110th Annual NWIRA Championship Regatta

  • Aug 3, 2013 To Aug 4, 2013
  • sprint
  • Lake Elmo, MN (USA)
  • Hosted By: Minneapolis Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, August 3, 2013
1 Mens Masters 4x
2 Womens Jr 2-
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
C. Daley/L. Frack/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
B. Hollerud/G. Jurkovich/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
O. Hoffmann/J. Stonehouse
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
A. Giasson/B. Burns
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
N. Kulhanek/S. Zwack/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
C. Tolan/A. Roe
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
R. Roberts/L. Inglis
    Minnesota Boat Club (C)
M. Leick/M. Killian
3 Womens Masters 1x (under 50)
4 Womens Masters 1x (50 and over)
5 Mens Jr 4x
6 Mens Jr B 4x
7 Womens Open 2-
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
M. Stump/J. Streur/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
C. Boon/M. Lenarz/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
L. Hallman/L. Hodnett/
    Saskatoon Rowing Club (A)
J. Start/S. Proctor
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
A. Olson/A. Milani
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
M. Turbes/K. Liljeberg/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
C. Closmore/R. Vanesse/
    Minnesota Boat Club (C)
H. Davis/J. Wisniewski/
8 Mens Ltwt 1x
9 Mens Open 1x
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
D. Wilmes/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
D. Vitas
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
M. Koehler
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
S. Prusak
    Minnesota Boat Club
W. Juckett
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
M. Kautto
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
R. Lawrence
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
P. Thiessen
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
L. Inglis
10 Mixed Masters 4x
11 Mens Jr 2-
12 Womens Jr 8+
13 Womens Open 1x
14 Mens Open 4x
15 Mens Masters 2-
16 Womens Masters 2-
17 Womens Open 4x
18 Womens Jr 1x
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
C. Daley/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
I. Seeland
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
A. Rasmussen
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
G. Beck
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
H. Brown
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
E. Briggs
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
M. Gardiner
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
O. Zoner
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
M. Kett
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
M. Ladner
    Minnesota Boat Club
M. Leick
    Minnesota Boat Club
O. Hoffmann
    Minnesota Boat Club
A. Roe
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
C. Drexler
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
J. Tuohimaa
    Thunder Bay Rowing Club
K. Roulston/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
F. Rettie
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
H. Nakagawa
19 Mens Jr 4+
20 Mens Open 2-
    Duluth Rowing Club (A)
O. Downs/C. Schuder/
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
D. Wilmes/E. Goffena/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
E. Sathe/A. Holm/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
W. Juckett/G. Munger/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
P. Thiessen/L. Inglis
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
B. Bauer/J. O'Neill/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
J. Hergert/T. Grab/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
P. Thiessen/M. Zwaagstra
    Minnesota Boat Club (C)
R. Wise/D. Bakke/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
J. Bourassa/R. MacCharles/
21 Womens Masters 4x
22 Mens Masters 1x (under 50)
23 Mens Masters 1x (50 and over)
24 Womens Jr 4x
25 Womens Jr B 4x
26 Womens 1x Dash (400m)
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
J. Streur/
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
S. Wood/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
C. Bowerman
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
J. Berger
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
A. Gilbertson
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
E. Stinebaugh
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
A. Miller
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
A. Lunardelli
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
V. DeSalvo
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
L. Randazzo
    Minnesota Boat Club
B. Bagley
    Minnesota Boat Club
S. Whicher
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
C. Richer
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
J. Start
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
E. van der Kamp
    St. Croix Rowing Club
k. lamppa
    Thunder Bay Rowing Club
K. Roulston/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
T. Taylor
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
M. Pickerl
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
E. Lennox
27 Womens Ltwt 1x Dash (400m)
28 Mens 8+ Dash (400m)
Sunday, August 4, 2013
29 Womens Open 8+
30 Mens Masters 4-
31 Mens Jr 2x
32 Mens Jr B 2x
33 Womens Ltwt 1x
34 Mens Open 4-
35 Womens Masters 2x
36 Womens Jr 4+
37 Mens Jr 8+
38 Womens Open 4-
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
L. Frack/M. Stump/C. Daley/J. Streur/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
C. Boon/K. Dare/K. Fargo/M. Lenarz/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
L. Hallman/R. Vanesse/C. Closmore/L. Hodnett/
    Saskatoon Rowing Club (A)
K. Glazebrook/S. Proctor/N. Abouguendia/J. Start
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
A. Olson/B. Burns/A. Giasson/A. Milani
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
M. Turbes/H. Friedlander/M. DiGiorno/K. Liljeberg/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
E. Whicher/H. Davis/A. Wolski/L. Sorensen/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (C)
B. Voss/J. Baker/S. Anderson/B. Robinson/
39 Mens Masters 2x
40 Womens Jr 2x
41 Womens Jr B 2x
42 Mens 8+
43 Womens Masters 4-
44 Womens Ltwt 2x
45 Womens Open 2x
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
M. Stump/J. Streur/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew (A)
E. Briggs/O. Zoner
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
H. Friedlander/K. Fargo/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
E. Whicher/A. Wolski/
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (A)
L. Richer/C. Richer
    Saskatoon Rowing Club (A)
E. van der Kamp/J. Start
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
M. Pickerl/E. Lennox
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (B)
C. Daley/L. Frack/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
E. Tremblay/A. Miller/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
L. Hallman/P. Norman/
    Saskatoon Rowing Club (B)
K. Glazebrook/N. Abouguendia
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
A. Olson/A. Milani
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (C)
V. DeSalvo/K. Liljeberg/
    Minnesota Boat Club (C)
B. Bagley/L. Hodnett/
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (D)
K. Dare/C. Boon/
    Minnesota Boat Club (D)
C. Closmore/L. Sorensen/
46 Mens Jr 1x
    Duluth Rowing Club
K. Larsen
    Duluth Rowing Club
H. Slade
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
E. Goffena/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
N. Schmidt
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
J. Holden
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
R. Kett
    Minnesota Boat Club
K. Brackey
    Minnesota Boat Club
N. Raghavan
    Minnesota Boat Club
D. Holod
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
B. Viggiano
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
C. Slater
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
T. Scheitel
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
M. Siem
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
B. Boggust
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
D. Hagglund
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
B. Deering
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
J. Isle
47 Mens 1x Dash (400m)
    Kenora Rowing Club
T. Wehner
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing
D. Wilmes/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
G. Esau
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
H. Schulenberg
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
S. Schulenberg
    Long Lake Rowing Crew
W. Staggs
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
M. Koehler
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
S. Prusak
    Minnesota Boat Club
W. Juckett
    Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota
M. Kautto
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
R. Lawrence
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
P. Thiessen
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
L. Inglis
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
M. Zwaagstra
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
J. Isle
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
D. Hagglund
48 Mens Ltwt 1x Dash (400m)
49 Womens 8+ Dash (400m)
50 Mens Open 2x
    Lake Oswego Community Rowing (A)
D. Wilmes/E. Goffena/
    Long Lake Rowing Crew (A)
J. Holden/D. Vitas
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
M. Koehler/S. Prusak/
    Minnesota Boat Club (A)
W. Juckett/T. Grab/
    Saskatoon Rowing Club (A)
J. Mulcahy/R. Lawrence
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
P. Thiessen/L. Inglis
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (B)
E. Sathe/E. Beise/
    Minnesota Boat Club (B)
J. Hergert/J. smiith
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
R. MacCharles/P. Thiessen
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
M. Zwaagstra/K. Vilks
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (D)
S. Chubaty/C. Olguin
51 Mens Ltwt 2x
52 Mixed Masters 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change