Heart of Texas

  • Hosted By: Austin Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, March 3, 2012
-- Saturday, Mar 3
101 WO2x Womens Open 2x
102 MJrLt2x Mens Jr Ltwt 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Martens/D. Quigley
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
N. Whitlow/V. Sands
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
N. Laba/D. Schluckebier
    OKC Riversport (A)
R. Tierney/K. Puckett
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
H. Gomez/A. Gomez
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
H. Quarls/A. Rawot
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
W. Lantta/J. Nelson
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
N. Klammer/M. Fuller
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
A. Smith/S. Reddell
    OKC Riversport (B)
J. Nguyen/T. Shadoan
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
C. Jones/J. Telford
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
P. Ng/D. Cook
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
B. Taniguchi/S. Esteva
    Tulsa Rowing Club (B)
R. Baker/E. Sack
    OKC Riversport (C)
L. Baustert/L. Reynolds
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (C)
B. Eastwick/I. Miller
    St. Mark's School of Texas (C)
G. Lincon/P. Atluri
    Tulsa Rowing Club (C)
K. Fetsch/J. Seely
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (D)
S. Reddy/N. Johnson
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (E)
N. Campalans/S. Eli
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (F)
C. Poradek/A. Kamlet
103 WLt1x Womens Ltwt 1x
104 MJr1x Mens Jr 1x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
P. Johnson
    Cambridge Crew (A)
A. Khambati
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
O. Salonna
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
C. boisfontaine
    OKC Riversport (A)
C. Reno
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
R. Lynch
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
A. Siegel
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
C. Shafer
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
J. Barnett
    OKC Riversport (B)
B. McPherson
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
K. Conti-McKerrihan
    Dallas Rowing Club (C)
D. Sands
105 WJr V 4x Womens Jr Varsity 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
C. Allan/V. Bartell/L. Ellis/A. Colety
    Cambridge Crew (A)
E. Frattaroli/M. Chance/S. Stewart/C. Frattaroli
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
K. Case/K. Bentley/A. Sands/P. Hayden
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
C. Turner/C. Turner/E. Patrick/C. Brennan
    OKC Riversport (A)
M. Wullschleger/C. McMeekin/V. Victoria/D. Thompson-Butler
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
L. Musial/R. Sethi/G. Carbajal/E. Stolle
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
P. Veeraraghavan/K. Brewer/S. Carolan/L. Snodgrass
    The Hockaday School (A)
E. Horton/G. Lozano/A. Rodriguez/C. Gunn
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
M. Lee/M. Davidson/J. Baluh/A. Philpot
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (A)
Z. Gonzales/O. Williams/S. O'Toole/C. Bubel
106 WO8+ Womens Open 8+
107 MJrN2x Mens Jr Novice 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
S. Hewitt/B. Patterson
    Cambridge Crew (A)
A. Echevarria/S. Ervin
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
V. Sands/B. Fineberg
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
T. Currington/L. Herrick
    OKC Riversport (A)
G. Di Filippo/M. Morlan
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
J. Puzz/J. Burton
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
T. Garza/T. Dini
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
K. Rehberg/T. Hofstee
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
J. Lohrey/D. Maxwell
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
K. Sloat/A. Delgado-Reed
    Cambridge Crew (B)
P. Richard/J. Barnes
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
J. Montano/A. Bae
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
A. Iscoe/I. Golding
    Tulsa Rowing Club (B)
G. Allan/K. Flint
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
C. Antonelli/T. Templeton
    Tulsa Rowing Club (C)
M. Duenner/R. Price
108 MO1x Mens Open 1x
109 WJrJV4x Womens Jr JV 4x
110 MO8+ Mens Open 8+
111 WJrN2x Womens Jr Novice 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
G. Malerba/L. Allan
    Cambridge Crew (A)
B. Bridgeman/M. Frattaroli
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
K. Bentley/A. Cantu
    OKC Riversport (A)
M. Knight/K. Erickson
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
B. Woodward/L. Schrodt
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
A. Denis/M. Rioux
    The Hockaday School (A)
C. Eichner/P. LeBlanc
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (A)
E. Schell/G. Yared
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
A. David/R. Cravey
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
S. Goetz/A. Bandarpalle
    OKC Riversport (B)
A. Garcia/M. Malloy
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
M. Hruska/M. Miller
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
M. Strauss/A. Naim
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (B)
H. Forward/L. Karam
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
B. Hawkins/R. Redondo
    OKC Riversport (C)
A. Smith/J. Marcum
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (C)
C. Guzman/C. Campalans
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
A. Provenzano/S. Luck
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
R. Dunagan/I. Saralegui
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
e. sanchez/H. Wightman
112 WO1x Womens Open 1x
113 MJrJV4x Mens Jr JV 4x
114 WN8+ Womens Novice 8+
115 WJrLt2x Womens Jr Ltwt 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Erbe/I. Sheehan
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
P. Queralt/A. Schwarz
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
J. Bender/K. DeSantis
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Linn/H. Anderson
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
S. Barker/G. Carbajal
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
P. Veeraraghavan/S. Carolan
    The Hockaday School (A)
G. Lozano/C. Gunn
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (A)
Z. Gonzales/C. Bubel
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
K. Pringle/T. Geiger
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (B)
M. Guajardo/R. Ryan
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
S. Seaberg/R. Hays
116 MO2x Mens Open 2x
117 MLt1x Mens Ltwt 1x
118 MJrV4x Mens Jr Varsity 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Martens/P. Johnson/L. Koerner/D. Quigley
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
D. McClain/D. Sands/J. Barnett/C. Heldman
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
N. Laba/J. Jordaan/M. McCrory/D. Schluckebier
    OKC Riversport (A)
C. Reno/A. Farmer/L. Evans/E. Wierenga
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
J. Bohn/D. Dalton/R. Lynch/N. Fazzino
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
H. Quarls/C. Baxley/S. Libby/P. Ng
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Esteva/B. Taniguchi/R. Gallagher/J. Nelson
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
B. Price/W. White/C. Shafer/L. Gilstrap
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
H. Gomez/A. Gomez/C. Jones/J. Telford
    Tulsa Rowing Club (B)
N. Klammer/R. Baker/M. Fuller/E. Sack
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (C)
B. Eastwick/I. Miller/H. Bandera/N. Johnson
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (D)
A. Poradek/A. Kamlet/C. Pernice/C. Poradek
119 MN8+ Mens Novice 8+
120 WJrJV2x Womens Jr JV 2x
121 MJrLt1x Mens Jr Ltwt 1x
122 MJrN4x Mens Jr Novice 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
S. Hewitt/C. Antonelli/K. Sloat/B. Patterson
    Cambridge Crew (A)
A. Echevarria/S. Ervin/O. Weir/P. Richard
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
B. Fineberg/V. Sands/S. Chebrolu/J. Ding
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
L. Herrick/M. Perry/J. Byrne/A. Eggers
    OKC Riversport (A)
M. Morlan/G. Di Filippo/C. Percival/H. Wood
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
J. Puzz/J. Burton/J. Montano/L. Longbottom
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
B. Sung/L. Hudspeth/M. Burton/W. Su
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
K. Rehberg/B. Hill/A. Iscoe/T. Trono
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
M. Grafton/A. Delgado/T. Templeton/J. Delgado
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
B. Ladd/C. Cortes/S. Knippers/M. Co
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
T. Hofstee/I. Golding/B. Pellowski/R. Neuberger
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
A. Scouller/A. Dittmar/T. Hughes/E. Moe
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
P. Dunham/B. Lambert/M. Anderson/T. Mueller
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
Z. Moring/T. Pratt/M. Burk/J. Zhang
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
I. Feldman/D. Mattka/C. Milam/C. Bell
123 WO4+ Womens Open 4+
124 WJrV2x Womens Jr Varsity 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
C. Allan/V. Bartell
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Colety/L. Ellis
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
N. Brandt/B. Loving-Bagwell
    Cambridge Crew (A)
E. Frattaroli/C. Frattaroli
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
G. Dau/K. Case
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
C. Turner/C. Turner
    OKC Riversport (A)
C. McMeekin/D. Thompson-Butler
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
L. Musial/R. Sethi
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
K. Brewer/L. Snodgrass
    The Hockaday School (A)
E. Horton/A. Rodriguez
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
M. Davidson/A. Philpot
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (A)
O. Williams/S. O'Toole
    Cambridge Crew (B)
M. Chance/S. Stewart
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
P. Hayden/A. Sands
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
E. Patrick/C. Brennan
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
E. Stolle/S. Liu
125 WJrLt1x Womens Jr Ltwt 1x
126 WJrN4x Womens Jr Novice 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
L. Allan/K. Playfair/G. Houston/M. Colety
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
A. Bandarpalle/K. Bentley/A. Cantu/M. Brewer
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
K. DeSantis/E. Jenevein/A. Chang/C. Kline
    OKC Riversport (A)
M. Lange/A. Lange/K. Erickson/M. Tannehill
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
L. Schrodt/M. Hruska/S. Reininger/B. Woodward
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
M. Rioux/M. Kurka/A. Denis/K. Conti-McKerrihan
    The Hockaday School (A)
C. Eichner/A. Jones/P. LeBlanc/A. Rodriguez
    Ursuline Academy of Dallas (A)
E. Schell/H. Forward/G. Yared/L. Karam
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
C. Costa-Giomi/S. Criswell/G. Malerba/A. David
    OKC Riversport (B)
K. Myers/S. Ondak/S. McKinley/S. Anderson
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
M. Miller/C. Guzman/M. Rhett/C. Campalans
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
M. Strauss/S. Amstutz/W. Hamlin/A. Naim
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
B. Hawkins/G. Disraeli/E. Waltz/R. Redondo
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
A. Provenzano/H. Wightman/M. Selcraig/S. Luck
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
E. Kuse/R. Cravey/A. Brown/A. Palmo
    Austin Rowing Club (E)
H. Connor/R. Dunagan/I. Saralegui/S. Shamard
127 MO4+ Mens Open 4+
128 MJrV2x Mens Jr Varsity 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
L. Koerner/P. Johnson
    Cambridge Crew (A)
A. Echevarria/A. Khambati
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
D. Sands/O. Salonna
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
C. boisfontaine/J. Jordaan
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Farmer/L. Evans
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
D. Dalton/R. Lynch
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
C. Baxley/S. Libby
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
W. Lantta/A. Siegel
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
B. Price/W. White
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
J. Barnett/D. McClain
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
M. McCrory/A. Smith
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
J. Bohn/S. Reddy
    Tulsa Rowing Club (B)
R. Price/L. Gilstrap
    Dallas Rowing Club (C)
N. Whitlow/C. Heldman
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (C)
A. Poradek/C. Pernice
129 MJrN1x Mens Jr Novice 1x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
S. Hewitt
    Cambridge Crew (A)
J. Barnes
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
V. Sands
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
A. Eggers
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
A. Bae
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
C. Milam
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
M. Grafton
    Cambridge Crew (B)
P. Richard
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
B. Fineberg
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
T. Currington
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
L. Longbottom
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
T. Mueller
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
I. Feldman
130 MO4x Mens Open 4x
131 WN4+ Womens Novice 4+
132 MJrJV2x Mens Jr JV 2x
133 WJrN1x Womens Jr Novice 1x
134 WO4x Womens Open 4x
135 MN4+ Mens Novice 4+
136 WJr1x Womens Jr 1x
137 WO2- Womens Open 2-
138 MO2- Mens Open 2-
Sunday, March 4, 2012
201 WMa8+ Womens Masters 8+
202 MMa4x Mens Masters 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
C. Mabley/M. Watts/P. Scripko/D. Simmer
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
C. Westhelle/G. Wood/J. Mcfarlane/C. Logan
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
M. Morschauser/P. Salyards/J. Vorhies/R. Houston
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
G. Sipple/R. Hubbard/E. Rice/L. Smith
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (A)
J. Crean/L. Beghin/P. MacPherson/M. Pedowicz
    OKC Riversport (A)
S. Lewis/M. Quinn/M. Tower/B. Burch
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
J. Schrick/G. Longbottom/R. Stolle/C. Dixon
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
L. Vepstas/p. hoffmann/W. Oppliger/N. Redmond
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
P. Strouthes/S. Khayyal/R. Weiss/J. Brown
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
V. Lambert/R. Beloui/R. Chambers/A. Atwell
    Composite: St. Louis, Ft. Worth, White Rock Rowing, OKC Riversport (B)
P. McDonough/T. Carr/B. Gutting/J. Sanders
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
S. Ritchie/M. Zuehlke/C. Goldschmidt/W. Crawford
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
D. Barker/J. Nicot/R. Brennan/C. Heide
    Dallas Rowing Club (F)
D. Holmes/B. Bauge/P. Gonzalez/C. Bond
203 WMa1x Womens Masters 1x
204 MJr2- Mens Jr 2-
205 WJrLt8+ Womens Jr Ltwt 8+
206 MxAdpt2x Mixed Adaptive 2x
207 MJrN4+ Mens Jr Novice 4+
208 WRec1x Womens Rec 1x
209 WJr2- Womens Jr 2-
210 MJrLt8+ Mens Jr Ltwt 8+
211 WJrN4+ Womens Jr Novice 4+
212 MMa1x Mens Masters 1x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
E. Cornet
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
C. Logan
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
M. Morschauser
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
P. Adams
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (A)
J. Crean
    OKC Riversport (A)
J. Sanders
    St. Louis Rowing Club (A)
B. Gutting
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
R. Lynch
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
M. Hartwell
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
I. Kolar
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
T. Carr
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
J. Vorhies
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (B)
P. McDonough
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
R. Singh
    OKC Riversport (B)
S. Lewis
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
p. hoffmann
    OKC Riversport (C)
M. Tower
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
N. Redmond
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (D)
J. Schrick
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
S. Mast
213 WMa2- Womens Masters 2-
214 MxMa8+ Mixed Masters 8+
215 MJr4+ Mens Jr 4+
216 WMaLt1x Womens Masters Ltwt 1x
217 MRec1x Mens Rec 1x
218 MMa2- Mens Masters 2-
219 MJrN8+ Mens Jr Novice 8+
220 MMaLt1x Mens Masters Ltwt 1x
221 WMa4x Womens Masters 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
L. Russell/L. Sawyer/B. De Joya/B. Holimon
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
K. Elting/A. Molenaar/P. Adams/C. Cannady
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
D. Manley/L. Matthews/C. Rodriguez/A. Rice
    OKC Riversport (A)
H. Mosley/N. Middleman/L. Eickman/D. Roberts
    Composite: Woodlands, Greater Houston (A)
R. Shaul/M. Tourtellott/K. Spiller/S. Jones
    Rowing Dock (A)
M. Robinson/M. Carter/R. Thomas/M. Fitzgerald
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Daniels/V. Scheer/M. Folco/F. Thrash
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
L. Kertz/R. Trousdale/K. Harris/J. Halter
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
S. Mitra/K. Whitehead/V. Immanivong/C. Roullet
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
C. Adams/D. Kloster/S. Kho/B. Wolf
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
H. Boisseau/J. Paisley/C. Gillette/N. Lee
    Composite: Texas, Texas Rowing Center (C)
A. Springer-Wilson/L. Crawford/L. Lee/S. Radia
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
S. Carter/C. Haenni/S. Roach/C. Hicks
    Texas Rowing Center (E)
D. McDiarmid/E. Viola/C. Samford/S. Busico
    Texas Rowing Center (F)
A. King/M. Mirabal/L. Machado/M. Matott
    Texas Rowing Center (G)
222 WJr4+ Womens Jr 4+
223 WJrN8+ Womens Jr Novice 8+
224 MN1x Mens Novice 1x
225 MMa2x Mens Masters 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
D. Schnepp/A. Helen
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
G. Wood/C. Westhelle
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
J. Vorhies/R. Houston
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
E. Rice/L. Smith
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (A)
R. Singh/R. Chambers
    OKC Riversport (A)
S. Lewis/J. Sanders
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
C. Dixon/G. Longbottom
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
P. Ellis/R. Lynch
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (B)
J. Mcfarlane/C. Logan
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
B. Bauge/D. Holmes
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
V. Lambert/R. Beloui
    OKC Riversport (B)
T. Driscoll/B. Burch
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (C)
A. Atwell/L. Beghin
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
O. Laurence/D. Bradford
226 MJrLt4+ Mens Jr Ltwt 4+
227 MMa8+ Mens Masters 8+
228 WN1x Womens Novice 1x
229 WMa2x Womens Masters 2x
    Composite: Austin, Texas Rowing Center (A)
L. Ferris/A. Houtz
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
K. Elting/A. Molenaar
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
D. Manley/A. Rice
    OKC Riversport (A)
D. Roberts/N. Middleman
    Composite: Woodlands, Greater Houston (A)
M. Tourtellott/S. Jones
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Daniels/V. Scheer
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
J. Halter/B. Holimon
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (B)
L. Matthews/C. Rodriguez
    Composite: Woodlands, Greater Houston (B)
R. Shaul/K. Spiller
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
M. Folco/F. Thrash
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
S. Smith/N. Lee
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (C)
S. Mitra/C. Roullet
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
S. Kho/B. Wolf
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (D)
C. Sustrina/M. Gormanson
230 WJrLt4+ Womens Jr Ltwt 4+
231 MJr8+ Mens Jr 8+
232 MJrRec1x Mens Jr Rec 1x
233 MxO2x Mixed Open 2x
234 MxMa4x Mixed Masters 4x
    Composite: Austin, Texas Rowing Center, OKC Riversport (A)
J. Sanders/L. Ferris/E. Cornet/A. Houtz
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
D. Manley/E. Rice/R. Hubbard/C. Rodriguez
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (A)
L. Beghin/P. Galloway/M. Gormanson/M. Pedowicz
    OKC Riversport (A)
N. Middleman/M. Quinn/D. Roberts/B. Burch
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Carter/L. Vepstas/W. Crawford/C. Hicks
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
C. Mabley/R. Weiss/C. Jobe/L. Culbertson
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
R. Singh/K. Whitehead/S. Mitra/P. MacPherson
    Composite: Woodlands, Dallas (B)
L. Tremaine/J. Vorhies/S. Jones/R. Houston
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
C. Mabley/R. Weiss/N. Lee/L. Culbertson
    Dallas Rowing Club (C)
D. Holmes/P. Gonzales/K. Elting/A. Molenaar
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
C. Goldschmidt/S. Hallee/K. Roth/T. Bressi
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
P. Strouthes/D. Simmer/H. Boisseau/J. Paisley
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
T. Cook/C. Swinford/M. Friedberger/C. Haenni
    Texas Rowing Center (E)
A. Feicht/R. Brennan/T. Harris/D. Barker
235 WJr8+ Womens Jr 8+
236 WJrRec1x Womens Jr Rec 1x
237 MxMa2x Mixed Masters 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
S. Conway/T. Gallagher
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
A. Hielscher/R. Chambers
    Fort Worth Rowing Club (A)
L. Smith/A. Rice
    OKC Riversport (A)
H. Mosley/T. Driscoll
    Composite: Woodlands, Greater Houston (A)
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
C. Adams/K. Gates
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
N. Lee/P. Scripko
    Greater Houston Rowing Club (B)
V. Lambert/C. Sustrina
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
N. Redmond/S. Radia
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
D. Bradford/H. Boisseau
238 MxAdpt4x Mixed Adaptive 4x
239 MxN8+ Mixed Novice 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change