USRowing Central Youth Championships

  • May 7, 2016 To May 8, 2016
  • sprint
  • Oklahoma River
  • Oklahoma City, OK (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, May 7, 2016
1 MY2x Mens Youth 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
S. Blab/J. Delgado
    Cambridge Crew (A)
B. Moner/C. Upfield
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
D. Fox/V. Sands
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
J. Hamid-Khani/F. Berry
    OKC Riversport (A)
C. Tubb/A. Best
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
M. Pirie/J. Montano
    RowAmerica North Little Rock (A)
E. Hankins-Hull/M. McGinn
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
C. Rock/J. Holdsworth
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
P. Kirby/C. McWatters
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
G. Hendrix/M. Genovesi
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
D. Coburn/B. Timmons
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
C. Petersen/B. Griffin
    OKC Riversport (B)
S. Sasser/A. Serven
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (B)
C. Kennedy/G. Hartwick
2 MY2nd2x Mens Youth 2nd 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
B. Bodwell/H. Bodwell
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
T. Hessel/K. Boyd
    OKC Riversport (A)
L. Stewart/D. Nguyen
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
Z. Jaramillo/M. Gottipati
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
B. Buckenham/J. Libby
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
T. Crotts/E. Prince
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
V. Angelini/L. Schula
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
W. Greening/S. DAR
    OKC Riversport (B)
J. Catino/G. ting
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
E. Ludwig-Bernardo/R. Sanders
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
I. McKinney/J. Hill
    OKC Riversport (C)
R. Cortes/J. Buxton
    St. Mark's School of Texas (C)
J. Zhong/B. Womack
    OKC Riversport (D)
K. Nguyen/J. Staats
    St. Mark's School of Texas (D)
M. Power/J. Horigome-Pigg
3 WY1x Womens Youth 1x
4 MYLtwt4+ Mens Youth Ltwt 4+
5 WY2- Womens Youth 2-
6 MYNov4x Mens Youth Novice 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
T. Wilson/S. Bauld/B. Delony-Robert/P. Franco
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
E. Martin/J. Song/W. Reyes-Cruz/D. Walz
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
E. Duessel/M. Gosslee/B. Miltenberger/C. King
    OKC Riversport (A)
N. Brown/H. Amis/S. Dixon/J. Gallagher
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
A. Shellum-Gonzalez/K. Rogers/C. Shellum-Gonzalez/A. Jones
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
S. Dendekuri/K. Csaky/C. Kim/J. Simon
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
H. Berrier/A. Hojel/A. Valdes/B. Kostulak
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
D. Kupetsky/A. Geary/H. Thornton/J. Linson
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
D. Funderburk/C. Jones/A. Schweizer/C. Alexander
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
J. SMITH/W. Beck/C. Talbot/J. Cabrales
    OKC Riversport (B)
C. Lindley/C. Hendee/R. Ramana/A. Van Horn
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
J. Kang/R. Shen/D. Stroot/D. Yoo
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
A. Martinez/A. Bridgwater/C. deVarga/J. Leary
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (B)
T. Brewster/M. Kavas/P. Scrimshire/O. DeVies
    Episcopal School of Dallas (C)
W. Minnis/C. Newsom/P. Kerrigan/D. Kozelsky
    OKC Riversport (C)
S. Morlan/A. Hyles/E. Lee/C. Brown
    St. Mark's School of Texas (C)
M. Tao/M. Zhang/H. Lee/K. Brewster
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (C)
T. Botsch/L. Whittemore/M. Bardwell/N. Sendra
    St. Mark's School of Texas (D)
A. Ching/T. Burke/J. Katz/N. Han
7 WYNov8+ Womens Youth Novice 8+
8 MU171x Mens U17 1x
9 WYLtwt2x Womens Youth Ltwt 2x
10 MY4x Mens Youth 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
B. Ragan/J. Maguire/B. Bell/J. Cox
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
B. Griffin/C. Petersen/E. Martin/M. Robinson
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
J. Hamid-Khani/T. Hessel/F. Berry/N. Gies
    Kansas State Rowing Association (A)
T. Mahun/B. Kinsley/B. kinsley/C. Beauregard
    Mile High Rowing Club (A)
J. Hustead/P. van Leeuwen/W. Allstetter/J. Beebe
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Ogilvie/D. Brown/K. Wilson/N. Haragsim
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
E. Merida/J. Schofield/C. Jones/E. Smith
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
A. James/T. Rohrich/A. Graue/A. Blinn
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
Z. Childs/J. Peers/P. Larsen/K. Hastings
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
C. Gonzales/C. Atik/S. Shine/G. Buchman
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
D. Ellis/R. Jones/N. Blossfeld/W. Schweizer
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
S. Blab/J. Delgado/H. Bodwell/B. Bodwell
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
P. Kirby/C. McWatters/J. Hancock/C. Bossalini
11 MY2nd4x Mens Youth 2nd 4x
    OKC Riversport (A)
J. Catino/L. Stewart/J. Buxton/D. Nguyen
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
E. Ludwig-Bernardo/B. Buckenham/D. Stroot/J. Libby
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
E. Prince/I. McKinney/J. Hill/T. Crotts
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
L. Rizzo/C. Clarke/R. Jobe/S. Mintz
    OKC Riversport (B)
R. Cortes/N. Phillips/G. Roberson/G. ting
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
M. Power/R. Sanders/J. Galant/E. Shah
    OKC Riversport (C)
J. Cole/K. Nguyen/W. Drake/J. Staats
12 WYLtwt8+ Womens Youth Ltwt 8+
13 MYNov4+ Mens Youth Novice 4+
14 WYNov2x Womens Youth Novice 2x
15 WY2nd4+ Womens Youth 2nd 4+
16 WY4+ Womens Youth 4+
17 MY2nd8+ Mens Youth 2nd 8+
18 MY8+ Mens Youth 8+
Sunday, May 8, 2016
NOTE Sunday Events
19 WY2x Womens Youth 2x
20 WY2nd2x Womens Youth 2nd 2x
21 MY1x Mens Youth 1x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
B. Ragan
    Cambridge Crew (A)
C. Lee
    Episcopal School of Dallas (A)
T. Hessel
    Kansas State Rowing Association (A)
T. Mahun
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Best
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
J. Schofield
    RowAmerica North Little Rock (A)
M. McGinn
    Rowing Club of the Woodlands (A)
R. Tunstead
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
A. James
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
E. Prince
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
I. Kazmierczak
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
J. Stener
    Episcopal School of Dallas (B)
K. Boyd
    OKC Riversport (B)
A. Serven
    Parati Competitive Rowing (B)
Z. Jaramillo
    RowAmerica North Little Rock (B)
E. Hankins-Hull
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
J. Allison
22 WYLtwt4+ Womens Youth Ltwt 4+
23 MY2- Mens Youth 2-
24 WYNov4x Womens Youth Novice 4x
25 MYNov8+ Mens Youth Novice 8+
26 WU171x Womens U17 1x
27 MYLtwt2x Mens Youth Ltwt 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
J. Maguire/J. Cox
    Mile High Rowing Club (A)
G. Cain/M. LaRouche/
    OKC Riversport (A)
L. Stewart/D. Nguyen
    Parati Competitive Rowing (A)
J. Castro/D. Dalpedri
    St. Mark's School of Texas (A)
T. Rohrich/A. Blinn
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Lynaugh/C. Milam
    Tulsa Youth Rowing Association (A)
R. Jones/C. Hallock
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
T. Brewster/G. Wood
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
H. Roseman/J. Song
    OKC Riversport (B)
J. Catino/G. ting
    Parati Competitive Rowing (B)
A. Turati/J. Montano
    St. Mark's School of Texas (B)
P. Kirby/R. Sanders
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
B. Graf/E. Kersey
28 WY4x Womens Youth 4x
29 WY2nd4x Womens Youth 2nd 4x
30 MYLtwt8+ Mens Youth Ltwt 8+
31 WYNov4+ Womens Youth Novice 4+
32 MYNov2x Mens Youth Novice 2x
33 MY2nd4+ Mens Youth 2nd 4+
34 MY4+ Mens Youth 4+
35 WY2nd8+ Womens Youth 2nd 8+
36 WY8+ Womens Youth 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change