Sydney International Rowing Regatta

  • Mar 14, 2016 To Mar 20, 2016
  • sprint
  • Sydney, NSW (AUS)
  • Hosted By: Rowing Australia


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Monday, March 14, 2016
101 OW1x Open Women's Single Scull
102 OW2x Open Women's Double Scull
103 OW4x Open Women's Quadruple Scull
    Composite: Melbourne Uni, Canberra, Huon, Capital Lakes (A)
K. Brennan/C. Grzeskowiak/G. Nesbitt/H. Every-Hall
    Composite: Swan River, Fremantle (A)
E. Kelly/A. Whelan/A. Rukawai/D. Steger/
    Composite: Sydney University, Mercantile, Melbourne Uni, Commercial, Brisbane & GPS, Huon (A)
M. Edmunds/K. Brennan/S. Kehoe/J. Hall
    Composite: Toowong, Bucks, Tamar (A)
M. Volker/M. Coonan/C. Wilson/L. Jordan/
    Composite: UTS, Sydney (A)
E. Halsall/L. Saunders/R. Hooper/R. Hooper/
104 OW2- Open Women's Coxless Pair
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
H. Beech/L. Ogden/
    Composite: Mercantile, Melbourne Uni (A)
L. Stephan/C. Sutherland
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
A. Rukawai/A. Whelan/
    Composite: Swan River, Adelaide (A)
A. Hagan/M. Goodman
    Composite: UTS, Sydney (A)
E. Halsall/L. Saunders
    Mercantile Rowing Club (B)
H. Lewis/L. Duret/
    UTS Rowing Club (B)
R. Hooper/R. Hooper/
105 OW4- Open Women's Coxless Four
    Composite: Mercantile, Melbourne Uni (A)
L. Stephan/C. Sutherland/S. Sutherland/F. Albert/
    Composite: UTS, Sydney (A)
E. Halsall/L. Saunders/R. Hooper/R. Hooper/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (B)
K. Werry/H. Lewis/M. Cordner/A. Dunkley-Smith/
106 OW8+ Open Women's Coxed Eight
107 OM1x Open Men's Single Scull
    Buckingham Rowing Club
M. McQueeney/
    Canberra Rowing Club
A. Harding/
    Grammarians Rowing Club
B. Morley/
    Huon Rowing Club
W. Mure/
    Melbourne University Boat Club
J. Smith/
    Melbourne University Boat Club
K. Forsterling
    Mercantile Rowing Club
D. Brighthope
    Mosman Rowing Club
R. Barraclough/
    Murray Bridge Rowing Club
J. McRae
    Swan River Rowing Club
C. Hayes/
    Swan River Rowing Club
D. Watts
    Sydney Rowing Club
C. Morgan
    Sydney University Boat Club
A. Belonogoff
    Sydney University Boat Club
C. Girdlestone
    Sydney University Boat Club
N. Purnell
    Team Hong Kong
H. Law/
    Team Thailand
J. Saensuk/
    UTS Rowing Club
M. Keene/
    UTS Rowing Club
J. Hooper/
    UTS Rowing Club
J. Quigley/
    West Australian Rowing Club
M. Cochran
    West Australian Rowing Club
N. Wakeford/
108 OM2X Open Men's Double Scull
    Composite: Canberra, ANU (A)
A. Harding/J. Laidlaw/
    Composite: Huon, Bucks (A)
W. Mure/M. McQueeney/
    Composite: Mosman, Melbourne Uni (A)
J. Smith/R. Barraclough/
    Composite: Sydney, Swan River (A)
D. Watts/C. Morgan/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Quigley/J. Hooper/
    Composite: WARC, Swan River (A)
M. Cochran/C. Hayes/
    UTS Rowing Club (B)
M. Keene/B. Coombs/
109 OM4x Open Men's Quadruple Scull
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
D. Crawshay/J. Wilson/L. Schiesswohl/M. Mezger
    Power House Rowing Club (A)
B. Elgar-White/A. Sinclair/A. Goldstein/N. Inglis
    Composite: Sydney, Swan River, Huon, Bucks (A)
D. Watts/W. Mure/M. McQueeney/C. Morgan/
    Composite: Sydney University, Melbourne Uni, New South Wales, Murray Bridge, Adelaide (A)
C. Girdlestone/J. McRae/N. Purnell/A. Hill
    University of NSW Rowing Club (A)
C. Blundell/A. Todd/C. Byrnes/R. Selbie/
    Composite: University of Queensland, Grammarians (A)
A. Lillicrap/N. Goldstone/B. Morley/H. Hinckfuss/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Quigley/J. Hooper/B. Coombs/M. Keene/
    Composite: WARC, Swan River, University of WA (A)
R. Grant/M. Cochran/T. Widdicombe/C. Hayes
110 OM2- Open Men's Coxless Pair
    Mosman Rowing Club (A)
G. Shchulepov/S. Stradaev/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
J. Hicks/A. Moore/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
A. Lloyd/S. Turrin
    Composite: University of Queensland, Bucks (A)
S. Volker/N. Goldstone/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
C. Risbey/J. Medway/
    Composite: Mercantile, Melbourne Uni (B)
J. Dunkley-Smith/J. Booth
    Composite: Melbourne Uni, Adelaide (C)
A. Hill/J. Booth
    Sydney University Boat Club (F)
C. Cunningham-Reid/J. Hargreaves
111 OM4- Open Men's Coxless Four
    Composite: Mercantile, Sydney, Melbourne Uni (A)
A. Lloyd/J. Booth/J. Dunkley-Smith/S. Turrin
    Composite: Sydney, Swan River, Toowong, Commercial, Tamar (A)
N. Silcox/A. Kachyckyj/J. Chapman/A. Foot/
    Composite: UTS, Sydney University (A)
C. Risbey/N. Purnell/T. Masters/J. Medway/
    Composite: UTS, Sydney University, Melbourne Uni, New South Wales (B)
F. Pragnell/S. Hookway/J. Hooper/S. Laidler
    Composite: Sydney, Melbourne Uni, Adelaide (D)
A. Hill/A. Moore/J. Hicks/W. Lockwood
112 OM4+ Open Men's Coxed Four
    Composite: Adelaide University, Adelaide (A)
D. Clements/N. Kinnear/T. Beauchamp/H. Burgin/G. Litt (Cox)/
    Composite: Sydney, Adelaide (A)
J. Chapman/N. Bowden/S. Keenan/E. White/K. Brodie (Cox)/
    Sydney Rowing Club (B)
J. Farthing/S. Woodward/L. Snelson/S. Nola/M. Cheetham (Cox)/
113 OLW1x Open Lightweight Women's Single Scull
114 OLW2x Open Lightweight Women's Double Scull
115 OLW4x Open Lightweight Women's Quadruple Scull
116 OLM1x Open Lightweight Men's Single Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club
H. Burgin/
    Adelaide University Boat Club
P. Ey/
    Banks Rowing Club
D. Shoobridge/
    Buckingham Rowing Club
J. Crow
    Lindisfarne Rowing Club
W. Young/
    Mercantile Rowing Club
J. Wilson/
    Mercantile Rowing Club
C. Grace/
    Mercantile Rowing Club
M. McNamara/
    Newcastle University Boat Club
R. Hislop/
    Newcastle University Boat Club
C. Bond/
    Sydney Rowing Club
S. McDonald/
    Sydney Rowing Club
G. Parcsi/
    Sydney University Boat Club
J. Hanley/
    Team Thailand
J. Saensuk/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
B. Chapman/
    UTS Rowing Club
J. Waldersee/
117 OLM2x Open Lightweight Men's Double Scull
118 OLM4x Open Lightweight Men's Quadruple Scull
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW) (A)
M. McCrea/L. Andrew/M. Bourke/B. Adams/
    Composite: Mercantile, Banks (A)
H. Berry/C. Grace/J. Grey/J. Kelly/
    Composite: Swan River, University of WA (A)
C. Fowler/M. Johansson/T. Widdicombe/J. Kerr/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
S. McDonald/T. Cavanagh/G. Parcsi/M. Bladen/
    Team Hong Kong (A)
C. Tang/H. Chiu/K. Kwan/C. Leung/
    Composite: University of Queensland, Toowong (A)
T. McDonnell/B. Chapman/B. Heseltine/J. Price/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Chuter/M. Curtin/R. Chisholm/J. Waldersee/
    Composite: Canberra, Toowong, ANU, Tasmanian University (B)
W. Barker/T. Franey/T. Perry/S. Casey/
119 OLM2- Open Lightweight Men's Coxless Pair
120 OLM4- Open Lightweight Men's Coxless Four
121 OLM8+ Open Lightweight Men's Coxed Eight
122 U23W1x Under 23 Women's Single Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club
B. Badenoch
    Bundaberg Rowing Club
T. Carty/
    Capital Lakes Rowing Club
C. Grzeskowiak/
    Fremantle Rowing Club
A. McIntyre/
    Mercantile Rowing Club
A. Bateman/
    Mosman Rowing Club
G. Horton/
    Mosman Rowing Club
R. Meredith/
    Mosman Rowing Club
S. Cox/
    Swan River Rowing Club
G. Wheeler/
    Sydney Rowing Club
E. Partridge/
    Sydney Rowing Club
M. Brown/
    Sydney University Boat Club
L. Triggs/
    Sydney University Boat Club
F. Ewing/
    Composite: Toowong, Brisbane & GPS
K. Brown/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
C. Cronin/
    University of WA Boat Club
C. MacPhail/
    University of WA Boat Club
H. Child
123 U23W2x Under 23 Women's Double Scull
    Curtin University Boat Club (A)
K. Farley/C. Taylor/
    Composite: Melbourne, Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise (A)
R. Thompson/T. Wilshire/
    Mosman Rowing Club (A)
R. Meredith/S. Cox/
    Composite: Swan River, Fremantle (A)
A. McIntyre/G. Wheeler/
    Composite: Sydney, Canberra (A)
T. Caudle/E. Partridge
    Composite: Sydney University, Capital Lakes (A)
C. Grzeskowiak/F. Ewing/
    Composite: University of Queensland, Bundaberg (A)
T. Carty/C. Cronin/
    Composite: Sydney University, Sydney (B)
L. Triggs/M. Brown/
    Composite: University of Queensland, Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise (B)
E. Pozzi/M. Riemer/
124 U23W4x Under 23 Women's Quadruple Scull
    Composite: Curtin University, University of WA (A)
K. Farley/C. Taylor/C. MacPhail/P. Ketelaar/
    Composite: Melbourne, Mosman (A)
R. Thompson/G. Galloway/E. Connaghan/S. Froebel/
    Composite: Mosman, Swan River, Fremantle (A)
S. Cox/R. Meredith/G. Wheeler/A. McIntyre/
    Composite: Sydney University, Sydney, Canberra (A)
E. Partridge/M. Brown/L. Triggs/T. Caudle/
    Composite: Sydney University, University of Queensland, Bundaberg, Capital Lakes (A)
C. Grzeskowiak/C. Cronin/T. Carty/F. Ewing/
125 U23W2- Under 23 Women's Coxless Pair
126 U23W4- Under 23 Women's Coxless Four
127 U23W8+ Under 23 Women's Coxed Eight
128 U23M1x Under 23 Men's Single Scull
    Adelaide Rowing Club
T. Beauchamp/
    Adelaide University Boat Club
H. Langsford/
    ANU Boat Club
C. Antill
    Black Mountain Rowing Club
L. Letcher
    Black Mountain Rowing Club
T. Boorman/
    Commercial RC
H. Moore
    DRC Rowers
A. Louw/
    Melbourne University Boat Club
I. Smith/
    Melbourne University Boat Club
N. Stephenson/
    Mercantile Rowing Club
A. Kinsella/
    Mosman Rowing Club
T. Schramko/
    Mosman Rowing Club
R. Black/
    Rutherglen Lake Rowing Club
J. Curran/
    Rutherglen Lake Rowing Club
D. Williams/
    Swan River Rowing Club
S. Marsh/
    Sydney Rowing Club
N. Clifton/
    Sydney University Boat Club
A. Purnell/
    Sydney University Boat Club
D. Bartholot/
    Sydney University Boat Club
J. Bicknell/
    Tamar Rowing Club
H. Youl/
    Team Indonesia
M. Memo/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
A. Lillicrap/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
H. Hinckfuss/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
P. Gallagher/
129 U23M2x Under 23 Men's Double Scull
130 U23M4x Under 23 Men's Quadruple Scull
    Composite: Commercial, Black Mountain, ANU, Tamar (A)
T. Boorman/C. Antill/H. Youl/H. Moore
    Composite: Mosman, Swan River, Black Mountain (A)
T. Schramko/L. Letcher/R. Black/S. Marsh/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
H. Kamp/H. McDonald/H. Courts/A. Kenny/
    Composite: WARC, Fremantle (A)
D. Latham/W. Armstrong/S. Holliday/T. Fairclough/
131 U23M2- Under 23 Men's Coxless Pair
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
A. Widdicombe/L. Donald/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
R. Tucker/A. Perich/
    Sydney University Boat Club (A)
C. Watts/A. Judge/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
O. Smith/G. Lethbridge/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
H. Parry/J. Armitage/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Davies/J. Stubbs/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (B)
C. Nott/T. Hunt/
    Composite: Toowong, Commercial (B)
D. Wruck/N. Pettigrew/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (C)
A. Wolf/A. Clarke/
132 U23M4- Under 23 Men's Coxless Four
    Composite: Adelaide University, Adelaide (A)
T. Santin/K. Grant/J. Korcz/M. Stamatas
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
L. Donald/A. Widdicombe/T. Hunt/C. Nott/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
R. Tucker/N. Clifton/A. Perich/N. Kaplan/
    Composite: Sydney University, Mosman (A)
Z. Von Appen/C. Rossi/A. Robinson/Z. Whitehead
    Composite: Toowong, Commercial (A)
D. Wruck/N. Pettigrew/G. Lethbridge/O. Smith/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Davies/J. Stubbs/M. Curtin/J. Chuter/
    Composite: WARC, University of WA (A)
R. Greyling/R. Packer/G. Pensini/F. Pensini/
133 U23M8+ Under 23 Men's Coxed Eight
134 U23LW1x Under 23 Lightweight Women's Single Scull
135 U23LW2x Under 23 Lightweight Women's Double Scull
136 U23LW4x Under 23 Lightweight Women's Quadruple Scull
137 U23LM1x Under 23 Lightweight Men's Single Scull
138 U23LM2x Under 23 Lightweight Men's Double Scull
    Composite: ANU, Tasmanian University (A)
W. Barker/S. Casey/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
R. Spiller/M. Jacka/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
R. Affinito/W. Williamson/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
M. Bladen/L. Caetano/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
H. Parks/J. Williams/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Chuter/M. Curtin/
    Composite: WARC, University of WA (A)
J. Kerr/M. Boros
    Swan River Rowing Club (B)
J. Criddle/N. Ferguson/
139 U23LM2- Under 23 Lightweight Men's Coxless Pair
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
C. Tomczak/W. Legge/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
M. Bladen/T. Cavanagh/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
H. Parry/J. Armitage/
    Composite: Sydney, Balmain (B)
P. Waldersee/L. Caetano/
140 U23LM4- Under 23 Lightweight Men's Coxless Four
141 U21W1x Under 21 Women's Single Scull
142 U21W2x Under 21 Women's Double Scull
143 U21W4x Under 21 Women's Quadruple Scull
144 U21W2- Under 21 Women's Coxless Pair
145 U21W4+ Under 21 Women's Coxed Four
146 U21M1x Under 21 Men's Single Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club
J. Korcz
    Adelaide University Boat Club
M. Stamatas
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club
H. Borger/
    Commercial RC
A. Bakker/
    Fremantle Rowing Club
W. Armstrong/
    Rutherglen Lake Rowing Club
L. Seymour/
    Sydney Rowing Club
C. Patterson/
    Sydney Rowing Club
D. Boakes/
    Sydney Rowing Club
M. Duignan/
    Sydney University Boat Club
J. Benson/
    Team Indonesia
S. Sulfianto/
    Toowong Rowing Club
T. Davidson/
    Composite: Toowong, Brisbane & GPS
W. Johnston/
    Toowong Rowing Club
L. Beil/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
C. Weston/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
J. Kogan/
147 U21M2x Under 21 Men's Double Scull
    Adelaide Rowing Club (A)
J. Deans/J. Hutt/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
N. Patchett/H. Borger/
    Fremantle Rowing Club (A)
W. Armstrong/S. Holliday/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
J. Hoban/B. Hooper/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
M. Sandrelli/S. Marsh/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
M. Duignan/C. Patterson/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
C. Chisholm/T. Davidson/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
H. Parks/J. Williams/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (A)
C. Weston/N. Adie/
148 U21M4x Under 21 Men's Quadruple Scull
    Melbourne University Boat Club (A)
L. May/J. McCann/W. Porter/A. Cunningham/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
L. Schiesswohl/M. Mezger/J. Hoban/B. Hooper/
    Composite: Pembroke School, Adelaide (A)
J. Deans/M. Nielsen/J. Evans/J. Hutt/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
J. Criddle/W. Williamson/R. Affinito/N. Ferguson/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
C. Patterson/M. Brenner/M. Duignan/D. Boakes/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
C. Chisholm/J. Doring/T. Davidson/E. Apel/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
H. Parks/P. Boniface/T. Smith/J. Williams/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (A)
C. Weston/L. Bridge/N. Adie/J. Kogan/
    Swan River Rowing Club (B)
M. Sandrelli/P. Boere/L. Salerno/J. Fatin/
    Toowong Rowing Club (B)
A. Jennings/T. Franey/L. Beil/H. Scott/
149 U21M2- Under 21 Men's Coxless Pair
    Adelaide Rowing Club (A)
K. Grant/T. Santin
    Banks Rowing Club (A)
T. Sanders/S. Stewart/
    Fremantle Rowing Club (A)
D. Latham/S. Holliday/
    Melbourne University Boat Club (A)
L. May/J. McCann/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
M. Mezger/L. Schiesswohl/
    Mosman Rowing Club (A)
Z. Von Appen/C. Rossi/
    North Esk Rowing Club (A)
T. Barrett/C. Doedens/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
L. Salerno/P. Boere/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
H. Kamp/H. McDonald/
    Sydney University Boat Club (A)
A. Robinson/Z. Whitehead/
    Tasmanian University Rowing Club (A)
A. Hutchinson/H. Johnstone/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
C. Chisholm/E. Apel/
    University of WA Boat Club (A)
G. Pensini/F. Pensini/
    West Australian Rowing Club (A)
R. Greyling/R. Packer/
    Melbourne University Boat Club (B)
W. Porter/B. Canham/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (B)
A. Maloney/J. Lawrence/
    Swan River Rowing Club (B)
S. Marsh/J. Fatin/
    Sydney Rowing Club (B)
R. Wells/H. Courts/
    Tasmanian University Rowing Club (B)
W. White/A. Hudson/
    Sydney Rowing Club (C)
W. O'Connell/A. Kenny/
150 U21M4+ Under 21 Men's Coxed Four
    Melbourne University Boat Club (A)
L. May/J. McCann/B. Canham/W. Porter/J. Kirby (Cox)/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
A. Wolf/A. Clarke/A. Maloney/J. Lawrence/J. Rook (Cox)/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
M. Sandrelli/P. Boere/L. Salerno/J. Fatin/A. Anile (Cox)/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
H. McDonald/H. Kamp/R. Wells/H. Courts/G. Davis (Cox)/
    Composite: Tasmanian University, Friends School (A)
A. Hutchinson/H. Johnstone/A. Hudson/W. White/A. Smail (Cox)/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
S. Randel Kneipp/E. Apel/A. Jennings/W. Johnston/A. Hockings (Cox)/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
J. Williams/T. Smith/P. Boniface/H. Parks/B. MacLean (Cox)/
    Sydney Rowing Club (B)
W. O'Connell/M. Brenner/A. Kenny/D. Boakes/S. Wayland (Cox)/
151 U21LW1x Under 21 Lightweight Women's Single Scull
152 U21LM1x Under 21 Lightweight Men's Single Scull
153 U19W1x Under 19 Women's Single Scull
    Barwon Rowing Club
A. Hoffmann/
    Canberra Rowing Club
C. Cherbuin/
    Canberra Rowing Club
R. Gambale
    Corio Bay Rowing Club
C. Pecchiari/
    Firbank Grammar School
M. Ballas/
    Fremantle Rowing Club
E. Kelly/
    Lindisfarne Rowing Club
L. Reardon
    Lower Clarence Amateur RC
C. Piper/
    Melbourne Rowing Club
S. Froebel/
    Melbourne Rowing Club
J. Chew/
    Melbourne Rowing Club
E. Makantasis/
    Melbourne Rowing Club
G. O'Shea/
    Melbourne University Boat Club
C. Wirtz/
    MLC School
L. McLean/
    Mosman Rowing Club
G. Galloway/
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth
L. Sutherland/
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth
M. Lily/
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth
L. Hutton/
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth
C. Attwell/
    River City Women's Rowing Club
M. Horridge/
    Sacred Heart College - Geelong
S. Arnold/
    Swan River Rowing Club
D. Steger/
    Sydney Rowing Club
R. Davenport/
    Sydney Rowing Club
H. Hudson/
    Sydney Rowing Club
G. Bradley/
    Tara Anglican School for Girls
G. Horton/
    Tasmanian University Rowing Club
R. Keppel/
    The Friends School
O. Downie/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
C. Jansen/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
E. Sullivan/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
L. Blair/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
L. Alton/
154 U19W2x Under 19 Women's Double Scull
    Composite: Barwon, Melbourne (A)
A. Hoffmann/S. Froebel/
    Composite: Brisbane & GPS, Rockhampton Grammar (A)
B. Mueller/G. Fulcher/
    Canberra Rowing Club (A)
C. Cherbuin/R. Gambale/
    Commercial RC (A)
Z. Hepple/B. Cowie/
    Corio Bay Rowing Club (A)
H. Plummer/C. Pecchiari/
    Daramalan College (A)
O. Spillane/G. Tzavalas/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
R. Hatherley/I. Pugliesi/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (A)
L. Coleman/S. Robinson/
    Composite: Leichhardt, Nepean (A)
R. Cuevas/L. Lyon/
    Composite: Loreto Normanhurst, Kinross Wolaroi (A)
K. Hall/O. Bartram/
    Melbourne Rowing Club (A)
G. O'Shea/E. Makantasis/
    Composite: Melbourne Uni, Firbank Grammar (A)
C. Wirtz/M. Ballas/
    Mersey Rowing Club (A)
M. Tippett/M. Greenhill/
    Mosman Rowing Club (A)
G. Galloway/E. Connaghan/
    Composite: River City Womens, Somerville House (A)
M. Horridge/J. Miller/
    Composite: Swan River, Fremantle (A)
D. Steger/E. Kelly/
    Composite: Sydney, University of Queensland (A)
L. Alton/H. Hudson/
    Composite: Sydney, Lower Clarence (A)
G. Bradley/C. Piper/
    Composite: Torrens, Wilderness School (A)
S. Nery/G. Vink
    Essendon Rowing Club (B)
G. Taylor/Z. Mason/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (B)
A. Finlay/T. Field/
    Mosman Rowing Club (B)
A. Altenburger/E. Molen-Grigull/
    Pymble Ladies College (B)
J. McCalman/C. Fell/
    Somerville House (B)
J. Ziesemer/R. Munro/
    Composite: Sydney, University of Queensland (B)
L. Blair/R. Davenport/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (B)
M. Hinton/C. Jansen/
155 U19W4x Under 19 Women's Quadruple Scull
    Commercial RC (A)
Z. Alcorn/M. Wightman/Z. Hepple/B. Cowie/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
R. Hatherley/I. Pugliesi/G. Taylor/Z. Mason/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (A)
N. Campbell/H. Nixon/T. Field/A. Finlay/
    Composite: Melbourne Uni, Canberra, Firbank Grammar, Capital Lakes (A)
C. Cherbuin/R. Gambale/M. Ballas/C. Wirtz
    Mersey Rowing Club (A)
M. Tippett/M. Greenhill/H. Tippett/A. Brookes/
    Composite: Mosman, Balmain (A)
A. Altenburger/E. Molen-Grigull/E. Principe/K. Healy/
    Queenwood School (A)
G. Chubb/J. Robinson/T. Mapplebeck/A. Johnson/
    Composite: River City Womens, Somerville House (A)
M. Horridge/J. Miller/J. Ziesemer/R. Munro/
    Composite: Swan River, Canberra Girls Grammar (A)
J. Cronan/R. Toohey/D. Steger/B. Gillett/
    Composite: Sydney, University of Queensland (A)
L. Alton/H. Hudson/L. Blair/R. Davenport/
    Composite: Sydney, Leichhardt, Lower Clarence, University of WA (A)
H. Lisa-Wilding/G. Bradley/L. Lyon/C. Piper/
156 U19W2- Under 19 Women's Coxless Pair
157 U19W4- Under 19 Women's Coxless Four
158 U19W8+ Under 19 Women's Coxed Eight
    Firbank Grammar School (A)
E. Davey/M. Vogel/H. Brodribb/T. Murray/E. Keen/H. Dawes/E. Scott/H. Small/J. Durkan (Cox)/
    Kinross Wolaroi School (A)
K. Hall/J. Date/R. Crisp/L. Wright/M. Noonan/R. Brown/S. Hamblin/K. Taylorwood-Roe/S. Allen (Cox)/
    Loreto Kirribilli (A)
E. Dixon/S. De Angelis/T. Rigney/O. Jackson/L. Lennon/H. Potts/P. Halley/C. Goodman/C. Shackley (Cox)/
    Loreto Normanhurst (A)
O. Bartram/A. Scott/M. Bartholomew/A. Lawson/C. Hassall/L. Graham/C. Morrison/H. Loneragan/E. Fessey (Cox)/
    Composite: Mercantile, Sydney, University of Queensland (A)
G. Warmington/A. Needham/L. Alton/H. Hudson/E. Gray/L. Blair/R. Davenport/C. Young/A. Hancock (Cox)/
    Composite: PLC Sydney, MLC School, Sydney Girls, Ascham, St Catherine's (A)
Z. Spurway/I. Mijatovic/L. McLean/J. Kendall/E. Vey-Cox/E. Principe/E. Brown/G. McNamara/N. Oshana (Cox)
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth (A)
C. Hill/C. May/G. Parker/G. Morris/A. Gunzburg/E. Newnham/A. Wilson/M. Oliver/E. Murdoch (Cox)/
    St Peter's Girls College (A)
S. Freeman/L. Khoury/C. Jones/V. White/L. Habel/J. Dalpra/O. Compare/E. Webb/B. Hannon (Cox)
    The Friends School (A)
E. Jackson/S. Mohler/O. Downie/L. Southcott/A. Walsh/P. Nightingale/C. Frasson/M. Crombie/A. Smail (Cox)/
    Composite: Torrens, Loreto - Marryatville, New Norfolk, Adelaide (A)
E. Bennet/H. Sexton/E. Bramwell/Z. Molloy/H. Ashworth/I. Robertson/R. Cock/R. Barnett/M. Peisly (Cox)/
    Walford Anglican School (A)
K. Nicholson/M. Young/A. Sladojevic/L. Fraenkel/H. Hewitson/A. Hall/S. Vaile/E. Rundle/B. Hall (Cox)/
    Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth (B)
M. Morfesse/L. Hutton/Y. Razvi/L. Sutherland/K. Descant/C. Attwell/M. Lily/R. Marley/S. Gowan-Taylor (Cox)/
    Composite: Sydney, University of Queensland, Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise, St Margarets (B)
L. Coleman/S. Robinson/E. Sullivan/G. Bradley/H. Gall/M. Hinton/G. Campbell/E. King/A. Gooden (Cox)/
159 U19M1x Under 19 Men's Single Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club
H. Frigaard
    Black Mountain Rowing Club
B. Stratford/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club
C. Bunting
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club
B. Rich
    Canberra Rowing Club
H. Harding/
    Capital Lakes Rowing Club
A. Grzeskowiak/
    Corowa Rowing Club
B. Pearsall/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club
A. Dipple/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club
B. Wagstaff/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club
M. Spratt/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club
J. Free/
    Hawthorn Rowing Club
E. Coleman/
    Hunter Valley Grammar School
C. Forbes/
    Mildura Rowing Club
R. Harrison/
    Mildura Rowing Club
H. Talbot/
    Mosman Rowing Club
S. Aljaidi/
    Nagambie Rowing Club
N. Leckie/
    Nagambie Rowing Club
N. Geisler/
    North Esk Rowing Club
M. Dikkenberg/
    North Esk Rowing Club
J. Barrett/
    North Esk Rowing Club
A. McGlashan/
    North Esk Rowing Club
C. Ryan/
    Oxenford Rowing Club
J. Hallewell/
    Oxenford Rowing Club
L. Moynahan/
    Oxenford Rowing Club
K. Heck/
    Pulteney Grammar School
M. Nielsen
    Rockhampton Grammar School
M. Napper/
    Somerset College
L. Muhlbauer/
    Swan River Rowing Club
M. Orton/
    Swan River Rowing Club
R. Quekett/
    Swan River Rowing Club
W. Jupp/
    Swan River Rowing Club
M. Sandrelli/
    Sydney Rowing Club
L. Caetano/
    Sydney Rowing Club
L. Giles/
    Sydney Rowing Club
M. Brenner/
    Sydney University Boat Club
M. Murray/
    The Cathedral School
J. Duff/
    The Scots College
G. Finlayson/
    Composite: Toowong, Anglican Church
A. Job
    Toowong Rowing Club
C. Jarver/
    Toowong Rowing Club
D. Harris/
    Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Rowing Club
C. Kennedy-Leverett/
    Ulverstone Rowing Club
J. Wilson/
    University of Queensland Boat Club
L. Bridge/
160 U19M2x Under 19 Men's Double Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club (A)
I. Allum-Henson/C. Mc Carty/
    Adelaide University Boat Club (A)
M. Partington/L. Kirchner/
    Composite: Adelaide University, Pulteney Grammar (A)
M. Nielsen/H. Frigaard
    Barwon Rowing Club (A)
G. Di Dato/M. Kelynack/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
C. Bunting/F. Salmon
    Composite: Canberra, Black Mountain (A)
B. Stratford/H. Harding/
    Composite: Capital Lakes, Daramalan (A)
A. Grzeskowiak/N. Kennedy/
    Composite: Essendon, University of Queensland (A)
L. Bridge/L. Matic/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
R. Kirby/L. Mascaro/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (A)
J. Free/M. Spratt/
    Composite: Hawthorn, Nagambie (A)
L. Spencer/N. Leckie/
    Mildura Rowing Club (A)
R. Harrison/H. Talbot/
    Composite: Mosman, St Augustines (A)
S. Aljaidi/J. Donkers/
    North Esk Rowing Club (A)
J. Barrett/M. Dikkenberg/
    Composite: North Esk, Ulverstone (A)
C. Doedens/J. Wilson/
    Oxenford Rowing Club (A)
L. Moynahan/J. Hallewell/
    Radford College (A)
S. Durnell/M. McCormack/
    Composite: Rockhampton Grammar, Cathedral (A)
M. Napper/J. Duff/
    St Joseph's Nudgee College (A)
M. Ready/R. Sinclair/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
M. Orton/W. Jupp/
    Composite: Sydney, Swan River (A)
M. Brenner/M. Sandrelli/
    Composite: Sydney University, St Josephs Sydney (A)
M. Murray/J. Rath/
    Composite: Brisbane & GPS, Oxenford (B)
K. Heck/B. Rich/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (B)
B. Parker/B. Wagstaff/
    Composite: Guilford Young, Ulverstone (B)
J. Streeter/J. Weisse/
    Composite: Hawthorn, Corio Bay (B)
C. Foreman/E. Coleman/
    North Esk Rowing Club (B)
C. Ryan/A. McGlashan/
    Swan River Rowing Club (B)
C. Derecourt/R. Quekett/
    Composite: Sydney, Corowa (B)
B. Pearsall/L. Giles/
    Sydney University Boat Club (B)
W. O'Shannessy/D. Walsh/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (C)
F. Maroney-Vita/A. Dipple/
    Somerset College (D)
L. Muhlbauer/R. McClure/
161 U19M4x Under 19 Men's Quadruple Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club (A)
M. Partington/I. Allum-Henson/C. Mc Carty/L. Kirchner/
    Composite: Barwon, Essendon (A)
M. Kelynack/L. Mascaro/J. Williams/G. Di Dato/
    Composite: Brisbane & GPS, Oxenford (A)
K. Heck/C. Bunting/L. Moynahan/J. Hallewell/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
R. Kirby/L. Crisp/L. Matic/R. Blythe/
    Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (A)
J. Free/M. Spratt/B. Wagstaff/B. Parker/
    Composite: Guilford Young, New Norfolk, Ulverstone (A)
J. Streeter/J. Wilson/N. Graham/J. Weisse/
    Composite: Hawthorn, Nagambie, Corio Bay (A)
E. Coleman/C. Foreman/N. Leckie/L. Spencer/
    North Esk Rowing Club (A)
A. McGlashan/J. Barrett/C. Ryan/M. Dikkenberg/
    Swan River Rowing Club (A)
M. Orton/W. Jupp/C. Derecourt/R. Quekett/
    Composite: Sydney University, St Josephs Sydney (A)
M. Murray/J. Rath/W. O'Shannessy/D. Walsh/
    Composite: Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise, Somerset College (B)
A. Dipple/F. Maroney-Vita/L. Muhlbauer/R. McClure/
    Composite: Sydney, Swan River, Corowa, Scots, Capital Lakes (B)
A. Grzeskowiak/G. Finlayson/A. Kenny/B. Pearsall/
162 U19M2- Under 19 Men's Coxless Pair
163 U19M4- Under 19 Men's Coxless Four
164 U19M4+ Under 19 Men's Coxed Four
165 U19M8+ Under 19 Men's Coxed Eight
166 U17W1x Under 17 Women's Single Scull
167 U17W2x Under 17 Women's Double Scull
168 U17W4x+ Under 17 Women's Coxed Quadruple Scull
169 U17M1x Under 17 Men's Single Scull
170 U17M2x Under 17 Men's Double Scull
171 U17M4x+ Under 17 Men's Coxed Quadruple Scull
172 CW2x Club Women's Double Scull
    Adelaide Rowing Club (A)
J. Molloy/R. Barnett/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
S. Byrne/M. Thornton/
    Buckingham Rowing Club (A)
A. Sansom/F. Anderson/
    Essendon Rowing Club (A)
S. Sekfy/B. Chalmers/
    Latrobe University Rowing Club (A)
E. Crute/E. Tsomaropoulos/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
C. Deyermond/L. Duret/
    North Esk Rowing Club (A)
P. Green/J. Hancock/
    Rockhampton Fitzroy Rowing Club (A)
E. Kennedy/G. Kennedy/
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
E. Partridge/M. Brown/
    Toowong Rowing Club (A)
L. Jordan/H. Fasso/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (A)
B. Court/S. Tisdall/
    University of WA Boat Club (A)
C. MacPhail/H. Wilding/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
V. Delipetar/A. Hearn/
    Rockhampton Fitzroy Rowing Club (B)
T. Stitz/N. Hill/
    UTS Rowing Club (B)
B. Staniforth/A. Alonso/
173 CW4- Club Women's Coxless Four
174 CW8+ Club Womens Coxed Eight
    Composite: Sydney, Sydney Girls (A)
H. Hudson/M. Brown/E. Partridge/C. Trent/G. Bradley/R. Davenport/B. Caputo/B. Riley/M. Cheetham (Cox)/
    Sydney University Boat Club (A)
A. McLauchlan/E. Ryan/L. Triggs/R. Haines/S. Hartog/E. San Miguel/K. McGeoch/L. Holden/C. Lowe (Cox)/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
K. Parker/L. Honson/M. Heinke/K. Volk/A. Guinness/B. Staniforth/R. Beasley/V. Delipetar/R. Harrisson (Cox)/
175 CM2x Club Men's Double Scull
    Adelaide University Boat Club (A)
H. Burgin/P. Ey/
    ANU Boat Club (A)
J. Laidlaw/S. Morris/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
D. Kyparissis/B. Birchall/
    Canberra Rowing Club (A)
P. Adams/M. Cusack/
    DRC Rowers (A)
O. Fawkes/A. Louw/
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW) (A)
I. Eveleigh/B. Storey/
    Mercantile Rowing Club (A)
C. Grace/D. Brighthope/
    Newcastle University Boat Club (A)
D. Mills/R. Hislop
    Pembroke School (A)
B. Ong/C. Welsby/
    Power House Rowing Club (A)
B. Elgar-White/N. Inglis
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
M. Bladen/G. Parcsi/
    Sydney University Boat Club (A)
J. Runde/M. Brooking/
    Tasmanian University Rowing Club (A)
J. Cooper/J. Gatehouse/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (A)
L. Bridge/J. Kogan/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Stubbs/F. Heitz/
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (B)
C. Bunting/F. Salmon
    Swan River Rowing Club (B)
N. Ferguson/J. Criddle/
    Sydney Rowing Club (B)
M. Duignan/D. Boakes/
176 CM4- Club Men's Coxless Four
    Banks Rowing Club (A)
S. Stewart/T. Sanders/D. Counsel/D. Favre/
    Hawthorn Rowing Club (A)
S. O'Connor-Smith/C. Tulloch/B. Chong-Halliday/L. Spencer/
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW) (A)
A. Farkash/K. Bodell/A. Macgregor/N. Fogarty/
    Melbourne University Boat Club (A)
E. Monteith/A. Cunningham/W. Porter/B. Canham/
    Power House Rowing Club (A)
N. Hatjiandreou/A. Holman/A. Goldstein/A. Sinclair
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
M. Dignan/S. Woodward/J. Farthing/W. O'Connell/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
H. Parks/P. Boniface/T. Smith/J. Williams/
    University of Queensland Boat Club (A)
C. Weston/N. Adie/P. Gallagher/T. Mawby/
    Banks Rowing Club (B)
D. Shoobridge/H. Wetherall/L. Nuzzo/E. O'Bryan/
177 CM8+ Club Mens Coxed Eight
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW)
A. Carey/A. Farkash/N. Fogarty/A. Macgregor/S. Comninos/B. Storey/I. Eveleigh/K. Bodell/H. Schilling (Cox)/
    Power House Rowing Club
N. Hatjiandreou/A. Sinclair/A. Holman/N. Inglis/A. Goldstein/B. Jones/B. Elgar-White/J. Hills/L. O'Donnell (Cox)
    Swan River Rowing Club
M. Sandrelli/N. Ferguson/L. Salerno/J. Fatin/J. Criddle/R. Affinito/P. Boere/M. Orton/A. Anile (Cox)/
    Sydney Rowing Club
M. Dignan/D. Boakes/R. Wells/S. Woodward/A. Kenny/J. Farthing/M. Brenner/W. O'Connell/K. Brodie (Cox)/
    Toowong Rowing Club
W. Johnston/A. Jennings/T. Edgecombe/S. Scott/T. Waterman/C. Jarver/W. Starky/D. Harris/A. Hockings (Cox)/
    Composite: Banks, Melbourne High (A)
L. Nuzzo/T. Sanders/H. Cathcart/D. Favre/D. Shoobridge/H. Wetherall/D. Counsel/E. O'Bryan/D. Kirkman (Cox)/
181 ASW1x AS Women's Single Scull
182 TAW1x TA Women's Single Scull
183 LTAW1x LTA Women's Single Scull
184 ASM1x AS Men's Single Scull
    Dragons Rowing Club
T. Higham/
    Sydney Rowing Club
E. Horrie/
185 TAM1x TA Men's Single Scull
186 LTAM1x LTA Men's Single Scull
187 TAMix2x TA Mixed Double Scull
188 LTAMix2x LTA Mixed Double Scull
189 LTAMix4+ LTA Mixed Coxed Four
190 LTAM1x LTA Mens Single Scull (2000m Demonstration)
191 ASM1x AS Mens Single Scull (2000m Demonstration)
    Sydney Rowing Club
E. Horrie/
192 TAMIX2x TA Mixed Double Scull (2000m Demonstration)
193 LTAMIX2x LTA Mixed Double Scull (2000m Demonstration)
194 LTAMIX4+ LTA Mixed Coxed Four (2000m Demonstration)
201 SG1x Schoolgirl's Single Scull
202 SG4x+ Schoolgirl's Coxed Quadruple Scull
203 SG4+ Schoolgirl's Coxed Four
204 U17SG8+ Under 17 Schoolgirls Coxed Eight
205 SG8+ Schoolgirl's Coxed Eight
206 SB1x Schoolboy's Single Scull
    Composite: Adelaide University, Glenunga
H. Frigaard
    Composite: Black Mountain, Dickson College
C. Schmierer/
    Brisbane Boys College
T. Waterman/
    Brisbane Grammar School
P. Holt/
    Composite: Commercial, Gregory Terrace
J. Gifford
    Composite: Coomera Anglican, Oxenford
J. Bowser/
    Composite: Corowa, Corowa HS
B. Pearsall/
    Daramalan College
N. Kennedy/
    Engadine High School
C. Tsambalas/
    Footscray City Rowing Club
E. Low/
    Composite: Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise, Kings Christian College
J. Free/
    Composite: Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise, Varsity College
M. Spratt/
    Composite: Griffith Uni Surfers Paradise, Trinity Lutheran
B. Wagstaff/
    Hunter Valley Grammar School
L. Giles/
    Composite: Mosman, Mosman High
S. Aljaidi/
    Nagambie Rowing Club
N. Geisler/
    Pulteney Grammar School
M. Nielsen
L. Murnaghan
    Rockhampton Grammar School
M. Napper/
    Somerset College
L. Muhlbauer/
    Somerset College
R. McClure/
    St Ignatius College
M. Elbourne/
    Composite: Swan River, Shenton College
C. Derecourt/
    Composite: Swan River, Trinity College
M. Sandrelli/
    Composite: Swan River, Shenton College
W. Jupp
    Composite: Swan River, Corpus Christi
M. Orton/
    Composite: Sydney, Concord High School
L. Caetano/
    The Cathedral School
J. Duff/
    The Scots College
G. Finlayson/
    The Southport School
C. Kennedy-Leverett/
    Trinity Lutheran College
B. Parker/
207 SB4x+ Schoolboy's Coxed Quadruple Scull
208 SB4+ Schoolboy's Coxed Four
209 U17SB8+ Under 17 Schoolboy's Coxed Eight
210 SB8+ Schoolboy's Coxed Eight
300 INTERSTATE The King's & Queen's Cups Interstate Regatta
301 ISWLTA1x Interstate Women's LTA Single Scull
302 ISMLTA1x Interstate Men's LTA Single Scull
303 ISW1x Interstate Women's Single Scull
304 ISM1x Interstate Men's Single Scull
    Rowing ACT
L. Letcher
    Rowing New South Wales
A. Purnell/
    Rowing Queensland Inc
B. Morley
    Rowing Tasmania
M. McQueeney/
    Rowing Victoria Incorporated
K. Forsterling/
    Rowing WA
R. Grant/
    Composite: Sydney, South Australia
C. Morgan
305 ISLW4x Interstate Lightweight Women's Quadruple Scull
306 ISLM4- Interstate Lightweight Men's Coxless Four
307 ISYW8+ Interstate Women's Youth Eight
308 ISYM8+ Interstate Men's Youth Eight
309 ISW8+ Interstate Women's Eight
310 ISM8+ Interstate Men's Eight
    Rowing New South Wales (A)
A. Lloyd/C. Girdlestone/J. Chapman/N. Purnell/S. Turrin/R. Black/J. Medway/C. Cunningham-Reid/W. Raven (Cox)/
    Composite: Sydney, South Australia (A)
A. Hill/J. McRae/C. Morgan/N. Bowden/D. Clements/N. Kinnear/T. Santin/H. Langsford/G. Litt (Cox)/
    Composite: Sydney, Western Australia (A)
J. Hicks/D. Watts/R. Grant/M. Cochran/C. Brewer/C. Hayes/M. Johansson/T. Widdicombe/M. Montanari (Cox)/
    Composite: UTS, Queensland (A)
H. Moore/A. Lillicrap/S. Laidler/N. Goldstone/D. Wruck/B. Morley/T. McDonnell/J. Armitage/C. Hockings (Cox)/
    Composite: UTS, Victoria (A)
J. Booth/C. Risbey/J. Dunkley-Smith/W. Lockwood/T. Masters/B. Coombs/S. Hookway/J. Hooper/D. Webster (Cox)/
401 MW4xSprint Masters Womens Quadruple Scull Sprint
402 MW8+Sprint Masters Womens Coxed Eight Sprint
403 MM4xSprint Masters Womens Quadruple Scull Sprint
404 MM8+Sprint Masters Mens Coxed Eight Sprint
405 UW4xSprint University Womens Quadruple Scull Sprint
406 UW8+Sprint University Womens Coxed Eight Sprint
407 UM4xSprint University Mens Quadruple Scull Sprint
408 UM8+Sprint University Mens Coxed Eight Sprint
409 SG4x+Sprnt Schoolgirls Coxed Quadruple Scull Sprint
410 SG8+Sprint Schoolgirls Coxed Eight Sprint
411 SB4x+Sprnt Schoolboys Coxed Quadruple Scull Sprint
412 SB8+Sprint Schoolboys Coxed Eight Sprint
413 OW4xSprint Open Womens Quadruple Scull Sprint
414 OW8+Sprint Open Womens Coxed Eight Sprint
415 OM4xSprint Open Mens Quadruple Scull Sprint
    Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club (A)
B. Rich/F. Salmon/C. Bunting/L. Roelfes
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW) (A)
M. McCrea/L. Andrew/M. Bourke/B. Adams/
    Newcastle University Boat Club (A)
D. Mills/O. Couch/R. Hislop/C. Bond
    Sydney Rowing Club (A)
S. McDonald/T. Cavanagh/G. Parcsi/M. Bladen/
    Team Hong Kong (A)
C. Tang/H. Law/K. Kwan/C. Leung/
    Townsville & JCU (A)
H. Parks/P. Boniface/T. Smith/J. Williams/
    UTS Rowing Club (A)
J. Quigley/J. Hooper/B. Coombs/M. Keene/
416 OM8+Sprint Open Mens Coxed Eight Sprint
    Banks Rowing Club (A)
L. Nuzzo/T. Sanders/S. Stewart/D. Favre/D. Shoobridge/H. Wetherall/D. Counsel/E. O'Bryan/D. Kirkman (Cox)/
    Leichhardt Rowing Club (NSW) (A)
S. Hoadley/A. Farkash/N. Fogarty/A. Macgregor/S. Comninos/B. Storey/I. Eveleigh/K. Bodell/H. Schilling (Cox)/
    Composite: Sydney, Adelaide (A)
J. Hicks/E. White/A. Lloyd/S. Turrin/S. Keenan/N. Bowden/J. Chapman/C. Morgan/K. Brodie (Cox)/
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change