Schuylkill Navy Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, June 16, 2007
01 Disabled Double - 1000 meters
02 Mens Novice Single - 1000 meters
03 Womens Novice Singles - 1000 meters
04 Mens Open 2-
05 Womens Open 2-
06 Masters Mixed Double - 1000 meters
07 Mens Masters Four - 1000 meters
08 Womens Masters Four - 1000 meters
09 Womens Masters Single - 1000 meters
    Alexandria Community Rowing
B. Hollins
5.6 (42)
    Bachelors Barge Club
C. Pavlak
21.0 (56)
    Bachelors Barge Club
T. Hogan
18.2 (54)
    Bachelors Barge Club
S. Cohen
18.2 (54)
    Bachelors Barge Club
K. Tetlow
48.4 (71)
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Michel
21.0 (56)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
T. Ruckwardt
0.4 (31)
    Buckingham Browne & Nichols
B. Oneill
32.4 (63)
    Buckingham Browne & Nichols
K. Blankley
0.9 (33)
    Capital Rowing Club
M. Fryc
1.6 (35)
    Capital Rowing Club
A. Flickinger
0.6 (32)
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association
V. Oomen
1.6 (35)
    GMS Rowing Center
K. L'Hommedieu
19.6 (55)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
K. Agersborg
8.1 (45)
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc.
G. DeAngelis
11.0 (48)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
Z. LaCava
21.0 (56)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
S. Farewell
13.2 (50)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
E. Green
57.6 (75)
    Swan Creek Rowing Club
P. Glover
21.0 (56)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
M. Sherman
18.2 (54)
    University Barge Club
M. Hilf
10.0 (47)
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Carver
38.0 (66)
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Kaplow
42.0 (68)
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Franklin
16.9 (53)
    Yorktown High School
G. Edie
25.6 (59)
10 Womens Lightweight Masters Single - 1000 meters
11 Mens Ltwt Single
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
I. Baldytchev
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
A. Quinn
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
G. Kaplan
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
S. Wisnewski
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
J. Olson
    Vesper Boat Club
D. Scholz
12 Womens Ltwt Single
13 Womens Intermediate Ltwt Single
14 Mens Intermediate Ltwt Single
15 Womens Intermediate Single
16 Mens Intermediate Single
    Capital Rowing Club
R. Best
    Durham Boat Club
T. Pettitt
    New York Athletic Club
K. Wennersten
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
S. Medcalf
    Unaffiliated (USA)
T. Cotreau
    Wide Load Boat Club
N. Couraud
17 Mens Senior Single
18 Womens Open Single
19 Mens Open Single
20 Womens Junior Single
21 Mens Junior Single
22 Mens Masters Single - 1000 meters
23 Mens Ltwt Masters Single - 1000 meters
24 Mens Open 4 w/o
    Colgate University Mens Crew (A)
A. Perez/O. Jensen/M. Cassone/P. Leahey
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
C. Jungbluth/N. Davies/D. Huntington/C. Brown
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
A. Quinn/C. Greenleaf/M. Lynch/C. Dodson
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. Marcovy/N. Carter/J. Velez/M. Voorhees
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
M. Ross/J. Caldwell/D. Cammarata/R. Fallanejhad
25 Mens Intermediate Pair w/o
    Greenwich Crew
R. Eldridge/A. Reino
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
J. McKenna/B. Erickson
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
R. Anderson/J. Laird
    Potomac Boat Club
J. Moncton/A. Huertas
    Union Boat Club
P. Rufo/J. Besser
26 Womens Intermediate Pair w/o
27 Womens Masters Double - 1000 meters
    Alexandria Community Rowing
B. Westlund/K. Gonyea
0.5 (32)
    Bachelors Barge Club
S. Cohen/T. Hogan
15.7 (54)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
B. Lawrence/T. Ruckwardt
1.1 (34)
    Buckingham Browne & Nichols
K. Blankley/B. Oneill
9.5 (48)
    Capital Rowing Club
M. Fryc/A. Flickinger
0.8 (33)
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association
L. McCarthy/K. Ellis
14.6 (53)
    Cooper Rowing Club
F. Rotzko/E. Normoyle
4.2 (41)
    Cooper Rowing Club
P. Schneider/K. Brown
5.5 (43)
    GMS Rowing Center
K. L'Hommedieu/K. Simmons
14.6 (53)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
A. Hurwitz/S. Sargent
19.4 (57)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
H. Woznack/D. Cenit
1.4 (35)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
M. Hynes/M. Case
8.6 (47)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
J. Moore/M. Hartigan
9.5 (48)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club
A. Northrup/L. Fittipaldi
14.6 (53)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
D. Hollis/A. Galloway
0.5 (32)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
A. Robinson/V. Leinfelder
8.6 (47)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
C. Brackett/S. Farewell
7.8 (46)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
B. Vontell/C. Locher
7.0 (45)
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Franklin/A. Kocher
10.5 (49)
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Cooney/S. Griffith
9.5 (48)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
J. Detwiler/J. Casey
0.0 (27)
    Yorktown High School
J. Rone/C. Durfee
31.2 (65)
    Yorktown High School
C. Getzler Vaughn/G. Edie
5.5 (43)
28 Womens Junior Four w/ Cox
29 Womens Intermediate Four w/ Cox
30 Mens Masters Double - 1000 meters
    Bachelors Barge Club
W. Mackintosh/J. Fiore
0.5 (32)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
S. Perry/R. Singewald
15.7 (54)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
C. Windeknecht/M. Daemen
10.5 (49)
    Buckingham Browne & Nichols
B. Eldridge/H. Pohl
13.5 (52)
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association
F. Lofberg/A. Vafaee
16.9 (55)
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association
G. Hill/R. Hall
7.0 (45)
    Chicago River Rowing & Paddling Center
J. Levinson/J. Miros
10.5 (49)
    Cooper Rowing Club
M. Gaier/J. McAdams
8.6 (47)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
T. Greenwood/J. Greenwood
5.5 (43)
    Navesink River Rowing
B. Scholtz/M. Malone
10.5 (49)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
A. Fiory/J. Lahm
25.0 (61)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
B. Delisle/C. Reinke
3.1 (39)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
J. Brin/D. Kurland
12.4 (51)
    Potomac Boat Club
T. Nix/S. Bromley
2.6 (38)
    Potomac Boat Club
B. Cox/M. Alloway
20.8 (58)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
S. Majd/P. Brackett
11.4 (50)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
M. Bassick/D. Krez
32.9 (66)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
T. Davies/B. Pasternak
29.6 (64)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
P. Sorensen/M. Kammert
14.6 (53)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
P. Derow/D. Wassal
26.5 (62)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Boyd/R. Baldry
2.2 (37)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Diecidue/D. Kacala
18.2 (56)
    Union Boat Club
J. Besser/P. Rufo
0.2 (30)
    University Barge Club
R. Herman/J. Reiss
18.2 (56)
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Oestreich/J. Franklin
9.5 (48)
    Vesper Boat Club
P. Simone/R. Wilson
13.5 (52)
    Whitemarsh Boat Club
M. Smith/C. Doyle
11.4 (50)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
B. Reinhard/D. Green
9.5 (48)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Hobbs/R. Fisher
7.8 (46)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
P. Strzemienski/J. Paulson
20.8 (58)
31 Womens Intermediate Double
32 Mens Intermediate Double
33 Mens Intermediate Four w/Cox
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
J. Haines/A. Swiatowicz/E. Rea/P. Martin/C. West (Cox)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
C. /M. Thome/A. Chen/J. Davis/P. Soller (Cox)
    Colgate University Mens Crew (A)
W. Fox/M. Rogowski/P. Paulin/I. Goodling/M. Dekar (Cox)
    Highlands Rowing Center, Inc (A)
J. Cody/C. Williams/R. Wagner/J. Friedrichs/L. Wilson (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. B/A. C/A. D/A. E/A. A (Cox)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
J. Forrest/B. Mulligan/J. Bolle/G. Lesage/L. Schumer (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
J. Wagner/J. Krajewski/D. Hinshaw/G. Sadek/A. Shikany (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
B. B/B. C/B. D/B. E/B. A (Cox)
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
J. Moncton/A. Huertas/R. Lollar/M. Spindel/G. Jang (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
T. Brown/P. Lee/S. Plunket/B. Rubin/T. Goldner (Cox)
34 Mens Junior Double
35 Womens Junior Double
36 Mens Intermediate Light Double
37 Womens Masters Eight - 1000 meters
38 Mens Masters Eight - 1000 meters
39 Mens Open Double
40 Womens Open Double
41 Mens Masters Quad - 1000 meters
42 Womens Masters Quad - 1000 meters
    Bachelors Barge Club
S. Butterwick/E. Manduchi/J. Zendarski/N. Hilton
8.8 (48)
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Michel/K. Tetlow/M. Posner/J. Kaplow
25.9 (63)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
C. Bevacqua/L. Bolin/A. Couwenhoven/L. Wahba
0.0 (0)
    Cooper Rowing Club
J. Mitchell/M. Krouch/J. Close/K. Brown
8.0 (47)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
M. Hynes/J. Moore/M. Hartigan/M. Case
8.0 (47)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club
E. Abrahams-Goldbe/E. Meyers/J. Himes/J. Christman
21.8 (60)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
C. Locher/B. Vontell/K. Davis/D. Hollis
4.5 (42)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
L. Turner/C. Randel/S. Shephard/K. Salzarulo
16.8 (56)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
A. Robinson/W. Woods/C. Brackett/V. Leinfelder
6.5 (45)
    Yorktown High School
C. Getzler Vaughn/C. Dinion/J. Rone/G. Edie
7.2 (46)
    Yorktown High School
C. Durfee/C. OKeefe/J. Marks/K. Duncan
10.6 (50)
43 Mens Intermediate Quad
44 Womens Intermediate Quad
45 Mens Intermediate Eight
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
C. /C. McKay/D. Croghan/M. /A. Chen/M. Heslep/J. Loftus/J. Davis/R. Freedman (Cox)
    Colgate University Mens Crew (A)
K. Miller/A. Hatzenbuhler/B. Pape/M. Robson/T. Leonard/D. Herling/A. Sigety/P. Engebretson/B. O'Rourke (Cox)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
T. Nase/P. Henwood/P. Benyovszky/P. McGann/L. Oneill/P. Moran/D. Palazzo/T. Brown/D. Teichman (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. B/A. C/A. D/A. E/A. F/A. G/A. H/A. I/A. A (Cox)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
C. Jungbluth/N. Davies/D. Huntington/C. Brown/J. Bolle/B. Mulligan/J. Forrest/G. Lesage/L. Schumer (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
N. Carter/M. Dunn/J. Brendel/S. Plunket/T. Brown/D. Hinshaw/B. Rubin/G. Sadek/A. Shikany (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
B. B/B. C/B. D/B. E/B. F/B. G/B. H/B. I/B. A (Cox)
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
B. Price/A. Huertas/J. Moncton/N. Holland/G. Gillinger/M. Spindel/E. Bocian/J. Leshan/E. Underhill (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
C. B/C. C/C. D/C. E/C. F/C. G/C. H/C. I/C. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D)
D. B/D. C/D. D/D. E/D. F/D. G/D. H/D. I/D. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (E)
E. B/E. C/E. D/E. E/E. F/E. G/E. H/E. I/E. A (Cox)
46 Womens Intermediate Eight
47 Masters Mixed Quad - 1000 meters
48 Mens Junior Four
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change