41st Annual Chicago Sprints

  • Jul 9, 2021 To Jul 11, 2021
  • sprint
  • 1000
  • Chicago, IL (USA)
  • Hosted By: Lincoln Park Boat Club
  • 2021 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, July 9, 2021
1 MJ8+ Mens Junior 8+ (MJ8+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
I. Smith/M. den Boon/D. Barrett/A. Moriarty/N. Richmond/A. Suzuki/G. Snellman/A. Browne/E. McKinney (Cox)
    New Trier High School Rowing
O. Rogalski/B. Bakal/R. Pellaton/U. Black/S. Gloyd/J. Hayek/B. Ridder/L. Williams/K. Alford (Cox)
    Rockford Crew
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Curtis/J. Toledano/B. Hume/G. Skube/R. English/W. Yin/E. Peterson/B. Concors/N. Ly (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
A. Neumann/B. Thornton/A. Murdick/A. Wang/Z. Davis/A. Li/T. Jones/A. Variath/N. Lee (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
W. Densmore/O. Spahr/H. Voeller/C. Rumpf/E. Megal/Q. Simenz/B. Weber/B. Colella/L. Guindon (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
M. Whitefeather/L. Cook/B. Fink/K. Hoffmann/J. Hanson/D. Frenkel/J. Dahms/L. Nicholson/E. Wischki (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
E. Sullivan/K. Hughes/S. Goldstein/R. Osowski/G. Atkinson/J. Califano/J. Colwell/A. Santana-Cruz/D. Roddriguez Curiel (Cox)
2 WJ4+ Womens Junior 4+ (WJ4+)
    Atomic Rowing
N. Fuchs/G. Dulin/C. Fuchs/S. White/K. Braman (Cox)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
M. Alibali/V. Dailey/A. Shapiro/A. Selje/C. Krez (Cox)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
B. Leonard/C. Shepley/M. Trapp/C. Messimer/D. Anderson (Cox)
    Crystal Lake Rowing Club
S. Quinn/A. Borg/A. Carney/L. Hamwi/L. Borg (Cox)
    Fort Collins Rowing Association
F. Morgan-Tomascik/K. Doering/E. Windler/C. Hansen/D. Fu (Cox)
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
    New Trier High School Rowing
I. Kasprisin/R. Barnett/A. Roche/C. Connolly/E. Orsic (Cox)
    Rockford Crew
    Rockford Crew
    Saint Ignatius Chicago Rowing, Inc.
C. Darcy/V. Johnson/L. Hirt/G. Conway/O. Hulten (Cox)/
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Christensen/S. Helmering/L. Elick/B. Ambal/A. Quallen (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Heaney/S. Kreisel/K. Mazhou/G. Welker/A. McLaughlin (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
A. Warren/M. Bass/E. Cohen/L. Gage/B. Toth (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Miller/R. Harris/C. Wise/T. Hopkins/C. Ong (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
C. Hering/W. Fowler/L. Sobieski/K. Stark/J. Going (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
G. Engel/I. Lofgren/M. Ludwig/C. Niebler/J. Going (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
S. Bradford/S. Wacholz/F. Hammerer/S. Simenz/J. Atkinson (Cox)
3 MJN8+ Mens Junior Novice 8+ (MJN8+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
W. Kuhn/W. Campbell/M. Navin/N. Sherman/G. Leonard/A. Hagen/D. Chier/A. Henke/E. McKinney (Cox)
    New Trier High School Rowing
P. Arlandson/B. Crowe/A. Eldring/E. Li/E. Geier/M. Lievano/P. Lodolce/E. Yang/E. Rogalski (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
B. Thornton/A. Murdick/G. Cunningham/A. Variath/G. Skube/B. Concors/A. Neumann/Z. Davis/T. Findley (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
A. Ambal/J. Palanca/A. Li/M. Slavik/R. Swoboda/H. Vogt/A. Yezbick/T. Jones/O. Stahr (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
E. Sullivan/K. Hughes/S. Goldstein/R. Osowski/G. Atkinson/J. Califano/J. Colwell/A. Santana-Cruz/D. Roddriguez Curiel (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
T. Balistreri/A. Cincotta/E. Pacheco/B. Fink/L. Cook/A. Staskiewicz/M. Detzer/E. Wischki/K. Muha (Cox)
4 WJN4+ Womens Junior Novice 4+ (WJN4+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
M. Fafinski/C. Halsted/Z. Halstead/M. Peters/C. Krez (Cox)
    Crystal Lake Rowing Club
A. Carney/R. Flynn/M. Laird/L. Borg/D. Cuellar (Cox)
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
L. Lathen/A. Chesny/D. Holbrook/M. Anders/M. Muha (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
N. Hanson/b. laterman/C. Engel/A. Koch/P. Bradford (Cox)
5 MJ4x Mens Junior 4x (MJ4x)
6 WJN8+ Womens Junior Novice 8+ (WJN8+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
M. Ward/A. Shapiro/V. Dailey/M. Trapp/M. Fafinski/C. Halsted/Z. Halstead/M. Peters/D. Anderson (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
C. Kemp/P. Warren/L. Kilcullen/A. Marquart/E. Hatz/O. Thurman/I. Munroe/A. Cooper/S. Werner (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
N. Bullock/S. Fields/C. Gaither/C. Mohlman/B. O'Neill/K. Sieh/I. Blomstrom/A. Tsygankov/A. Bast (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
e. Northcutt/E. Frissell/E. Wilson/B. Sisul/Z. Verstappen/h. mettes/L. Grizzle/M. Wu/G. Madriz (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
N. Hanson/A. Koch/C. Engel/b. laterman/Z. Winters/T. Cook/P. Bradford/T. Holbrook/K. Muha (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
D. Holbrook/M. Anders/A. Chesny/D. Hennes/L. Lathen/M. Muha/L. Sobieski/G. Terlion/K. Muha (Cox)
7 MJ4+ Mens Junior 4+ (MJ4+)
    Crystal Lake Rowing Club
B. Stacoviak/G. Kempf-Kutemeier/H. Cox/D. Cuellar/L. Borg (Cox)
    New Trier High School Rowing
B. Bakal/S. Gloyd/L. Williams/O. Rogalski/K. Alford (Cox)
    Rockford Crew
    Rockford Crew
    St. Louis Rowing Club
M. Curtis/J. Toledano/R. English/W. Yin/N. Lee (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
B. Thornton/M. Samsonov/S. Gothra/T. Jones/S. Rao (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
W. Densmore/C. Rumpf/H. Voeller/B. Colella/L. Guindon (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
B. Weber/K. Hoffmann/E. Megal/O. Spahr/E. Wischki (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
M. Whitefeather/B. Fink/J. Hanson/L. Cook/F. Lyons (Cox)
8 WJ4x Womens Junior 4x (WJ4x)
9 MJN4+ Mens Junior Novice 4+ (MJN4+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
W. Kuhn/W. Campbell/D. Chier/A. Henke/E. McKinney (Cox)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
M. Navin/N. Sherman/G. Leonard/A. Hagen/C. Lucas (Cox)
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
    New Trier High School Rowing
E. Geier/A. Eldring/P. Lodolce/M. Lievano/E. Pritsker (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
A. Murdick/G. Cunningham/G. Skube/B. Concors/J. Palanca (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
A. Yezbick/A. Ambal/T. Jones/B. Thornton/D. Jones (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
J. Dahms/D. Frenkel/K. Hughes/E. Pacheco/D. Roddriguez Curiel (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
E. Sullivan/G. Atkinson/A. Santana-Cruz/J. Colwell/F. Lyons (Cox)
10 WJ8+ Womens Junior 8+ (WJ8+)
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
B. Leonard/C. Shepley/A. Chvala/C. Cole/A. Wallander/L. Gundersen/M. Trapp/C. Messimer/D. Anderson (Cox)
    Fort Collins Rowing Association
F. Morgan-Tomascik/K. Doering/C. Griffey/M. Schneider/Z. Harmon/E. Windler/R. Mathison/C. Hansen/D. Fu (Cox)
    New Trier High School Rowing
I. Kasprisin/R. Barnett/A. Roche/C. Connolly/A. Dugandzic/R. Jafari Haddadian/A. Sofranko/N. Joyce/B. Stephens (Cox)
    Rockford Crew
    St. Louis Rowing Club
P. Warren/K. Barnes/S. Atterberry/A. Tsygankov/E. Wilson/N. Bullock/Q. Gillies/S. Prasad/C. Ong (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
L. Grizzle/S. Fields/I. Blomstrom/M. Held/I. Munroe/Z. Verstappen/C. Kemp/A. Marquart/B. Toth (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
B. Ambal/M. Bass/T. Hopkins/K. Mazhou/G. Welker/M. Christensen/S. Jones/M. Heaney/A. Quallen (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
L. Gage/L. Elick/E. Cohen/E. Frissell/R. Harris/S. Helmering/C. Wise/M. Miller/G. Madriz (Cox)
    St. Louis Rowing Club
S. Kreisel/A. Warren/K. Sieh/h. mettes/O. Thurman/D. Nyanguile/A. Maschmann/B. O'Neill/A. McLaughlin (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
S. Bradford/S. Wacholz/F. Hammerer/S. Simenz/G. Engel/I. Lofgren/M. Ludwig/C. Niebler/J. Atkinson (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
F. Plese/M. Davies/C. Hering/K. Stark/L. Sobieski/W. Fowler/C. Anderson/L. Jochmann/J. Going (Cox)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
N. Hanson/A. Koch/C. Engel/b. laterman/Z. Winters/T. Cook/P. Bradford/T. Holbrook/K. Muha (Cox)
11 MJ1x Mens Junior 1x (MJ1x)
12 WJ1x Womens Junior 1x (WJ1x)
13 MMS1x Mens Jr 1x (Middle School)
14 WMS1x Womens Jr 1x (Middle School)
15 Mens Open 8+
Saturday, July 10, 2021
16 MO1x Mens Open 1x (MO1x)
    Alliance Rowing Club of Illinois
I. Fargo/
    Atomic Rowing
S. Dohse
    Atomic Rowing
S. De Pascuale
    Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc
G. Snellman
    Greater Columbus Rowing Association
J. McGwire
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
N. Timmons
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
S. Swan/
    Maritime Rowing Club
A. Makarov
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
C. Graves
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
A. Shaaeli
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
A. Heide
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
N. Stanis
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
T. Stocking
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
E. Schuster
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Martin
    Minnesota Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Dean
    The Foundry
C. Sawyers
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club
S. Reynolds
17 WO1x Womens Open 1x (WO1x)
18 MO4+ Mens Open 4+ (MO4+)
19 WO4+ Womens Open 4+ (WO4+)
20 ML1x Mens Ltwt 1x (ML1x)
21 WL1x Womens Ltwt 1x (WL1x)
22 MJ2x Mens Junior 2x (MJ2x)
23 MM8+ Mens Masters 8+ (MM8+)
24 WJ2x Womens Junior 2x (WJ2x)
25 MO2x Mens Open 2x (MO2x)
26 WM8+ Womens Masters 8+ (WM8+)
27 WO2x Womens Open 2x (WO2x)
28 ML2x Mens Ltwt 2x (ML2x)
29 MN4+ Mens Novice 4+ (MN4+)
30 WL2x Womens Ltwt 2x (WL2x)
31 WN4+ Womens Novice 4+ (WN4+)
32 MO2- Mens Open 2- (MO2-)
33 WML4+ Womens Masters Ltwt 4+ (WML4+)
34 WO2- Womens Open 2- (WO2-)
35 ML8+ Mens Ltwt 8+( ML8+)
36 MxO2x Mixed Open 2x (MxO2x)
37 WL8+ Womens Ltwt 8+ (WL8+)
38 Incl2X Inclusive 2x
Sunday, July 11, 2021
39 MM1x Mens Masters 1x (MM1x)
40 WM1x Womens Masters 1x (WM1x)
41 MML1x Mens Masters Ltwt 1x (MML1x)
42 WML1x Womens Masters Ltwt 1x (WML1x)
43 ML4+ Mens Ltwt 4+ (ML4+)
44 WL4+ Womens Ltwt 4+ (WL4+)
45 MM2x Mens Masters 2x (MM2x)
46 WM2x Womens Masters 2x (WM2x)
47 MM4+ Mens Masters 4+ (MM4+)
48 WM4+ Womens Masters 4+ (WM4+)
49 MN1x Mens Novice 1x (MN1x)
50 WN1x Women's Novice 1x (WN1x)
51 MO4x Mens Open 4x (MO4x)
52 WO4x Womens Open 4x (WO4x)
53 MxM2x Mixed Masters 2x (MxM2x)
54 MN8+ Mens Novice 8+ (MN8+)
55 WN8+ Womens Novice 8+ (WN8+)
56 MO8+ Mens Open 8+ (MO8+)
57 WO8+ Womens Open 8+ (WO8+)
58 PC2x Parent-Child 2x (PC2x)
59 Mx8+ Mixed 8+
60 MxJN4x Mixed Jr Novice Exhibition 4x
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change