3rd Annual New England Junior & High School Regional Championship Regatta

  • Hosted By: Lake Quinsigamond Community Rowing, Shrewsbury High School Crew


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Sunday, October 7, 2012
break 7:15 AM Coxswains Meeting
1 8:30 AM Mens Jr/HS 8x
2 8:30 AM Womens Jr/HS 8x
3 8:45 AM Mens Jr/HS 4x
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
K. Immerman/L. Mackin/J. Weaver/A. Higgins
    GMS Rowing Center (A)
K. Onorato/C. Gregoire/J. Rajagopalan/D. Arrato
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
C. Lerner/C. McGonigal/J. Olsson/J. Simpson
    Worcester Public High Schools (A)
D. Kimball/D. Naylor/E. Hallet/T. Gardner
4 8:45 AM Mens Jr/HS Novice 4x
5 8:45 AM Womens Jr/HS 4x
6 8:45 AM Womens Jr/HS Novice 4x
7 9:00 AM Mens Jr/HS 2x
    Bancroft Crew (A)
T. Vangos/A. Robotis
    Cape Cod Rowing, Inc. (A)
Z. Hesse/D. Silliman
    Medford High School (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
J. Chavez/J. Simonds
    Shrewsbury High School Crew (A)
C. Shelby/T. Lefebvre
    Winnipesaukee Rowing Club (A)
B. Euiler/M. Johansen
    Worcester Public High Schools (A)
E. Sanchez/C. Fine
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (B)
K. Hayes/N. Walker
    Cape Cod Rowing, Inc. (B)
B. Volk/H. Jones
    Cape Cod Rowing, Inc. (C)
H. Ramage/K. Wu
8 9:00 AM Womens Jr/HS 2x
9 9:15 AM Mens Jr/HS 1x
10 9:15 AM Womens Jr/HS 1x
break Break
11 10:00 AM Mens Jr/HS 1st Novice 8+
    Bedford Crew Club (A)
    Boston College High School (A)
G. Gaillardetz/A. Swierczynski/I. Marx/C. LeBlanc/J. Najarro/M. Cadigan/J. Ryan/C. Burke/T. Antico (Cox)
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
J. Hayes/L. Basile/J. O'Shea/C. Winsor/R. Doncaster/D. Shrives/E. Zhong/P. Wesley/A. Rotker (Cox)
    Cape Cod Youth Rowing (A)
O. Launoy/E. Heilman/K. Gilmore/W. Powers/S. Spiegel/J. Montano/A. Grattan/D. Lagueux/T. Deegan (Cox)
    Duxbury Bay Maritime School (A)
S. Bettencourt/S. Koulopoulos/M. Boucher/B. McCarthy/D. Connor/J. McCourt/d. sullivan/T. O'Hare/K. Boyle (Cox)
    Farmington High School Crew (A)
    Friends of Milton Crew, Inc (A)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Hingham High School Rowing Association (A)
M. Personeni/J. George/D. Leen/C. Grant/D. Jones/C. Flanders/k. letorney/A. STALEY/F. Cashel (Cox)
    Lowell High School Crew (A)
W. Zacharer/T. Netherton/S. Gavriel/R. Kong/N. Jendieylson/A. Poirer/B. Spanos/B. Pugh/A. Schuster (Cox)
    Medford High School (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
A. Olsson/S. Reiter/J. Petrides/E. Hyun/C. ADAMS-NICE/R. NaJame/G. Hurley/B. SIRULNIK/A. Rigali (Cox)
    Northfield Mount Hermon School (A)
    Phoenix Crew Club (A)
I. Chamberlain/N. Mezzanotte/C. Roy III/Q. Henshaw/L. Murphy/S. Bettencourt/M. Wolski/C. Correia/B. Mello (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
G. Fiske/A. Greenhalge/D. Spitia/T. Smith/S. Swanson/J. Duva/L. Flege/J. Daniels/J. Dumeer (Cox)
    Shrewsbury High School Crew (A)
P. Schoenig/J. Yankee/K. Ebers/N. Aubin/M. Curran/M. Sena/J. Calkins/A. Anterni/A. Freeman (Cox)
    St. John's High School Crew (A)
C. Harwood/N. Auzenbergs/L. Davidson/C. Lewis/T. Paris/k. boria/T. Smith/B. Washburn/M. Owen (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
M. Peterson/M. Lin/R. Bell/J. Klein/A. Kare/L. Sanchez/A. Desrochers/D. Quinn/R. Hale (Cox)
    Worcester Public High Schools (A)
C. Kennedy/C. Robert/D. Murphy/E. Hidalgo/E. Pike-Johnson/J. Andros/J. Malavez/K. Nham/B. Lapin (Cox)
12 10:00 AM Mens Jr/HS 2nd/3rd Novice 8+
    Bedford Crew Club (A)
    Boston College High School (A)
R. Robinson/J. Green/T. McGowan/C. Exconde/M. Frick/E. Whitmore/A. nagle/L. Murphy/P. Donovan (Cox)
    Farmington High School Crew (A)
    Hingham High School Rowing Association (A)
M. Johnson/Z. Hicks/C. Parker/R. Parker/P. Doherty/J. Goldman/J. Sobran/M. Astrue/B. McGinn (Cox)
    Medford High School (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
J. Schurch/A. Eaton/o. fay/L. Holloway-Bidwell/C. Candelario Romero/M. Carney/L. McCarthy/J. Kannel/M. Jordan (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
A. Sondergeld/N. Bee/B. Lapane/M. Sapieha/J. Vaughter/M. Jackson/J. Garrison/T. Hoelzel/P. Brainard (Cox)
    St. John's High School Crew (A)
M. Lombard/N. Allen/M. Dowling/A. Chagnon/A. Jain/R. Nolli/C. Michaud/N. LaPlante-Dube/A. Petty (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
T. Kambara/B. Blumenstock/T. Sheriff/A. Johnson/N. Ormsby/A. ormsby/O. Orford/A. LaBarre/I. Shah (Cox)
    Boston College High School (B)
J. Ditomassi/J. May/B. Vickers/H. DeCoste/C. Martin/B. Tung/K. Reynolds/B. Walsh/C. Driscoll (Cox)
    Farmington High School Crew (B)
    Northampton Community Rowing (B)
C. Hurley/D. McAuslin/A. Griffiths/D. Bogdanis/t. erwin-stevens/L. Po/A. Leung/R. King/A. Rigali (Cox)
    St. John's High School Crew (B)
L. Lauring/A. Murphy/J. Hoey/D. Centauro/M. Daring/t. shepard/M. Kovacs/L. Doherty/N. Murner (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (B)
E. McMillan/R. Proulx/D. Measer/C. Grimm/M. Brett/S. Khan/P. Makhija/R. Chen/A. Tobin (Cox)
    St. John's High School Crew (C)
J. Woods/A. DesRosiers/N. Tagg/K. Lyons/J. Fullen/D. BELIVEAU/B. Dale/C. McGillicuddy/A. Arokiadoss (Cox)
13 10:30 AM Womens Jr/HS 1st Novice 8+
    Bedford Crew Club (A)
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
    Cape Cod Youth Rowing (A)
G. McGuire/C. Clancy/E. Douglass/A. Martin/H. Elliott/A. McCaffery/R. hansen/H. Bryant/L. Griffin (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
J. Papisov/H. Alitz/s. neligan/M. Neeb/S. Mobayed/L. Caliga/N. Soto-Wright/A. Soto-Wright/C. Southwick (Cox)
    Duxbury Bay Maritime School (A)
A. Lake/L. McKim/G. Butcher/E. Hartford/K. norton/G. Connolly/M. Glattstein/O. Zelvis/K. Duddy (Cox)
    East Bay Rowing, Inc (A)
E. Groetelaars/S. Ellicot/A. Freeman/B. Gagliano/M. Berkery/K. Orchard/A. Jackson/H. Fulton/E. Gasperoni (Cox)
    Farmington High School Crew (A)
E. Geissler/S. Mailhot/G. Zaccardo/B. Doski/N. WULLER/T. Westerberg/V. Rodrigue/H. Kirkness/I. Wlodkowski (Cox)
    Friends of Milton Crew, Inc (A)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Hingham High School Rowing Association (A)
H. Brown/E. Beachus/L. Kourafas/H. Woodyatt/H. Gray/A. Nablo/M. Bennett/C. McCawley/K. Griffin (Cox)
    Lowell High School Crew (A)
B. Secchiarole/B. Burgess/B. Donovan/C. Niles/D. Domingues/I. Monteiro/J. Cole/K. Luu/A. Hutcheon (Cox)
    Medford High School (A)
S. Diettrich/M. Murray/V. Liu/J. Lungo/B. Limage/K. Enos/S. Tauiburini/R. Longia/C. Burke (Cox)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
M. McCluskey/S. Welch/R. Haynes/E. Grussing/o. feyre febonio/m. nicoletti/K. Weilerstein/R. Howard/A. Jaeger (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
A. Jaskoski/A. Kightly/C. Spann/B. Patterson/M. Cooke/M. Lamson/A. Pehr/F. Bemis/M. Roy (Cox)
    Shrewsbury High School Crew (A)
L. St Pierre/E. Sorenson/E. Mirsky/J. Montigny/L. Maranto/H. Yazdi/L. Yuan/S. ONeill/h. carter (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
S. Chary/S. Anderson/K. Stokes/N. Moran/K. Andry/K. Anderson/D. Coggio/D. Andry/E. Coleman (Cox)
    Worcester Public High Schools (A)
14 10:30 AM Womens Jr/HS 2nd/3rd Novice 8+
15 11:00 AM Mens Jr/HS 1st Novice 4+
16 11:15 AM Womens Jr/HS 1st Novice 4+
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
A. Moeyersoms/S. rapaport/i. hechavarria/E. Goldfinger/C. Fletcher (Cox)
    Hingham High School Rowing Association (A)
S. Blasetti/J. Hoffman/A. Odonnell/J. Passaretti/K. Chamberlain (Cox)
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Vail/A. Demiris/M. Slaiby/C. Miller/A. Finch (Cox)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
M. Cummings/S. Fox/E. wang/I. Forman/J. Klitus-Flaim (Cox)
    Phoenix Crew Club (A)
R. Schwartz/C. Foley/C. Boxler/L. Schwartz/B. Mello (Cox)
    St. Mary Academy- Bay View (A)
A. Madeiros/S. Underwood/L. Harkin/B. Ha/J. Silvia (Cox)
    Worcester Public High Schools (A)
C. Sharkus/S. Nguyen/W. Bakkal/A. Asfoura/A. Terry (Cox)
break Break to Change Distance (Start)
break 12:00 PM Novice & Sculling Awards (Pickup)
17 12:30 PM Womens Jr 1st Varsity 4+
    Cape Cod Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Reney/I. Hayward/e. conway/J. McIlvane/J. Stergis (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
s. overall/B. Melanson/L. Barnard/S. Muse/M. Lew (Cox)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Sapiro/C. Kelly/M. Bove/T. Jaworski/L. Meharg (Cox)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
M. Beard/R. Mitrani Marmor/N. Auferoth/M. Horak/a. spector (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
B. Amenabar/K. Laska/L. Sorgio/C. Kuzoian/K. Teare (Cox)
    Waynflete School (A)
K. Suslovic/A. Finkle/A. Zwolinki/F. Governali/C. Coxe (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
L. Smith/S. Anderson/A. Shein/G. Ross/R. Hale (Cox)
18 12:30 PM Womens HS 1st Varsity 4+
19 12:40 PM Womens Jr 2nd Varsity 4+
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
A. Fagan/C. benson/C. Roy/E. Howard/J. Goldberg (Cox)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
a. molnar-fenton/S. Callahan/M. Bond/O. Landry/K. Sperry (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
J. Thibodeau/A. Gordon/N. Fultz/O. Rose/S. Berkowitz (Cox)
20 12:40 PM Womens HS 2nd Varsity 4+
21 12:50 PM Womens Jr 3rd/4th Varsity 4+
22 12:50 PM Womens HS 3rd/4th Varsity 4+
23 1:10 PM Mens Jr 1st Varsity 4+
24 1:10 PM Mens HS 1st Varsity 4+
25 1:20 PM Mens Jr 2nd Varsity 4+
26 1:20 PM Mens HS 2nd Varsity 4+
27 1:25 PM Mens Jr 3rd/4th Varsity 4+
28 1:25 PM Mens HS 3rd/4th Varsity 4+
29 1:40 PM Womens Jr 1st Varsity 8+
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
C. Hart/S. Sarnik/M. Hart/J. LeBlanc/T. Myczkowska/A. Cooper/E. Wilkey/K. Lee/E. Erdos (Cox)
    Cape Cod Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Conway/O. Swenson/G. Cox/s. mitrokostas/E. Sibbio/H. Silliman/M. Tierno/A. Calianos/K. GLENNON (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
e. Barnett/M. Holler/M. Sobieszek/S. Stone/Z. Dinneen/G. Smith/S. Bohrer/E. Gilbert/L. Hajian (Cox)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Narragansett Boat Club (A)
C. Hamann/P. Mattos/O. Harwood/C. Lusi/A. Prescott/A. Hutchings/K. Fields/A. Moran/C. Mason (Cox)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
K. Jenkins-Sullivan/R. Mitrani Marmor/M. Lenz/E. Collins/M. Sharma/M. Paine/S. Spound/C. Price/K. Sperry (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
M. Johnson/E. Freeman/K. Desantis/T. Haskins/K. Murray/I. Volpe/E. Frankel/D. Tindle/S. Kostrzewa (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
K. Anderson/S. Anderson/K. Andry/N. Moran/A. Tobin/K. Champa/S. Maccini/M. Russell/M. Ryan (Cox)
30 1:40 PM Womens HS 1st Varsity 8+
31 1:50 PM Womens Jr 2nd Varsity 8+
32 1:50 PM Womens HS 2nd Varsity 8+
33 2:00 PM Womens Jr 3rd/4th Varsity 8+
34 2:00 PM Womens HS 3rd/4th Varsity 8+
35 2:15 PM Mens Jr 1st Varsity 8+
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
C. Root/L. Mackin/J. Weaver/K. Immerman/A. Borghesani/P. Cotnam/R. Densen/T. Phillips/E. Kenny-Pessia (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
T. Berman/H. Dickinson/C. Mahan/B. Buckley/A. Cohen/a. heye/M. Giroux/R. Swanton/K. Tagliente (Cox)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
J. Simonds/J. Chavez/S. Dwyer/A. Krebs/A. Smith-Bove/M. Pryde/L. Ferrer/J. Doele/M. Steinberg (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
K. McCauley/J. Brady/J. Shea/K. Jovani/J. Costello/C. Linski/R. Humphries/B. Harlee/l. pendleton (Cox)
    Westford Community Rowing (A)
A. Casperson/N. Merrell/S. Pinney/K. Giliberti/J. Clancy/D. Makuch/G. Sergeant/J. Whelan/S. Chary (Cox)
36 2:15 PM Mens HS 1st Varsity 8+
37 2:25 PM Mens Jr 2nd Varsity 8+
    Bromfield Acton Boxborough Rowing (A)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
J. Gleason/M. Rooks/J. Carleo/Z. White/S. Lessin/J. Gorin/T. Winsor/P. Clark/n. Bierbrier (Cox)
    Greater Lawrence Rowing (A)
    Northampton Community Rowing (A)
C. McGonigal/B. Bradley-Gilbert/A. Friedman/C. Tanguay/C. Lerner/J. Olsson/J. Simpson/E. Luschen-Miskovsky/A. Wozniak (Cox)
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc. (A)
B. McCauley/C. Amenabar/C. Jovani/B. Shea/F. Edrich/Y. Abbaaho/R. Awth/A. Veronneau/D. Hollerbach (Cox)
38 2:25 PM Mens HS 2nd Varsity 8+
39 2:35 PM Mens Jr 3rd/4th Varsity 8+
40 2:35 PM Mens HS 3rd/4th Varsity 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change