USRowing NW Regional Masters Championship

  • Jun 26, 2009 To Jun 28, 2009
  • sprint
  • Vancouver Lake
  • Vancouver, WA (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, June 26, 2009
1 MixC4x Mixed C 4x
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
A. Moyers/C. Otis/S. Stein/W. Kalenius
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
B. Argo/M. Uhlenbruck/J. Milliken/S. Wareing
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
A. Berk/G. Illmayer/K. Dann/D. Rivers
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
E. Jacobs/R. Thoreson/M. Hagman/K. Rogers
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
    North Cascades Crew (A)
F. Brainerd/W. Clark/G. Williams/R. Bollman
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
K. Flynn/G. Steiger/m. fischer/R. Ramsey
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
D. Voicu/M. Biery/H. Yuse/w. Beeman
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
E. Simeon/B. Walstrom/E. Derby/G. Wespi
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Litherland/S. Sobat/P. Harris/L. Benning
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
D. Weller/E. Gill/L. Krisman/N. Murphy
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
R. Williams/B. Kronick/D. Versteeg/T. Wood
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
T. Hill/L. Ramsay/P. Desjardins/D. McGregor
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
T. Andrews/J. Conlu/N. Biery/S. Struzyna
2 WA+Ltwt2- Womens A+ Ltwt 2-
3 MF2x Mens F 2x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
R. Gleitsman/D. Hirsch
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club (A)
S. Schaffran/D. Bort
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
R. Poole/S. Rogers
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
R. Bigauskas/R. Brown
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
J. Robinson/J. Alberti
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
R. Arlas/T. Cook
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
S. Jones/T. Weatherby
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
R. Myrand/P. Klinkow
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
J. Hauser/J. Janetty
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
D. Costello/S. Brown
4 Mens D+ Ltwt 2x
5 WC+Nov1x Womens C+ Novice 1x
6 MB1x Mens B 1x
7 MixD4x Mixed D 4x
8 WB2- Womens B 2-
9 MA+Nov4+ Mens A+ Novice 4+
10 Womens C Ltwt 1x
11 WE4x Womens E 4x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
A. Moyers/A. Shonstrom/S. Peters/E. Hamann
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
C. Tronquet/C. Lombardi/L. Wingfield/D. Gordon
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
L. Ramsay/D. Morris/E. West/K. Crawley
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
A. Bekkers/M. Harper/M. Lamb/N. Miner
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
A. Wade/E. Booth/L. Iverson/J. Cullen
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
M. Gradwell/G. Lamy/A. Meck/C. Mace
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
J. Bates-Smith/M. Paulson/K. Bell/C. Cooper
12 Womens F+ 4x
13 MA+Ltwt2- Mens A+ Ltwt 2-
14 Mens E+ Ltwt 1x
15 WA+Nov4+ Womens A+ Novice 4+
16 ME4+ Mens E 4+
17 Mixed B 4x
18 Mens A+ Novice 1x
19 MAA-A2x Mens AA-A 2x
20 WC8+ Womens C 8+
21 MC2x Mens C 2x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
S. Knox/E. Glatte
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
J. Gardiner/M. Uhlenbruck
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
A. Berk/G. Illmayer
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
m. fischer/S. Wade
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
D. Lingenfelder/P. Carroll
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
H. Haefker/D. Trosper
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
G. Naden/J. Bolcer
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
D. Voicu/M. Biery
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
E. Zapel/M. Ripley
    Oregon Association of Rowers (B)
D. Horton/C. Spencer
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
P. Harris/S. Litherland
22 Mens AA-A 8+
23 Womens A 2x
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
S. Tiede/L. Shapka
    Lake Union Crew (A)
G. Gloystein/T. Smith
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
K. Tytus/J. Potter
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
K. Eiber/J. Shattuck
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
P. Luong/K. Buels
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
D. Burgess/H. Bidwell
    Lake Union Crew (B)
E. Larsen/J. Vitale
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
J. Orr/C. Rowley
    Lake Union Crew (C)
A. Edwards/C. McClain
    Lake Union Crew (D)
M. Leco/J. Culbert
24 Womens AA 2x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
H. Hopkins/K. Cook
    Everett Rowing Association (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
K. Morch/K. Phillips
25 Mixed E+ 4+
26 MA+Ltwt4x Mens A+ Ltwt 4x
27 MixB4+ Mixed B 4+
28 MD4x Mens D 4x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
S. Knox/E. Glatte/R. Lavoy/D. Dammann
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Venezia/B. Martin/C. Young/F. Lofberg
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/D. McGregor/G. Illmayer/L. Chung
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
D. Weller/E. Gill/G. Schoch/J. Hoyt
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
T. Hawker/C. Volkovskis/P. Desjardins/K. Weir
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (B)
M. Ripley/E. Zapel/B. Horsley/S. Engelhard
29 Womens B Ltwt 4+
30 WD4+ Womens D 4+
31 Mens B 2-
32 WB1x Womens B 1x
33 WCLtwt2x Womens C Ltwt 2x
34 MixAA-A8+ Mixed AA-A 8+
35 WD+Ltwt8+ Womens D+ Ltwt 8+
Saturday, June 27, 2009
36 ME1x Mens E 1x
37 WE2- Womens E 2-
38 WF+2- Womens F+ 2-
39 MC4+ Mens C 4+
40 WC4x Womens C 4x
41 Womens A-B Novice 1x
42 MixF2x Mixed F 2x
43 MixG+2x Mixed G+ 2x
44 MB2x Mens B 2x
45 WAA-A8+ Womens AA-A 8+
46 MD8+ Mens D 8+
47 WD2x Womens D 2x
48 Womens B Ltwt 1x
49 MixAA2x Mixed AA 2x
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
A. Berk/K. Phillips
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
J. Marolich/D. Carroll
50 Mens B 4x
51 WB4+ Womens B 4+
52 Womens D+ Ltwt 4+
53 ME+2- Mens E+ 2-
54 Womens AA-A Ltwt 1x
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
K. Morch
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
M. Lai
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
L. Shapka
55 Womens E+ 1x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
D. Gordon
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Madison
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club (A)
E. Braithwaite
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
D. Bartholomew
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
E. West
    Lake Union Crew (A)
J. Gardner
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Pendleton
    North Cascades Crew (A)
K. Runyon
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
E. Garlisch
    Portland Boat Club (A)
M. Mccormick
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
T. Knox
56 MixB8+ Mixed B 8+
57 MC1x Mens C 1x
58 MF1x Mens F 1x
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
J. McLaughlin
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
R. Brown
    Green Lake Crew (A)
C. Cooley
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
T. Cook
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
G. Rohner
    Open Water Rowing Center (A)
D. Bort
59 WC2- Womens C 2-
60 MAA-A4+ Mens AA-A 4+
61 Mens C+ Ltwt 4+
62 WAA-A4x Womens AA-A 4x
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
K. Russell/S. Wareing/J. Milliken/A. Takacs-Cox
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
K. Morch/L. Shapka/S. Tiede/K. Phillips
    Lake Union Crew (A)
G. Gloystein/C. McClain/J. Powell/M. Bledsoe
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
    Lake Union Crew (C)
N. Gulsrud/C. Luscombe/J. Culbert/A. Overall
63 WD+Ltwt4x Womens D+ Ltwt 4x
64 MixD8+ Mixed D 8+
65 MixC8+ Mixed C 8+
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
N. Duryea/J. Watson/C. Young/D. Kelley/B. Martin/E. Olson/T. Brady/L. Brown/M. Lehman (Cox)
    Commencement Bay Rowing Club (A)
R. Maitlen/G. Howe/M. Gardner/A. Udbye/L. Friesen/P. Wensley/K. Udbye/M. Jackson/C. Semen (Cox)
    Everett Rowing Association (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
T. Hill/L. Ramsay/A. Berk/G. Illmayer/D. McGregor/P. Desjardins/M. Paulson/K. Dann/K. Morch (Cox)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
M. Williams/A. Skilling/A. Kriefall/K. Meyer/M. Todd/B. Shaw/S. Whitehead/L. Stapp/M. Randles (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
G. Weigum/E. East/T. Dreiling/B. Skilling/R. Love/D. Giblin/B. Read/A. Rudolph/J. Emery (Cox)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
T. O'Bey/S. Ellmann/P. Opalka/A. Kolvenbach/D. Johns/L. Reitzes/S. Eliza/E. McLanahan/R. Kimura (Cox)
66 MD2x Mens D 2x
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Venezia/F. Lofberg
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
B. Argo/A. Grant
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/L. Chung
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
R. Ramsey/R. Maki
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
J. Metras/J. O'Brien
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
M. Ripley/S. Engelhard
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
P. Desjardins/K. Weir
    Gorge Rowing Club (C)
T. Hawker/C. Volkovskis
67 MH+2x Mens H+ 2x
68 MG2x Mens G 2x
69 WD8+ Womens D 8+
70 Mens B 8+
71 Womens D+ Ltwt 2x
72 WB2x Womens B 2x
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
G. Rijniersce/T. Fraser
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
T. Hill/S. Low
    Lake Union Crew (A)
T. Buckner/M. Bledsoe
    North Cascades Crew (A)
W. Clark/R. Bollman
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
R. Thompson/L. Baker
    Portland Women's Rowing (A)
A. Cole/C. Molloseau
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
A. Chan/N. Biery
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
K. Buels/J. Schaffer
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Sobat/L. Benning
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
D. Versteeg/K. Eckelmeyer
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (B)
S. Wareing/A. Takacs-Cox
    Lake Union Crew (B)
S. Huschle/D. Parker
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
L. Kelly/J. Reid
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (D)
T. Gambrel/C. Easton
73 Mens E+ 4x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
R. Lavoy/J. Lusa/D. Dammann/B. Crawford
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
F. Rudge/R. Bigauskas/J. Wrinch/R. Brown
    Green Lake Crew (A)
B. Cameron/R. Johnson/B. Ketcham/A. Wright
    Lake Union Crew (A)
T. Dreiling/R. Love/T. Marseille/B. Skilling
    North Cascades Crew (A)
B. McIsaac/G. Williams/W. Matheny/D. Hoffman
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
B. Cullen/S. Wade/G. Rohner/J. Bertolini
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
S. Merritt/T. Weatherby/S. Jones/R. Relyea
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
R. Myrand/P. Klinkow/C. McPherson/R. McDaniel
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
B. Lamb/C. Molholm/D. Harrison/T. Lathrop
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
J. Kratochvil/J. Meyerhoff/C. Otis/T. Wood
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
C. Prufer/D. Hirsch/E. Glatte/R. Gleitsman
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
R. Arlas/C. Cross/T. Cook/F. Gomez
74 MixC4+ Mixed C 4+
75 Womens E+ 4+
76 MC-D2- Mens C-D 2-
77 Mixed AA-A 4x
78 WC1x Womens C 1x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
R. Eckert
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
N. Mitchell
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
L. Ramsay
    Lake Union Crew (A)
L. Schwefel
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
M. Mand
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
T. Taylor
79 MixE2x Mixed E 2x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
J. Sims/J. Wallis
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
D. Morris/L. Chung
    Green Lake Crew (A)
G. Naden/S. Duncan
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
J. Robinson/S. Jandrall
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
D. Lingenfelder/D. Raile
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
D. Trosper/C. Schneider
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
R. Bergdahl/S. Struzyna
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
S. Knox/T. Knox
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
F. Rudge/K. Crawley
    Green Lake Crew (B)
L. Yaffe/J. Gardner
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (E)
M. Clark/L. Jones
80 Mens G+ 1x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
B. Heacox
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
J. McLaughlin
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
R. Iverson
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club (A)
S. Schaffran
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association (A)
P. Goodbody
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Wrinch
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
B. Cullen
    Open Water Rowing Center (A)
D. Lay
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
C. Spencer
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
H. Wurster
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
B. Farentinos
81 MA1x Mens A 1x
82 WAA-A2- Womens AA-A 2-
83 MD4+ Mens D 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
T. Goss/J. Shepard/D. Dale/B. Fleet/R. Turnbull (Cox)
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Venezia/F. Lofberg/C. Young/E. Olson/M. Lehmann (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/L. Chung/G. Illmayer/A. Berk/K. Morch (Cox)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
B. Christie/L. ODonnell/D. Trop/M. Todd/O. Hiskey (Cox)
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Kemp/B. Farmer/S. Nnnn/G. Hall/C. Rapson (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
B. Lamka/W. Perkins/P. McCabe/K. Sjoblom/A. Landgraf (Cox)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
B. Morser/C. Atwood/E. Zapel/M. Ripley/N. Maxwell (Cox)
84 WD4x Womens D 4x
85 MixE+8+ Mixed E+ 8+
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
J. Crawford/D. Roelse/M. Bashaw/R. Iverson/J. Lusa/R. Gleitsman/B. West/C. Prufer/B. Hoffmann (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Bates-Smith/E. West/F. Rudge/R. Brown/J. Wrinch/R. Bigauskas/K. Crawley/K. Bell/K. Phillips (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
K. Roach/M. Love/R. Love/T. Dreiling/T. Marseille/B. Skilling/C. Dreiling/K. Sabo/T. Boedecker (Cox)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
C. Johnson/G. Hall/M. Bachman/J. Estill/P. McDonald/R. Werner/S. Reekie/A. Williams/C. Rapson (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
    Montlake Rowing Club (A)
C. Costigan/K. Sjoblom/D. Gee/T. Coyne/M. Laliberte/J. Abe/G. Oistad/M. Swindley/D. Lonheim (Cox)
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
C. Wolfe/H. Miller/L. Healey/D. Law/B. Kerrigan/D. Hansen/Z. Vandergrift/E. Booth/M. Toyama (Cox)
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
D. Harrison/T. Lathrop/B. Lamb/C. Molholm/S. Rudosky/S. Hume/J. Gibbard/D. Harden/J. Peter (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
B. Cook/C. Cross/F. Gomez/J. Hayward/k. starr/R. Ball/R. Arlas/S. Macleod/A. Fidelholtz (Cox)
86 MixB2x Mixed B 2x
87 Mens A-B Ltwt 4+
Sunday, June 28, 2009
88 MixAA-A4+ Mixed AA-A 4+
89 WB8+ Womens B 8+
90 Mens E+ 8+
91 Womens A-B Ltwt 2x
92 WE2x Womens E 2x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
E. Hamann/A. Shonstrom
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
R. Pratt/I. Baker
    Everett Rowing Association (A)
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
D. Morris/K. Crawley
    Green Lake Crew (A)
S. Duncan/J. Gardner
    Lake Union Crew (A)
K. Sabo/L. Schwefel
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
K. Weisman/G. Calvin
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
D. Klein/C. Curran
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
D. Jackson/T. Smith
    Conibear Rowing Club (B)
P. Sparling/K. Hart
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
M. Paulson/C. Cooper
    Ashland Rowing Club (E)
L. Wingfield/D. Gordon
93 WF2x Womens F 2x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
J. Cope/D. Fairbanks
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Bates-Smith/K. Bell
    Green Lake Crew (A)
R. Hackett/A. Martin
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Pendleton/A. Williams
    Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A)
    Montlake Rowing Club (A)
M. Swindley/S. McKain
    Portland Boat Club (A)
A. Echeverria/M. McCormick
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
M. Wurster/R. Scholz
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
C. Singer/C. Congdon
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
C. Gerking/T. Knox
    Ashland Rowing Club (C)
G. Lamy/M. Gradwell
    Ashland Rowing Club (D)
B. West/J. Crawford
94 MixD4+ Mixed D 4+
95 MixA2x Mixed A 2x
96 Mens C 4x
97 WC4+ Womens C 4+
98 Womens AA-A Ltwt 4+
99 Mens AA-A 2-
100 MixD2x Mixed D 2x
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
E. West/K. Weir
    Green Lake Crew (A)
M. Merta/R. Hackett
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
R. Thoreson/K. Rogers
    North Cascades Crew (A)
G. Williams/R. Bollman
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
H. Haefker/C. Schneider
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
A. Glasfeld/M. Murdock
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Kronick/T. Wood
    North Cascades Crew (B)
D. Hoffman/T. Potebnya
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (D)
S. McCall/S. Macdonald
    Pocock Youth Rowing (D)
W. Perkins/E. Rosenkrantz
101 MixC2x Mixed C 2x
102 MA+Nov8+ Mens A+ Novice 8+
103 Womens A 1x
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
J. Tsao
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
T. Gambrel
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
S. Low
    Lake Union Crew (A)
C. McClain
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
J. Potter
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
M. Petewon
    Portland Women's Rowing (A)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
K. Buels
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (B)
A. Chen
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
K. Shackleford
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (C)
A. Dietrich
104 Womens AA 1x
105 MAA1x Mens AA 1x
106 WA+Nov8+ Womens A+ Novice 8+
107 Mens C Ltwt 1x
108 MD1x Mens D 1x
    Anchorage Rowing Association (A)
M. Chriss
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
G. Dull
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine
    Green Lake Crew (A)
G. Naden
    Lake Union Crew (A)
C. Vondrasek
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
R. Maki
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
K. Keller
    Lake Union Crew (B)
L. Yaffe
109 WD2- Womens D 2-
110 MB4+ Mens B 4+
111 Mens F+ 4+
112 WB4x Womens B 4x
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
T. Morgan/K. Skanderup/S. Smith/E. Horsnell
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
L. Uhlenbruck/G. Rijniersce/T. Fraser/J. Bigler
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
S. Macdonald/L. Jones/C. Easton/T. Gambrel
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
T. Hill/S. Low/K. Dann/D. Rivers
    North Cascades Crew (A)
W. Clark/R. Bollman/J. Rochon/S. Perales
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
A. Smith/K. Flynn/E. Garlisch/g. VanDusen
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
S. Walther/S. Zachem/R. Thompson/L. Baker
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
H. Yuse/M. Watson/J. Shattuck/w. Beeman
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
E. Simeon/L. Wylder/P. Luong/K. Buels
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Sobat/L. Benning/D. Burgess/H. Bidwell
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (B)
K. Russell/S. Wareing/J. Milliken/A. Takacs-Cox
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (B)
H. Kramer/J. Waeschle/L. Brodie/M. Bertolini
    Sammamish Rowing Association (C)
L. Player/C. Dietz/D. Crisler/S. Bliesner
113 Womens E+ Ltwt 1x
114 Mens A-C Ltwt 2x
115 Womens D Ltwt 1x
116 ME2x Mens E 2x
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
F. Rudge/D. McGregor
    Green Lake Crew (A)
B. Hanson/C. Cooley
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
P. Opalka/M. White
    Portland Rowing Club (A)
R. Genske/D. Robbins
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
D. Struzyna/R. Bergdahl
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
R. Myrand/R. McDaniel
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
S. Engelhard/S. Haworth
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
J. Wrinch/P. Desjardins
117 Womens E+ 8+
118 WA-CLtwt8+ Womens A-C Ltwt 8+
119 MC8+ Mens C 8+
120 WC2x Womens C 2x
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Madison/N. Mitchell
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
J. Watson/T. Foreman
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
L. Uhlenbruck/J. Bigler
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
D. Bartholomew/A. Pearse
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
K. Dann/D. Rivers
    Lake Union Crew (A)
M. Fitzpatrick/K. Neeley
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
K. Flynn/G. Steiger
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
D. Raile/M. Petewon
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
B. Walstrom/J. Schaffer
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
C. Golberg/M. Mand
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
H. Zapel/K. Goforth
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
S. Rudosky/J. Gibbard
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (B)
A. Takacs-Cox/K. Russell
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (B)
J. Woehrle/L. McDonald
121 Mixed E+ 4x
    Ashland Rowing Club (A)
L. Wingfield/D. Gordon/B. Crawford/D. Dammann
    Gorge Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/D. Morris/K. Crawley/L. Chung
    Green Lake Crew (A)
B. Hanson/C. Cooley/R. Hackett/A. Martin
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
J. Robinson/J. Alberti/R. Alexander/B. Connoly
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
H. Kramer/J. Cullen/B. Cullen/J. Bertolini
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
D. Lingenfelder/J. Redner/D. Cornitius/J. Juhlin
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
P. Goodbody/H. Wurster/M. Wurster/N. Murphy
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
S. Engelhard/S. Haworth/C. Singer/J. Peterson
    Ashland Rowing Club (B)
J. Cope/R. Iverson/C. Prufer/C. Huffman
    Gorge Rowing Club (B)
M. Paulson/F. Rudge/R. Bigauskas/K. Bell
    Green Lake Crew (B)
R. Scholz/A. Wright/B. Ketcham/C. Buchanan
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (B)
B. Horsley/B. Morser/D. Jackson/T. Smith
    Gorge Rowing Club (C)
J. Bates-Smith/J. Wrinch/C. Cooper/R. Brown
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (E)
J. McCall/S. Mccall/M. Clark/B. Ryan
122 WAA-A4+ Womens AA-A 4+
123 Womens C Ltwt 4+
124 Mens A+ 8+
125 WA-CLtwt4x Womens A-C Ltwt 4x
126 WD1x Womens D 1x
127 Mens D Ltwt 1x
128 Mens A-B 1x
129 MAA-A4x Mens AA-A 4x
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change