information!

100% of SPONSORSHIP dollars will be dedicated to the Capital Campaign and down payment of the
NEW rowing center at 20 Black Creek, just west of the Genesee River at Scottsville and Jefferson Roads.

Please watch this 4 minute video and you will understand the mission of our501c3 Not for Profit


In addition to rowing on the canal, there will be a party at the “Clubhouse at the Reserve”.



Contact Tim Giarusso
Email [email protected]
Phone 585-465-2634
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors No
High School No
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open Yes
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)