Southeast Youth Championship Regatta

  • Hosted By: SE Youth Rowing Committee
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


oThe Southeast YouthChampionship is an open southeast district championship regatta.

oUSRowing 2010 Rules of Rowing govern this event.

oUSRowing Organizational membership is a requirement for all boatslarger than a double and must be taken care of prior to arriving on site.Membership may be activated or renewed online: OR, by contacting the USRowing membership office at 1-800-314-4769. If this is not enforced our regional event riskslosing its qualification status.

oWaivers are to be signedon-line at the time of membership and paper waivers are not required for thisregatta. If your rower has not yet signed a waiver for the year, please havethem do so online at the link given above.

oThe Southeast Youth Championship is a recognized qualifier for theYouth National Championship.

oAllevents shall be raced for a distance of two thousand (2000) meters or as closeto this distance as the race venue safely allows. The 2010 event will be 1800m in legth.

oAllboats will be inspected for safety, boats not so equipped shall be barred fromlaunching

oAllcompeting boats shall carry a bow number of their assigned race lane foridentification, said numbers containing numerals at least seven (7) inches highand four (4) inches wide on a background of a contrasting color, such as blacknumerals on a white background.  Crew will need to supply their own set ofbow numbers.

oDuringa race, no boat shall have on board any electronic devices that are capable ofsending or receiving information from any source external to the boat.

oAllScratches, Late Adds or Line-up changes require written documentation signedoff by the Regatta Director or Register two (2) hours prior of the eventeffected.

oRegatta Officials shall announce orpost their official radio communication channel(s) at the start of the raceday, if needed.  All teams and their guests are prohibited from usingthese radio channel(s). Teams violating the use of restricted channel(s) shallbe subject to disqualification. In the event that racing crews ?accidentally?use regatta channel they will receive one warning.


ATHLETE Check-in

oCheck-in Times: Friday?May7th 12:00a.m.?5:00p.m. The information tent will be open during the entireevent for information, questions, etc.

oCoaches may check in their crews to verify membership and ensurepaperwork is completed. Athlete registration will be held at the information tent.Schedules, traffic patterns maps and all relevant venue information will beavailable at the information tent at time of check-in. All Organizations musthave current membership and all participants? waivers on file for coaches topick up credentials. A crew list can be forwarded to USRowing to check waiverstatus before the event.

oWaiversmust be completed on-line at as no ?hard-copy? waivers will be utilized.Waivers MUST be completed by May 3rd

oCredentials will be issued to athletes in 2010. All athletes willreceive identification badges. Athletes must present these badges beforelaunching for all races. A replacement fee of $10.00 will be charged foreach lost badge. ATHLETES WILL BE REQUIRED TO SHOW CREDENTIAL TO REFEREE ATCONTROL COMMISSION UPON LAUNCHING FOR THEIR RACE.


Entry Fees

oTherewill be a $1000 capon entry fees. The fee per entry will be as follows:

8+($90), 4+/x($60), 2x/- ($30), 1x ($15)

oFeesnot included in the event cap:

§Venueuse fee $1.50 perathlete

§StructurePermit: $50.00for up to 20?x20? structure

oInvoicesmay be payed by credit card online using RegattaCentral, or you can make checkspayable to: Southeast Youth Rowing Association(SEYRA) andsend paymentsto: 136 Orchard Lane, Oak Ridge TN, 37830. Payments must be postmarkedby May 3, 2010. Payment made after this time will need to be presented atregatta check-in.



oA junior is a competitorwho in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is andhas been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full-time studentseeking a diploma. For the purposes of eligibility for the Southeast YouthChampionship Regatta, this definition will include post-graduate athletes whomeet the criteria stated above.

oAffiliation with only oneprogram, which he/she is registered with as of the first competition(registered/ non-registered, not including indoor events) for the duration ofthe spring season, defined between January 1 and June 15 of that currentcalendar year, to participate in the Southeast Youth Championship Regatta.

oException: Athletes whoare members of a junior rowing club existing as a composite of athletes with nostand-alone high school rowing program may row as a single (1x) in a regattaunder the name of their school where they are not permitted to enter as?unaffiliated.? For the purposes of qualifying for the USRowing Youth NationalChampionships in an individual event, the athlete must still represent the club(entered under the club?s name) with which he/she began the season. If athleteswish to compete in a team event under the name of their school with anestablished high school rowing program rather than as a club, a USRowingorganizational member is required for that school for that purpose and theathletes must compete as this organization the entire spring season.

oAll questions of eligibility,qualifications, or interpretations of the rules shall be referred to theSoutheast Youth Committee, whose decision shall be final. 

oAthletes that are part ofa boat that was excluded or disqualified while participating in an event at theSoutheast Youth Championship regatta are considered ineligible to advance andcompete at the USRowing Youth National Championship. These athletes areconsidered ineligible substitutions in boats that did qualify. Exception: The athlete'sineligibility is due to a failure to make weight in a lightweight event.



oSeeding and lane assignments will bedone using seeding using two events. The Florida State Championships and the Oak Ridge Dogwood Regatta.

oEntries andevent times will be published after the entry window closes. After the entries have been received and processed thefollowing seeding priorities will be used to determine the composition ofheats, and the assignment of lanes in heats will be assigned from the centerlanes outward.

oFirst seeding priority:1st place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta

oSecond seeding priority:2nd place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta

oThird seeding priority:3rd place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta

oForth seeding priority: Crewsfrom open registration

oThe SEYRA Committee reserves theright to redraw events if the number of scratches warrants such changes.

oAll Lane assignments andupdates will be posted on the www.southeastjuniors.organd

oInitial lane assignments will beposted May 1st,2010

oScratches will be accepted, with nofee, until May 3rd, 2010

oFinal laneassignments will be posted May 5th, 2010

oScratches made after May 5th, 2010 subject to forfeiture of entry fee.

oScratches or no shows after theC&C meeting will incur a $50.00 Scratch Fee due prior to following crews are allowedto launch or future entries accepted. Medical exceptions will be accepted.

oThe assignment of lanesfor semifinals and finals shall be assigned from the center lanes outwardaccording to the order of finish in the previous level of competition.

oIn there are an unusuallylarge number of entries, the Regatta Director and the Chief Referee reserve theright to seed any crew that does not fit the above categories.



USRowing definitions will be used. (Exceptions to thedefinitions can be made at the discretion of the SEYRA.)

Team: A team is considered the usual way the program competes asof January 1 of the same year. A school team/club represents a singleorganization, with distinct location, colors, and coaches for the entirecompetitive season is a team. All crews representing the school/club must wearsimilar uniforms. Each team shall be responsible for the conduct, physicalfitness, including the ability to swim, of its competitors. 1X athletes areexempt from this rule.


Entry Priority: Crews must be represented in a Championship(CH) or Lightweight (LT) event with an equal or greater number of seats priorto entering crews in subsequent events. Therefore, a team can enter into a 2V4+if and only if they have also entered a CH/LT 8+ or CH/LT 4+ and can enter a 2V8+if and only if they have also entered a CH/LT 8+. It is understood that the CH/LTboat be entered as the faster of the two boats. (This recognizes that not allcrews have the depth to put athletes in all of the CH/LT categories. A teamwithin the first five (5) years of start up is exempt from this rule.) Eventswith only one (1)entry at the registration deadline shall be eliminated and the team shall benotified in advance of race day.  If race day scratches reduce a race toone (1) entry, the single entry shall row down the course for time. Athletes ineach event are required to be of the same gender. A coxswainmay be of either gender or ageclassification (not withstanding the age maximum). Novice coxswains must beused in novice events.


ChampionshipEvents (CH):Category intended for championship youth crew that meets the requirements ofthe event. Each team is allowed one (1) entry in these events (1x, 2x, and2- events are exempt from this rule.). Championship events that receive a secondentry will be placed into 2V events. In the instants the event does not exist a2V event will be developed and placed into the schedule. The 2V boat will beallowed to race the heat but not progress into the finals.


LightweightEvents (LT):Category intended for championship youth competitor that meets the requirementsestablish in these rules for Lightweight rowers. Each team is allowed one (1) entry in these events.


2ndBoat Events (2V):Category intended for non-championship 2nd crews or JV youth crews. The 2V classification is not open to any athlete competingin a CH/LT event. Teams are allowed multiple entries in these events.


Novice Boat Events (N): A Novice isconsidered to be in their first year of racing. One year from the date of thecurrent event. Teams are allowed multiple entries in these events.


Entry Limits: Rowers may compete in only two (2) events.  Noconsideration shall be given to scheduling conflicts of rowers and coxswainscompeting in multiple events.  The coach and competitor shall decide which eventshall be their priority.  Coaches should take into consideration that anillness or injury on race day should require an alternate rower not alreadyseated in an event. An athlete that participates in a championship category(8+,4+/x) may not participate in the same 2nd category (8+,4+/x) event.

oHotseating must be arranged with the dock master before the scheduled race. Theregatta will proceed on time and will not be held for hot seating crews.

Guest Crews

A program from outside the Southeast Region that wish toparticipate in the Southeast District Youth Championship Regatta requires to petitionthe USRowing Youth Committee and the SYRA to be able participate in thisregatta and will be considered a guest. Teams may petition the YAC topermanently change their appointed district affiliation due to a hardshipwithin their current district. The receiving LOC must endorse any transferprior to registration. Teams are not being permitted to change qualificationregattas annually to reduce ?Bid Shopping?. Guest entries are not able toqualify for the USRowing Youth Nationals at this regatta. In the event a guestcrew attends may be allowed to row as exhibition only as lane availabilityallows.  (i.e. they get lane 7 if they make it to finals.)


oThe weight of juniorrowers in lightweight events and coxswains shall be determined once each day noless than one hour and no more than two hours before the scheduled timeof the first race in which the weight is relevant.

§All Competitors and Coxswain weigh-ins should be completed inracing uniform, without shoes or other footgear. No one will be weighed-in wearing more or lessclothing.

oCrews and alternates will weigh-intogether and must be accompanied by a Coach or Program Designate. Coxswains mayweigh-in at a separate time than crew.

oLightweight weights willbe strictly enforced.

§Lightweight Youth Men155.0lbs. (max - no avg.)

§Lightweight Youth Women130.0lbs. (max - no avg.)

§Crewsare to step on the scale in the order that they row in the boat (i.e. bow tostern).

§No one will be allowed to "checkweight" on the official scale during the official weigh-in times.Un-official scales will be on site asof Friday at noon.

§Each junior lightweightrower shall have only one (1) initial opportunity to weigh-in. A competitorwithin one (1.0) pound or less of the weight standard is allowed one (1)re-weigh within the official weigh-in time window. A competitor whose initialweight is greater than one (1.0) pound above the weight standard will beineligible to compete in the event.

§The LOC strongly urges all coaches torefrain from unnatural weight requirements for rowers.A rower whoappears severely dehydrated or to have used extreme means to lose weight shallbe required to be checked by onsitemedical personnel before being cleared to race. A rower who requiresintravenous re-hydration will not be allowed to race.

oCoxswains who are more thanfive pounds beneath the minimum weight are encouraged to bring weight toweigh-ins (e.g. scuba weights, lead plates, bag of sand, etc?). The LOC willsupply sand weights of small weight increments to correct any difference inweight.

§Men?s Youth Events120.0lbs. minimum

§Women?s Youth Events110.0lbs. minimum


§?Coxswain-Keeper? strap system will not be permitted.

§ALLWEIGHTS, whetherprovided by LOC or not, must be weighed and marked by the Clerk of Scales forspecific individuals at the time of the coxswains weigh-in. Coxswains are alsoadvised that they must display their weight to the Referee, if so requested.


ORDEROF EVENTS (Theorder of the qualification events follows the YNC orders of events)

1Women?s Youth 1x 14Men's Ltwt. Youth 4+

2Men?s Youth 1x15Men?s Youth 4+

3Women?s Ltwt. Youth 2x16Men's Ltwt. Youth 8+

4Women's Youth 2x17Women's Youth 8+

5Men?s Ltwt. Youth 2x18Men's Youth 8+

6Men's Youth 2x19Men?s 2V 4+

7Women?s Youth 2-20Women?s Novice 8+

8Men?s Youth 2-21Men?s Novice 4+

9Women?s Youth 4x22Women?s 2V 8+

10Men?s Youth 4x23Women?s Novice 4+

11Women's Ltwt. Youth 8+24Men?s Novice 8+

12Women?s Youth 4+25Women?s 2V 4+

13Women?s Ltwt. Youth 4+26Men?s 2V 8+

Regatta FORMAT (Times subject to change)

·Friday - 7:00 PM Cox and Sculler Meeting& The Southeast Youth Coach?s meeting

·Saturday- 8:00 AM ? QE Heats, NQE Heats, QE Repechages,NQE Semi Finals (as needed),

·Sunday - 8:00 AM ? QE Semi Finals (asneeded), NQE Finals, QE Finals



TheSoutheast Youth Championship Regatta will use alternate progression systems,for events eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship.The events shall consist of finals, and if necessary, heats, repechages, andsemifinals. There will be NO ?B?,?C? or ?D? finals at the 2010 Southeast Youth Championship due to schedulingconcerns. Crews advancing out of each heat are placed directly in thesemifinals or finals. All others in the heats go to the repechages. Thoseadvancing out of the repechages are placed in the semifinals or finals; allothers in the repechages are eliminated. All those advancing out of thesemifinals are placed in the grand final; all others in the semifinals areeliminated. The regattaprogression is subject to change until 48 hours prior to the first race. In theevent that heat entries fall below the number that are to advance the lastplace crew will not be permitted to progress.


YNC Qualification Events - USRowing Alt Progression ?B?

Entries HeatsAdv.RepsAdv.SemiAdv.

1-70- 0- 0FINALONLY








TheSoutheast Youth Championship Regatta will use a progression system for eventsthat are not eligible for qualification to the USRowing Youth Championship. The events shall consist of finals, and if necessary,heats, and semifinals. There will be NOrepechages, ?B?, ?C? or ?D? finals due to scheduling concerns. Crews advancingout of each heat are placed directly in the semifinals or finals; all others inthe repechages are eliminated. All those advancing out of the semifinals areplaced in the grand final; all others in the semifinals are eliminated. Theregatta progression is subject to change until 48 hours prior to the firstrace. In the event that heat entries fall below the number that are to advancethe last place crew will not be permitted to progress.


Non-Qualification Events - USRowing Progression ?C?



72Allbut last0-05Boat Final







The crew at the finish in accordance with USRowing rulesshould register protests on the water.Once a protest is lodged, a crew wishing to be heard by the jury shallsubmit a concise written statement to the Chief Judge within one (1) hour after reach land citing thefacts that underline the protest and the relief that the crew seeks accompaniedby a $25.00payment. Disposition of the protest will follow USRowing rules including returnof the fee if the protest is upheld.