Cooper Cup

  • Hosted By: South Jersey Rowing Club
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta


Course and Venue Map


Trailer Parking Map

Trailer parking will be tight.  Please be considerate of other teams. Trailers must be parked in line with space arround them. 

The Garden State Scholastic Championships take place on Saturday.
We will not be able to park our trailers until they clear out.  Do not arrive prior to 4:30 PM.
  Please follow the instructions of those directing the parking of trailers.  Teams racing Saturday AND Sunday must park in a designated area of the trailer parking lot.

The first trailers to arrive should back up to the walkway along North Park Dr.  and continue to pull in next to each other going around the perimeter.  Once we bring the trailers all the way around we will back trailers into place in front of those on the perimeter.  Please leave about 12 feet side to side and enough room back to front to get your boats out of the center racks.  

Once your trailer is parked, the truck must move out of the parking area.  The secondary lot will be used. Trailers should fill in from the finish side of the lot.

Overflow Trailer Parking and Team Tent Map

You may set up your tents Saturday after 4:30 pm or before 8:00 AM Sunday. If you choose to set your tents up after these specified times you will not be able to pull your chuck wagon into the tent area and will have to carry your supplies from the parking areas.

Tents and Chuck Wagons - Enter off North Park Drive at about the intersection of Donahue Dr and N. Park.  There is a gravel driveway with Camden County and SJRC officials present to assist.  Tent locations are first come first served.  Please be considerate of other teams and allow space for everyone.

Tow vehicles and chuck wagons must be unloaded and moved to the chuck wagon parking area along North Park Blvd. No vehicles are permitted next to your tent and you will be towed by the park police. 

  • Please leave your area as you found it. It is your responsibility to properly dispose of trash.
  • No tent shall be within 100 feet of the finish line.