Chicago Sprints

  • Hosted By: Lincoln Park Boat Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, July 11, 2009
01 Mens Open 1x (MO1x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
D. Williams
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
A. Chin
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
E. Lev
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Rowing Club
S. Bechler
    St. Louis Rowing Club
J. Thomas
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Wagnor
    St. Louis Rowing Club
J. Iqbal
    Unaffiliated (USA)
R. Ryback
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Miller
02 Mens Ltwt 1x (ML1x)
03 Mens Junior 1x (MJ1x)
04 Mens Masters 8+ (MM8+)
    Chicago Rowing Union (A)
J. Di Giamberdine/S. Triplett/R. Hiett/J. Sanders/B. Mataya/A. Rosenstein/S. Bord/E. Kasley/A. Chacon (Cox)
1.6 (36)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
L. Matthews/D. Smith/P. Turney/C. Richardson/J. Darnell/J. Todd/S. Bombassei/J. Karney/J. Lambe (Cox)
1.3 (35)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
T. Lieb/M. Strohmeyer/K. Krause/C. Cook/A. Vitale/R. Uttenhove/D. Hori/S. Sharp/G. Signorino (Cox)
8.0 (47)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (B)
J. Fargo/T. Brooks/L. Richards/W. Brewer/R. Boi/E. Hillerbrand/M. Casadas/M. Shields/E. Weseman (Cox)
16.8 (56)
05 Womens Open 4+ (WO4+)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
P. Nyklova/P. Milla/R. Williams/E. Charnowski/G. Signorino (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
    Twin Cities Youth Rowing Club (A)
A. Zvosec/E. Sabourin/M. Olson/A. Gavin/M. Kelly (Cox)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (B)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (B)
A. Gordon/S. Barth/D. Hopkins/L. Jones/D. Kwon (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (B)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (C)
M. Farmand/B. Seely/S. Casnocha/P. Agathen/C. Sondag (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (D)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (E)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (F)
06 Womens Open 1x (WO1x)
07 Womens Ltwt 1x (WL1x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
M. Conway
    Unaffiliated (USA)
L. Benes
08 Womens Junior 1x (WJ1x)
09 Womens Masters Ltwt 4+ (WML4+)
10 Mens Open 2x (MO2x)
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
N. Carman/E. Lev
    Mendota Development Camp
    St. Louis Rowing Club
J. Thomas/M. Wagnor
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Wagnor
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
P. Helfer/M. Lindberg
11 Mens Junior 2x (MJ2x)
12 Mens Masters 2x (MM2x)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
19.4 (57)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
A. Chin/A. Hollingsworth
1.4 (35)
    Prairie Rowing
J. Sanders/D. Lee
19.4 (57)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
C. Cook/C. Schagrin
25.0 (61)
13 Womens Masters 8+ (WM8+)
14 Womens Junior 8+ (WJ8+)
15 Womens Open 2- (WO2-)
16 Mens/Womens Adaptive 1x (M/WA1x)
17 Mens/Womens Adaptive 4+ (M/WA4+)
18 Womens Ltwt 4+ (WL4+)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
W. Wagner/L. Langton/E. Galvis/A. Coletti/D. Westervelt (Cox)
19 Mens Open 4+ (MO4+)
    Chicago Rowing Union (A)
J. Di Giamberdine/C. Wu/J. Pruitt/R. Hiett/L. Ferreira (Cox)
    Cincinnati Jr. Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
L. Brown/G. Olscamp/B. Record/C. Wagner/B. Kallmeyer (Cox)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
S. Neumann/T. White/K. Salvesen/D. Larsen/S. Munoz (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
    Twin Cities Youth Rowing Club (A)
E. Walter/M. Langseth/A. Izek/P. Truwit/D. Goodman (Cox)
    Upper Arlington Crew, Inc. (A)
    Cincinnati Jr. Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
E. Garbon/A. Spaulding/J. Pieper/J. Smith/T. Bode (Cox)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (B)
I. Gilbertson/M. Smith/R. Freeman/J. Dyer/K. Wright (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (B)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (C)
P. Hunt/P. Turney/G. Ryan/B. Coupe/N. Zhang (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (C)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (D)
L. Matthews/K. Kane/J. Hartman/J. Karney/L. Fish (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (D)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (E)
R. Klein/K. Oshita/J. Schrader/C. Hughes/J. Lambe (Cox)
20 Mens Novice 8+ (MN8+)
21 Womens Novice 8+ (WN8+)
22 Womens Open 8+ (WO8+)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
E. Hartwig/K. Leaf/C. Palmer-Rehorst/C. Costello/J. Bailey/A. Santaga/E. Richards/C. Frigo/K. Schmidt (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (B)
S. Jonas/A. Putlak/S. Knudsen/A. Fritz/L. Dess/A. Santaga/A. Stewart/C. Cross/J. Pavelec (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (C)
23 Mens Open 2- (MO2-)
    Grand Valley State University Rowing Club
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
K. Oshita/J. Dyer
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    Mendota Development Camp
    St. Louis Rowing Club
S. Williams/J. Iqbal
24 Mixed Masters 2x (MxM2x)
25 Mixed Open 2x (MxO2x)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
M. Spero/T. Gaal
    Indianapolis Rowing Center
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
P. Stekl/I. Stekl
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Gary/L. Benes
26 Womens Ltwt 8+ (WL8+)
27 Mens Ltwt 8+( ML8+)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
28 Mens Masters 1x (MM1x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
F. Cureau
18.2 (54)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
D. Williams
0.6 (32)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
J. Downs
16.9 (53)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
B. Walt
0.9 (33)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
G. Alexandru
5.6 (42)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
J. Levinson
16.9 (53)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
0.0 (0)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
28.9 (61)
    OKC Riversport
J. Sanders
15.6 (52)
    Prairie Rowing
D. Lee
30.6 (62)
    Toledo Rowing Club
G. Prince
15.6 (52)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Miller
3.0 (38)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
11.0 (48)
    Western Reserve Rowing Association
B. Whitehead
12.1 (49)
29 Mens Masters Ltwt 1x (MML1x)
30 Womens Junior 2x (WJ2x)
31 Mens Novice 4+
32 Womens Masters 1x (WM1x)
33 Womens Masters Ltwt 1x (WML1x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
F. Tuite
14.4 (51)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
L. Keller
28.9 (61)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
J. Czerniawski
25.6 (59)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
30.6 (62)
    OKC Riversport
5.6 (42)
    Westerville Rowing Club
C. Hill
19.6 (55)
34 Womens Masters 4+ (WM4+)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
0.0 (26)
    Recovery on Water, Inc. (A)
15.7 (54)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
3.7 (40)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
1.7 (36)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (B)
7.8 (46)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (C)
J. Dautel/A. Wysocki/M. Petrone/M. Padilla/C. Richardson (Cox)
0.2 (30)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (C)
P. Milla/P. Nyklova/E. Charnowski/M. Farmand/C. Uding (Cox)
0.0 (0)
35 Womens Novice 4+
36 Mens Open 4x
37 Womens Open 4x
38 Womens Junior 4+ (WJ4+)
39 Mens Junior 4+ (MJ4+)
40 Mens Open 8+ (MO8+)
    Chicago Rowing Union (A)
W. Moudry/C. Wu/B. Mataya/J. Di Giamberdine/A. Boyer/E. Kasley/C. King/P. Leischner/A. Chacon (Cox)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
S. Neumann/T. White/I. Gilbertson/M. Smith/R. Freeman/D. Larsen/K. Salvesen/J. Dyer/K. Wright (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (B)
J. Karney/K. Kane/R. Klein/K. Oshita/J. Schrader/P. Hunt/J. Hartman/C. Hughes/L. Fish (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (B)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (C)
A. Graver/D. Smith/B. Coupe/M. Laufenberg/J. Todd/S. Kazmierczak/J. Maupin/G. Ryan/S. Munoz (Cox)
    Mendota Development Camp (C)
    Mendota Development Camp (D)
    Mendota Development Camp (E)
41 Womens Masters 2x (WM2x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
W. Lang/M. Willmott
12.4 (51)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
L. Keller/H. Woodford
25.0 (61)
    Tulsa Rowing Club
S. Dudding/J. Taubel
1.4 (35)
42 Mens Ltwt 4+) (ML4+)
43 Mens Masters Ltwt 4+ (MML4+)
44 Mens Rec 1x (MRec1x)
45 Mens Junior 8+ (MJ8+)
46 Womens Open 2x (WO2x)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
m. conway/F. Tuite
    Northwestern University Crew
    Recovery on Water, Inc.
J. Gibbons/S. Moore
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
C. Palmer-Rehorst/C. Frigo
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
C. Costello/K. Leaf
    Tulsa Rowing Club
S. Dudding/J. Taubel
47 Womens Rec 1x (WRec1x)
48 Mens Masters 4+ (MM4+)
    Chicago Rowing Union (A)
J. Pruitt/P. Engert/P. Leischner/S. Triplett/J. Sartori (Cox)
1.4 (35)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
P. Turney/D. Smith/I. Gilbertson/S. Kazmierczak/N. Zhang (Cox)
0.3 (31)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
T. Lieb/K. Krause/A. Vitale/M. Strohmeyer/G. Signorino (Cox)
8.6 (47)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (B)
A. Graver/C. Richardson/J. Darnell/J. Todd/A. Chacon (Cox)
1.7 (36)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (B)
A. Black/R. Uttenhove/D. Hori/S. Sharp/D. Kwon (Cox)
4.9 (42)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (C)
J. Fargo/T. Brooks/T. Wiegand/W. Brewer/D. Brewer (Cox)
11.4 (50)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (D)
M. Casadas/R. Boi/R. Kemmer/R. Richardson/L. McClure (Cox)
26.5 (62)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (E)
R. Maus/L. Quinn/B. Walt/L. Hoersten/C. Richardson (Cox)
0.0 (27)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (F)
L. Richards/E. Hillerbrand/J. Jones/M. Shields/L. McClure (Cox)
15.7 (54)
49 Mixed 8+ (Mx8+)
    Chicago Rowing Union (A)
S. Lobdell/W. Moudry/T. Ballesteros/R. Mitchell/R. Hiett/J. Di Giamberdine/E. Barrios/S. Triplett/L. Ferreira (Cox)
    Chicago Training Center (A)
L. Gonzales/A. Herrera/C. Skelding/C. Skelding/Y. Villanueva/E. Harris/L. Navarro/E. Sarich/B. Hansen (Cox)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (A)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
T. Lieb/K. Krause/A. Vitale/S. Williams/R. Harris/P. Milla/C. Hoelscher/E. Charnowski/L. Jones (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
E. Hartwig/J. Bailey/A. Frigo/M. Lindberg/J. Schumaker/J. Heinrich/L. Proctor-Brown/A. Santaga/K. Schmidt (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club (B)
    Lincoln Park Boat Club (C)
J. Dautel/A. Wysocki/R. Maus/A. Pani/B. Walt/L. Quinn/M. Petrone/M. Hassett/C. Richardson (Cox)
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change