Philadelphia Youth Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, July 25, 2015
1 Boys Novice Single (1000m) - started racing after Jan 1
2 Girls Novice Quad (1000m) - started racing after Jan 1
3 Boys Under 14 Eight(1000m)
4 Girls Under 14 Eight (1000m)
5 Boys J18 Quad
6 Girls J18 Quad
7 Boys J16 Eight
8 Girls J16 Eight
9 Boys J18 Four
10 Girls J18 Four
11 Boys J16 Double
12 Girls J18 Double
13 Boys J18 Double
    Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A)
K. Woolley/R. Sullivan
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
D. Ferguson/K. Stewart
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
G. Wuollet/B. Allan
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Leyland/A. Williams III
    Composite: Don Bosco Prep, Maroon Blades (A)
B. Caltavuturo/P. Stone
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
M. Sibson/G. Robertson
    Greenwich Crew (A)
O. Probst/C. Korzendorfer
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Habert/R. Hyland
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
T. Dough/J. Cooper
    Newport Rowing Club (A)
S. Dhir/R. Blecher
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
D. Wolfe/G. Schmidt
    North Jersey Rowing (A)
E. Walker/J. Illuzzi
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
K. Conover/W. Pacella
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
C. Lazaroni/S. Nicodemo
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
C. Pyne/T. Powell
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
M. Miller/S. Flemming
    University Barge Club (A)
C. Hansen/C. Kovach
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
D. O'Sullivan/D. Guilfoyle
    Virginia Beach Rowing Club (A)
R. Harvey/J. Howells
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
B. Subak/H. Mackenzie
    Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (B)
K. Christopherson/N. Rylov
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
L. Williams/A. Del Vescovo
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
T. Kutchner/J. Novak
    Fairmount Rowing Association (B)
D. Waite/C. Waite
    Greenwich Crew (B)
M. McRae/J. caffrey
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
P. McNeal/E. Geller
    Maroon Blades (B)
P. Dubois/M. Seiter
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
J. Dickey/C. Holland
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
K. VandenBerg/J. Lombardo
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
D. Crameri/R. Hamilton
    RowAmerica Rye (B)
J. Dailey/T. Clickner
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
G. Otteni/E. Grugan
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
T. Bloesch/C. Wren
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (C)
S. Zelov/N. Rubino
    Crescent Boat Club (C)
T. Moyer/M. Amsterdam
14 Girls J16 Double
15 Boys Pair w/o
16 Girls Pair w/o
17 Boys J16 Single
    Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A)
R. McNichol
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
E. Subers
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
A. Saint Pierre
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
T. Ranjan
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
D. Ferguson
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
P. Keenan
    Greenwich Crew (A)
J. Katzman
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
J. Norton
    Maroon Blades (A)
C. Koontz
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
P. Hudgins
    Montclair High School (A)
K. Coplan
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
S. Mrazik
    North Jersey Rowing (A)
J. Illuzzi
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
K. Lenihan
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
J. DiPaola
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
L. Carolini
    V-Sculls (A)
    Virginia Beach Rowing Club (A)
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
L. Gibbons
    Bachelors Barge Club (B)
N. Terwiesch
    Baltimore Rowing Club (B)
J. Quinn
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (B)
C. Labozzetta
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
T. Cone
    Maroon Blades (B)
S. Campbell
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
J. Dickey
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
T. Smith
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
B. Hufnagel
    RowAmerica Rye (B)
B. Klezl
    V-Sculls (B)
J. yung
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (C)
J. Delara
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (C)
P. Barker
    Greenwich Crew (C)
D. Moffitt
    Maritime Rowing Club (C)
A. Moor
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (C)
Z. Johnston
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (D)
B. Parke
    Maritime Rowing Club (D)
R. Borsy
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (E)
G. Myers
    Maritime Rowing Club (E)
A. Williams
    Maritime Rowing Club (G)
D. Nuzhny
    Maritime Rowing Club (H)
J. Reed
18 Girls J16 Single
19 Boys J16 Four
20 Girls J16 Four
21 Girls Novice Single (1000m) - started racing after Jan 1
22 Boys Novice Quad (1000m) - started racing after Jan 1
23 Boys J18 Single
    Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A)
K. Christopherson
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
J. Rodman
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
N. Ismail
    Central Pennsylvania Rowing Association (A)
J. Sharpe
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
W. Koch
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Jamison
    Greenwich Crew (A)
C. Korzendorfer
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
R. Hyland
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
R. Simpson
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
B. Francis
    New York Rowing Association (A)
J. Silberstein
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
L. McGrinder
    North Jersey Rowing (A)
E. Walker
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
K. Andersen
    Orange County Rowing Association (A)
L. Sendelbach
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
J. Turk
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
M. Miller
    V-Sculls (A)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
M. Couwenhoven
    Virginia Beach Rowing Club (A)
D. Callahan
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
E. Horvath
    Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (B)
T. Hoehmann
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (B)
T. Barrett
    Capital Rowing Club (B)
K. Stewart
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
G. Wuollet
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
B. Guckin
    Greenwich Crew (B)
J. Carlson
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
J. Habert
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
J. Byrne
    Montclair High School (B)
E. St. John
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
K. VandenBerg
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
G. Mgaloblishvili
    Orange County Rowing Association (B)
J. Endler
    V-Sculls (B)
W. Powers
    Virginia Beach Rowing Club (B)
R. Gurak
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (C)
B. Allan
    Crescent Boat Club (C)
K. Perry
    Montclair High School (C)
B. Feltz
    Niskayuna Rowing (C)
G. Schmidt
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (C)
R. Hamilton
    Orange County Rowing Association (C)
B. Goodman
    V-Sculls (C)
T. Kern
    V-Sculls (C)
A. Kern
    Crescent Boat Club (D)
B. Weaver
    Crescent Boat Club (E)
I. Ward
24 Girls J18 Single
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
M. Doak
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
R. Armstrong
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
C. Erixxon
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
C. Hills
    Greenwich Crew (A)
V. Rojo
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
M. Avallone
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
L. Thompson
    Navesink River Rowing (A)
C. Meissner
    Newport Rowing Club (A)
T. Carr
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
G. Castro
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
J. Rivera
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
S. Pritzker
    V-Sculls (A)
S. Brown
    Baltimore Rowing Club (B)
D. Beck
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
J. Zettlemoyer
    Navesink River Rowing (B)
    Newport Rowing Club (B)
A. Perna
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
S. Adler
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (C)
A. Lawrence
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (D)
A. Ornato
25 Boys Eight
26 Girls Eight
27 Boys J16 Quad
28 Girls J16 Quad
29 Mens/Womens/Mixed Jr Octuple
30 Boys Single Dash
31 Girls Single Dash
32 Boys Eight Dash
33 Girls Eight Dash
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change