FISA World Rowing Masters Regatta

  • Hosted By: St. Catharines World Rowing


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Thursday, September 2, 2010
101 Womens D 4+
102 Mens H 2-
103 Mens B 4-
104 Womens G - J 2x
105 Mens E 4+
106 Womens B 8+
107 Mens I - J 4x
108 Womens E - J 2-
109 Mens C 1x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
J. Preston
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
M. Wilson
    Argonaut Rowing Club
B. Kapeluch
    Argonaut Rowing Club
G. Sommers
    Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina
E. Santos
    Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina
P. Silva Filho
    Average Joes
W. Creagan
    Average Joes
J. Bea
    Baltimore Rowing Club
M. Daemen
    Bayside Rowing Club
R. Meirelles
    Brudpiga RK
P. Hedman
    Buenos Aires Rowing Club
    C.D.E. Trasmerano
A. Garay
    Calgary Rowing Club
S. Norman
    Calgary Rowing Club
T. Toth
    Cambridge Rowing Club
M. Szymanowski
    Centro Deportivo Español
m. ossa
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
F. Viacava
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
L. Viacava
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
J. Rivero
    Club de Regatas Sausalito
L. Opazo
    Club Náutico Río Paraná Corrientes
O. Ferrari
    Club San Fernando
A. Gasparrini
    Clube de Regatas Bandeirantes
C. Fonseca
    Cork Boat Club
J. O'Halloran
    Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club
P. Atkinson
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
J. Norris
    Don Rowing Club
R. Tierney
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
A. Dmitriev
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
A. Sinitsin
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
S. Aripov
    Federação Amadora de Remo Do Espirito Santo
A. Pereira
    Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc.
B. Motyer
    GMS Rowing Center
R. Gervase
    GMS Rowing Center
T. Burchill
    GMS Rowing Center
G. Rodriguez
    Grasshopper Club Zurich
M. Hyndman
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association
D. Roberts
    Halifax Rowing Club
P. Shaw
    Instituto Politecnico Nacional
K. Rasmussen
    Kansas City Rowing Club
E. Smith
    Kenora Rowing Club
T. Wehner
    Kingston Rowing Club
R. Klajnscek
    Lake Leelanau Rowing Club
E. Zehender
    Lake Washington Rowing Club
B. Thompson
    Leander Boat Club
R. Wilson
    Lightwave Rowing Association
B. Crossley
    London Rowing Club (ON)
M. Donkers
    Long Beach Rowing Association
R. Glidden
    Long Beach Rowing Association
R. Stropky
    Madras Boat Club
J. Joseph
    Malta Boat Club
J. Cutler
    Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club
P. Poirier
    Minerva Bath Rowing Club
T. Birtwistle
    Minnesota Boat Club
C. Stockwell
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
H. Lagardière
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
M. Cendamo
    Neste Rowing Club
T. Vuori
    New York Athletic Club
C. Windeknecht
    North Star Rowing Club
J. Sawler
    Occoquan International
J. Schafer
    OKC Riversport
J. Sanders
    Ottawa Rowing Club
H. Tendilla
    Ottawa Rowing Club
S. Taylor
    Potomac Boat Club
P. Pietra
    RC NARVA Oberspree
A. Tabbert
    Regina Rowing Club
M. Ell
    Ridley Graduate Boat Club
G. Smith
    River City Rowing Club
J. Griffith
    Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
e. rodrigues
    Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
f. pereira
    Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
g. mattos
    Sporting Clube Caminhense
H. Baixinho
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
F. Loucks
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
F. Murphy
    Syracuse Alumni Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Paduda
    Tel-Aviv Rowing Club
D. Rutenberg
    University of Rochester Rowing
W. Greene
    Veslacki klub Iktus
Z. Simic
    Victoria City Rowing Club
P. Walter
    Victoria City Rowing Club
L. Alexander
    West Australian Rowing Club
D. Salisbury
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
A. Lamont
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
V. Bartel
    Wyandotte Boat Club
e. krengle
    Wycliffe College Boat Club
T. Mitchell
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
P. Harrington
110 Womens C 4x
111 Mens A 2x
112 Womens A 1x
113 Mens D 8+
Friday, September 3, 2010
201 Mens F 2x
202 Womens C 8+
203 Mens J 1x
204 Womens F 4x
205 Mens A 4+
206 Mens D 4-
207 Womens A 2x
208 Mens G 8+
209 Womens D 1x
210 Mens B 2-
211 Mens E 2x
212 Womens G - J 8+
213 Mens H 1x
214 Mens C 4-
215 Womens B 4+
216 Mens F 4x
217 Mens I - J 8+
218 Womens E 2x
219 Mens A 4-
220 Womens C 2-
221 Mens D 4x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
M. Wilson/T. Carr/J. Preston/R. McClure
    Argonaut Rowing Club
B. Krawec/G. Sommers/J. Reckless/N. Tiemann
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC)
M. Still/J. Van Tiel/P. Boland/L. Yanez
    Composite: Calgary RC, WARC
D. Salisbury/M. Lane/A. Salisbury/T. Toth
    Calgary Rowing Club
T. Toth/S. Norman/J. Nesbitt/T. Cook
    Cambridge Boat Club
S. Danberg/R. Murphy/J. Hintlian/V. Shrauger
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
A. Farfan/J. Otero/B. Otero/J. Crosby
    Community Rowing, Inc.
P. Beaman/J. Coyne/R. Firth/A. Chavez
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
I. Anisimov/L. Ostrovski/M. Raisky/G. Astakhov
    Esporte Clube Pinheiros
N. Degola/R. Neuding/C. Leonelli/G. Gerhardt
    Halifax Rowing Club
K. Feltmate/M. Noddin/P. Shaw/J. Tyson
    Malta Boat Club
T. Trocky/J. Cutler/R. Stehlik/C. Patterson
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
L. Chouinard/J. Alfano/R. Howe/S. Faber
    Occoquan International
C. Selden/D. Sitek/C. Leeds/P. Cotter
    Regina Rowing Club
R. Hart/D. Millar/M. Ell/M. Bundon
    Composite: Ridley Graduate, North Star
R. Mills/P. Webster/D. Hamilton/M. Hughes
    Composite: River City, New York AC, Baltimore, OKC Riversport
C. Windeknecht/J. Griffith/J. Sanders/M. Daemen
    Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School
T. Stellato/B. O'Neil/S. Festin/T. Braim
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
J. Leonard/S. Majd/M. Alloway/a. Washburn
    Composite: University of Rochester Rowing, Friends of Scholastic
W. Greene/J. Bowen/D. Crouse/R. Yochum
    Composite: Victoria City, Hanlan
P. MacGowan/T. Storm/P. Walter/J. Alexander
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
A. Lamont/V. Bartel/J. Reitberger/T. Pundyk
    Wyandotte Boat Club
g. ellison/e. krengle/T. Losewski/J. Gilliland
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
R. Shaffer/P. Harrington/T. Hoppenjan/T. Cahill
222 Womens F 1x
223 Mens G 2x
224 Womens A 4-
225 Mens B 8+
226 Mens E 1x
227 Womens D 4x
228 Mens H 4-
229 Mens C 4+
230 Womens H - J 1x
231 Mens F 2-
232 Mens I 2x
233 Womens B 4x
234 Mens A 1x
235 Womens E 4-
236 Mens D 2-
237 Womens C 2x
238 Mens G 1x
239 Womens F - J 4+
240 Mens B 4x
241 Mens E 8+
242 Womens A 2-
243 Mens H 4+
244 Womens D 4-
245 Mens C 2x
246 Mens F 4+
247 Womens B 1x
248 Mens I - J 2-
249 Womens E 8+
Saturday, September 4, 2010
301 Womens A 8+
302 Mens G 2-
303 Womens D 2x
304 Mens I - J 4-
305 Mens D 4+
306 Womens G 1x
307 Mens G 4x
308 Womens B 2-
309 Mens B 2x
310 Mens E 4-
311 Womens E 1x
312 Mens H 4x
313 Mens C 2-
314 Womens C 4+
315 Mens F 8+
316 Womens F - J 4-
317 Mens I 1x
318 Mens A 2-
319 Womens A 4x
320 Mens D 2x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
J. Preston/R. Franks
    Argonaut Rowing Club
P. Robertson/L. Marshall
    Composite: Coimbra, VRL
M. Fernandes/R. Faria
    Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina
V. Braz da Silva/P. Silva Filho
    Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina
H. Ameral/F. Amaral
    Composite: Calgary RC, WARC
M. Lane/T. Toth
    Cambridge Boat Club
J. Grant/N. Kurmakov
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
B. Miller/D. Roberts
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
G. Beglen/V. Garcia
    Club Aleman de regatas Antares
E. Tams/O. Tams
    Club San Fernando
M. Andres/F. Omar
    Clube Náutico Riachuelo
A. Silveira/W. Silveira
    Community Rowing, Inc.
P. Beaman/J. Randle
    Drummoyne Rowing Club
D. Crockford/G. Canning
    Duluth Rowing Club
T. Rauschenfels/G. Peterson
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
A. Sinitsin/L. Ostrovski
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
I. Anisimov/G. Astakhov
    Edmonton Rowing Club
R. Swart/G. Rollans
    Esporte Club Vitoria-Ba
    Esporte Clube Pinheiros
N. Degola/R. Neuding
    Composite: Fredericia, Middelfart RK
F. Nielsen/O. Bendtsen
    Composite: Greater Columbus, Severn River
M. Smith/B. Farahbakhsh
    Halifax Rowing Club
M. Noddin/J. Tallon
    Hanlan Boat Club
A. Stewart/C. Thompson
    Hollywood Rowing Club
A. Chavez/E. Dikes
    Island Lake Rowing Club
R. Reid/B. Kane
    Composite: Jacksonville, Lima
A. Ratajczyk/J. Rivero
    Kingston Rowing Club
M. TenHove/R. Trapp
    Lake Washington Rowing Club
B. Thompson/B. Thoreson
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
M. Idaszak/L. Sklyanskiy
    Lyngby Roklub
J. Knudsen/T. Knudsen
    Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club
E. Bartemes/D. Wood
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
S. Faber/T. Palmer
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
J. Alfano/S. Michals
    Composite: Minnesota, Grasshopper
B. Brown/M. Hyndman
    Composite: New York AC, Baltimore
C. Windeknecht/M. Daemen
    North Star Rowing Club
B. Burgess/S. McIntosh
    North Star Rowing Club
R. Mills/P. Webster
    Occoquan International
C. Leeds/P. Cotter
    Occoquan International
B. Purdy/M. Totta
    Ottawa Rowing Club
K. Frost/G. Brown
    Ottawa Rowing Club
S. Taylor/K. Mark
    Ottawa Rowing Club
M. Dionne/T. Norris
    Poplar Blackwall and District Rowing Club
R. Milligan/R. Humphrey
    Regina Rowing Club
D. Millar/R. Hart
    Regina Rowing Club
M. Ell/M. Bundon
    Ridley Graduate Boat Club
D. Hamilton/M. Hughes
    Ridley Graduate Boat Club
G. Smith/J. Pauls
    Composite: River City, OKC Riversport
J. Sanders/J. Griffith
    Composite: Riverside, Merrimac
J. Saxelby/R. Sengstaken
    Composite: San Diego RC, Occoquan International
S. Vegar/R. Lesnau
    Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School
T. Stellato/T. Braim
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
a. Washburn/T. Coffin
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
S. Majd/M. Alloway
    Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
m. rodorigo/e. rodrigues
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
P. Jones/G. May
    University of Rochester Rowing
W. Greene/V. Reynolds
    Victoria City Rowing Club
P. Walter/J. Alexander
    Composite: Victoria City, Hanlan
P. MacGowan/T. Storm
    Western Reserve Rowing Association
T. Hornick/P. Kopp
    Composite: Wichita, Kansas City
B. VanSickle/E. Smith
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
V. Bartel/A. Lamont
    Wyandotte Boat Club
e. krengle/J. Gilliland
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
T. Cahill/P. Harrington
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
R. Shaffer/T. Hoppenjan
321 Mens G 4+
322 Womens D 8+
323 Mens B 1x
324 Mens E 4x
325 Womens B 4-
326 Mens H 2x
327 Mens C 8+
328 Womens E 4x
329 Mens F 4-
330 Womens C 1x
331 Mens J 2x
332 Womens F 8+
333 Mens A 4x
334 Womens A 4+
335 Mens D 1x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
J. Preston
    Argonaut Rowing Club
W. Donegan
    Associação Académica de Coimbra
R. Faria
    Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina
E. Santos
    Bachelors Barge Club
R. Miller
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC)
P. Boland
    Baltimore Rowing Club
J. Anderson
    Baltimore Rowing Club
M. Daemen
    Belfast Boat Club
S. Lockwood
    Bradford on Avon Rowing Club
A. Taylor
    Brudpiga RK
P. Hedman
    C.D.E. Trasmerano
A. Garay
    Calgary Rowing Club
J. Nesbitt
    Calgary Rowing Club
T. Toth
    Calgary Rowing Club
T. Cook
    Canauhtli Rowing Club
J. Corrales
    Club Aleman de regatas Antares
E. Tams
    Club d'aviron d'Alma
M. Tremblay
    Club Náutico Río Paraná Corrientes
O. Ferrari
    Club San Fernando
A. Gasparrini
    Clube de Regatas Piraquê
L. Valente
    Cork Boat Club
J. O'Halloran
    Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club
P. Atkinson
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
J. Norris
    Durham Rowing Club
T. Klemensowicz
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
L. Ostrovski
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
M. Raisky
    Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club
I. Anisimov
    Ecorse Rowing Club
B. Jarosz
    Edmonton Rowing Club
C. Rannells
    Esporte Club Vitoria-Ba
    Esporte Clube Pinheiros
R. Neuding
    Fredericia Roklub
F. Nielsen
    Genesee Waterways Center, Inc.
K. Whitcomb
    Guelph Rowing Club
J. Tardiff
    Guelph Rowing Club
R. Upenieks
    Hanlan Boat Club
R. MacFarlane
    Hanlan Boat Club
P. MacGowan
    Kansas City Rowing Club
E. Smith
    Kingston Rowing Club
R. Klajnscek
    Lake Union Crew
L. Yaffe
    Lake Washington Rowing Club
B. Thompson
    Leander Boat Club
M. Demczuk
    Long Beach Rowing Association
R. Glidden
    Merrimac River Rowing Association
R. Sengstaken
    Middelfart Roklub
O. Bendtsen
    Minerva Bath Rowing Club
T. Birtwistle
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
R. Howe
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
J. Alfano
    Minnesota Boat Club
B. Brown
    Minnesota Boat Club
C. Stockwell
    Minnesota Boat Club
T. Wilson
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
M. Cendamo
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
L. Tait
    New Haven Rowing Club
M. Schofield
    New York Athletic Club
C. Windeknecht
    North Star Rowing Club
B. Burgess
    Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
M. Schay
    Occoquan International
J. Schafer
    OKC Riversport
J. Sanders
    Ottawa Rowing Club
K. Mark
    Peterborough Rowing Club
J. Nelson
    Quintin Boat Club
G. Peel
    Regina Rowing Club
R. Hart
    Riga Rowers Club
V. Meikaliss
    Riverfront Recapture, Inc.
S. Pape
    Roskilde Roklub
M. Kleis
    San Diego Rowing Club
S. Vegar
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
A. Washburn
    Severn River Rowing Club
J. Easton
    Severn River Rowing Club
    Société Nautique de Monaco
D. Kriemann
    Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
f. pereira
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
P. Jones
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
F. Murphy
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
R. Storm
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
N. Hendle
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
S. Anderson
    Syracuse Alumni Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Paduda
    Tel-Aviv Rowing Club
D. Rutenberg
    University of Rochester Rowing
J. Bowen
    Upper Valley Rowing Foundation
P. Kermond
    Viana Remadores do Lima
M. Fernandes
    Victoria City Rowing Club
L. Alexander
    Victoria City Rowing Club
P. Walter
    Victoria City Rowing Club
T. Storm
    West Australian Rowing Club
M. Lane
    Western Reserve Rowing Association
P. Kopp
    Western Reserve Rowing Association
B. Whitehead
    Wichita Rowing Association
B. VanSickle
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
V. Bartel
    Wyandotte Boat Club
T. Losewski
    Wycliffe College Boat Club
T. Mitchell
336 Womens D 2-
337 Mens G 4-
338 Womens G - J 4x
339 Mens B 4+
340 Womens B 2x
341 Mens E 2-
342 Mens H 8+
343 Womens E 4+
344 Mens C 4x
345 Womens C 4-
346 Mens F 1x
347 Mens I - J 4+
348 Womens F 2x
349 Mens A 8+
Sunday, September 5, 2010
401 Mixed D 2x
402 Mixed G 4x
403 Mixed B 8+
404 Mixed E 2x
405 Mixed H - J 4x
406 Mixed C 8+
407 Mixed F 2x
408 Mixed A 4x
    Composite: Capital, San Diego RC, Potomac, GMS Rowing
N. Holland/S. Durkin/P. Besteman/M. Fryc
    Composite: Dallas, Austin, OKC Riversport, All-American Rowing Camp
L. Zuczek/J. Sanders/T. Carr/A. Houtz
    Composite: Don Rowing, Peterborough
M. McCarthy/L. Beattie/L. Middleton/J. Cook
    Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club
C. Middleton/S. Borchardt/B. Lyons/A. Touzard
    New York Rowing Association
G. Ignacio/P. Fernando/C. Feher/L. Skeddle
    Composite: Western Reserve, Don Rowing
C. Gates/R. Eckles/M. Ionescu/A. Ortega
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
D. Cooke/S. Mullin/D. Drewes/C. Nyalala
409 Mixed D 8+
410 Mixed G 2x
411 Mixed B 4x
412 Mixed E 8+
413 Mixed H - J 2x
414 Mixed C 4x
415 Mixed F 8+
416 Mixed A 2x
417 Mixed D 4x
418 Mixed G 8+
419 Mixed B 2x
420 Mixed E 4x
421 Mixed H - J 8+
422 Mixed C 2x
    Composite: All-American Rowing Camp, Nashville
L. Theiss/R. Franks
    Argonaut Rowing Club
J. Shepherd/G. Sommers
    Composite: Austin, OKC Riversport
J. Sanders/A. Houtz
    Composite: Avalon, Kiev Masters
O. Kozmenko/A. Crooks
    Composite: Barrie, Severn River
B. Ingleton/H. Thompson
    Composite: Calgary RC, Skullerud Sport Senter
T. Toth/E. Petrus
    Composite: Cambridge, Occoquan International
D. Johnson/E. Kennelly
    Cambridge Rowing Club
L. Jespersen/R. Dowhaniuk
    Composite: Capital, Potomac
N. Holland/M. Fryc
    Composite: Carnegie Lake, Hollywood Rowing Club
E. Dikes/R. Ford
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
K. Horn/M. Hatfield
    Club d'aviron de Boucherville
M. Gareau/M. Quintieri
    Composite: Lima, Miami Beach Rowing Club
L. Retelny/F. Viacava
    Composite: Dallas, All-American Rowing Camp
T. Carr/L. Zuczek
    Composite: Delta Deas, Whistler Rowing
M. Harriman/S. Lawson
    Don Rowing Club
D. Kellam/G. Gray
    Composite: Don Rowing, Saratoga
C. Goodness/R. Tierney
    Don Rowing Club
S. McReelis/C. Drewry
    Composite: Durham, Severn River
J. Easton/J. Lunenborg
    Composite: Dynamo, Rockford
M. Raisky/C. Raisky
    Edmonton Rowing Club
G. Rollans/N. MacDonald
    Esporte Clube Pinheiros
R. Neuding/A. Puccetti
    Halifax Rowing Club
D. Darcy/P. Shaw
    Island Lake Rowing Club
K. Burnside/G. Karpenko
    Kenora Rowing Club
J. Findlay/T. Wehner
    Composite: Lake Washington, Cygnet
G. Corbellini/T. BATTY
    Lake Washington Rowing Club
D. Andreychuk/B. Thompson
    Composite: Lake Washington, WARC
D. Salisbury/D. Birch
    Lake Washington Rowing Club
B. Thoreson/M. Hagman
    Leander Boat Club
K. Henry/R. Wilson
    Lincoln Park Boat Club
M. Idaszak/A. Idaszak
    Long Beach Rowing Association
R. Glidden/C. Dartiguenave
    Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club
A. Touzard/B. Lyons
    Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club
K. Kavanaugh/P. Poirier
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
L. Crandall/l. chouinard
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
J. Alfano/S. McDonald
    Minnesota Boat Club
I. Vosu/C. Stockwell
    Minnesota Boat Club
T. Wilson/L. Randazzo
    Neste Rowing Club
K. Lindroos/E. Lindroos
    North Star Rowing Club
G. Cooper-Lesins/B. Burgess
    Old Lyme Rowing Association/ Blood Street Sculls
R. Durham/M. McConkey
    Ottawa Rowing Club
T. Norris/L. Burpee
    Ottawa Rowing Club
M. Chapman/V. Thompson-Davis
    Composite: Peterborough, Calgary RC
T. Cook/J. Cook
    Regina Rowing Club
M. Ell/D. Ell
    Regina Rowing Club
R. Hart/J. Stewart-Mitchell
    Regina Rowing Club
M. Lavoie/D. Millar
    Composite: Saugatuck, GMS Rowing
P. Besteman/M. Alloway
    Composite: Caminhense, Santa Catarina
H. Baixinho/L. Barcelos
    Sports Club Levski
N. Dotzev/T. Dotzeva
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
P. Storm/R. Storm
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
B. Thorne/V. Thorne
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
G. Vanderperk/M. Markarian
    Sudbury Rowing Club
F. Jodoin/J. Cowling
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
M. Dunn/E. Szigethy
    Composite: Vesper, Malta
J. Cutler/C. Holdsworth
    Victoria City Rowing Club
P. Walter/T. Taylor
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
V. Bartel/S. Wilson
    Wycliffe College Boat Club
S. Payne/T. Mitchell
423 Mixed F 4x
424 Mixed A 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change