Ironmen Erg Classic
- Jan 21, 2023
- indoor
- 2000m
- Ramsey, NJ (USA)
- Hosted By: Don Bosco Preparatory High School
Welcome to the Ironmen Erg Classic
The following information and race procedures are provided for the convenience of the participating athletes, their coaches and spectators. Should you have any questions, please contact the race organizers. The race organizers may make corrections or changes to this information and these procedures before on-line registration closes.
Requirements to participate:
- All participants: Signed USRowing 2023 waiver: https://membership.usrowing.org/
General Information
- Entries and changes:
- All entries must be final by 11:59PM Eastern on January 18 in order to stage the race management system. Day-of-racing changes will be handled on a best effort basis but are not guaranteed. All competitors are required to submit their best time (or best estimate) for 2000 meters at registration in order to establish competitive seeding for events exceeding 45 competitors.
- Waivers: All rowers must sign a liability waiver(s) either when registering online. Minors (under 18) must have a parent or guardian's signature. No exceptions.
- Schedule:
- Event times are approximate and the schedule is subject to change. The schedule as printed on race day is the best estimate of when an event will begin. Rowers and coaches must allow sufficient time in advance of the scheduled event to accommodate any adjustments in timing that may be required.
- Events with >20 entries will be run as multiple flights.
- For PR3, High School Freshmen/Novice, and Masters events, sub-categories will be handled via the Division field in RegattaCentral rather than dividing these groups into separate events.
- Conduct, Safety, Health:
- Proper sportsmanship and decorum will be observed by rowers, coaches, and the audience. Rowers are expected to be properly attired for competition, including shirts. Race officials reserve the right to ask any person who is not behaving in a sportsman-like way to leave.
- Medical fitness to race, in the virtual environment, is the responsibility of the individual competitor and their coach.
- Medals: Medals will be awarded to all first, second and third place finishers per event number (for PR3, Freshman/Novice, and Masters events) for live events only. For events with multiple flights, results will be overall (not per-flight). For races run together (e.g. open and lightweight, freshman and novice, masters age groups), medals will be awarded per Division within the overall results.
- Cancellations: A backup date has been scheduled for (TBD). If the event is canceled due to weather or moved to virtual due to COVID, we will post a notice on our website about the alternative date. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds if an athlete cannot participate on the backup date or if extended outages cause cancelation of the backup date.
Junior rowers may enter events designated for older high school ages, but may not enter younger age events.
Freshmen are defined as high school grade 9. Novices may be any high school class year, but in their first year of rowing. Freshmen/Novice status will be determined via a Division field on the reg form.
Coxswain Events: A participant must have been exclusively a coxswain in competition (not an oarsman or oarswoman) during the previous year. Weigh-in is not required.
Lightweight events:
- Lightweight events will be offered based on weigh-in for in-person events, and on the honor system for virtual events. In-person weigh-in will be open from 8:30 AM - noon.
- Men:
- A men's lightweight Crew, including a single Scull (1x), shall have no Rower who weighs more than 165 lbs.
- A men's lightweight Youth Crew, including a single Scull (1x), shall have no Rower that weighs more than 155 lbs.
- Women:
- A women's lightweight Crew, including a single Scull (1x), shall have no Rower who weighs more than 135 lbs.
Master: Masters events are divided by decade for the Ironmen Erg Classic. Masters < 30 years should enter the Open category. Masters age categories will be calculated via a Division field in the reg form.
USRowing Indoor Rowing Championship Para Classifications Definitions are listed below. Note that for PR3 categories, a Division field will be available on the reg form.
- PR1 (AS): Arms and Shoulders - Rowers who use their arms and shoulders only. Rowers use strapping around their midsection to provide support and stability.
- PR2 (TA): Trunk and Arms - Rowers who have trunk and arm movement, who are unable to use their legs to propel the sliding seat.
- PR3 (PD/LTA): Physical Disability/Legs, Trunk and Arms and/or VI - Rowers who have the use of their legs, trunk and arms, who can utilize the sliding seat. Rowers may have a physical or visual impairment.
- PR3 (AK): Single Leg or Above Knee Amputee - Rowers who have the use of their single leg, trunk and arms, who can utilize the sliding seat. May wear prosthetic limb.
- PR3 (SA): Single Arm - Rowers who have the use of their single arm/hand and trunk, who can utilize the sliding seat.
- PR3 (ID): Intellectual Disability - Rowers who meet the eligibility/classification requirements set by INAS and managed domestically by Athletes Without Limits (http://www.athleteswithoutlimits.org). Additional subcategories may be included as part of the classification of PR3-ID for Competitors not meeting the requirements from INAS, but exhibiting similar permanent impairments. Examples include:
- PR3 (ID-M1): Legs, Trunk & Arms (Military - Post Traumatic Stress - PTSD)
- PR3 (ID-M2): Legs, Trunk & Arms (Military - Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI) Note: Military Rowers with a physical impairment and PTSD or TBI will row in the physical impairment class.
- PR3 (ID-1): Legs, Trunk & Arms (Intellectual Disability) 1. IQ of 75 or below (Weschler/WISC/WAIS, Stanford-Binet or Raven) 2. Significant limitations in Adaptive Behavior (Vineland, ABAS or Other) 3. Onset before age 18
- PR3 (ID-2): Legs, Trunk & Arms (Down Syndrome) 1. Diagnosis of Down Syndrome including type (Trisomy 21 or Mosaic) 2. Atlanto-Axial Instability status as either clear or asymptomatic 3. Athletes with Mosaic Down Syndrome must also provide evidence of intellectual disability
- PR3 (ID-3): Legs, Trunk & Arms (Autism) 1. A formal diagnosis of Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Asperger’s syndrome carried out by a qualified practitioner using accepted diagnostic techniques. 2. Does not meet IQ or Adaptive criteria for Intellectual Disability Class above (for example IQ is over 75).
- PR3 (VI): Allocated to Rowers with a verifiable and permanent visual impairment. Three subclasses are used in classification. Restrictions may be in place for events on the number of competitors in a crew with a specific subclass classification: PR3-B1, PR3-B2, PR3-B3 (formerly LTA-B1, LTA-B2, LTA-B3): allocated to Rowers based on their visual acuity to the standards set by the IBSA.
Race Director: The Race Director is responsible for the performance of the race. The Director will assist volunteers in making the race a memorable event for the athletes, coaches and spectators. After consultation, as deemed necessary, with the Referee, Organizing committee leaders and interested parties, the Director will resolve any concerns or disputes outside the competition area.
Race Computer and Control Desk: This race will be conducted and times recorded using the Time-Team Regatta System. The Control Desk operators must focus on each race and are not available to athletes, coaches or spectators. The times of individual rowers also will be manually recorded after their race as a backup.
Results: Unofficial results will be displayed on the leaderboard at the end of each race. If there are competitors who need to submit results manually with a verification code, official results may be delayed. Official results will be announced on the livestream during breaks between subsequent races.
- Address any protest to the Race Director immediately after your race.
- The Race Director will adjudicate the complaint following consultation with the coaches and Control Desk.
- Other concerns and complaints, not associated with the race, regarding the event should be addressed to the Race Director.