Lift Bridge Regatta
- Sep 28, 2014
- head
- Fairport Boathouse
- Fairport, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Fairport Crew Club Inc.
- 2016 Registered Regatta
If you are interested in volunteering, there are many positions available. The volunteer coordinator is Martha Kohn who can be contacted at [email protected]
Volunteer positions include most of the following jobs:
Asst DockMaster/Path Patrol Coord
Asst DockMaster/Path Patrol Coord
Bathroom AM
Chief Referee
Clothing Coordinator
Clothing sales 10-12
Clothing Sales 10-12
Clothing Sales 10-12
Clothing sales 12-2
Clothing Sales 2-4
Clothing Sales 7 - 10
Clothing Sales 8-10
Clothing Sales 8-10
HAM Operator
Volunteer Coord, Food Coord
Drink Sales 11-2
Drink Sales 12-3
Drink Sales 12-3
Drink Sales 1-3
Drink Sales 7am - 11am
Drink Sales 7am - 11am, Rower Food Mid-day
Drink Sales 7am - 9am
Drink Sales 9AM - 11AM
Drink Sales 9AM - 11AM
Drink Sales 9AM - 11AM
Driver - All Day
Driver - AM
Driver All Day
Driver All Day
Driver AM
Driver AM
Driver AM
Driver AM
Driver AM
Driver PM
Driver PM
Driver PM
Food Prep
Food prep
Food prep
Food prep
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator
HAM Operator, Observer
Land Coordinator
Night Watchman
Garbage Coordinator
Oars to water 10-11, Parking 11-3
Oars to Water 10-12
Oars to Water 10-2
Oars to Water 10-2
Oars to Water 1130-2
Oars to water 7-10
Oars to Water 7-10, 12-3
Oars to Water Coord
Observer - AM
Observer All Day
Observer AM
Observer AM
Observer AM
Observer AM
Observer AM
Observer AM
Observer PM
Parking 11-3
Parking 11-3
Parking 630-8
Parking 630-8
Parking 630-8
Parking 630-8
Parking 8-11
Parking 8-11
Parking 8-930, Path Patrol 1130-130
Parking 930-11, Bathroom PM, Garbage PM
Path Patrol 1130 - 3
Path Patrol 1130 - end
Path Patrol 1130 -130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 1130-130
Path Patrol 12-330
Path Patrol 130 - end
Path Patrol 130 - end
Path Patrol 130- end
Path Patrol 130- end
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 730-930
Path Patrol 930-1130
Path Patrol 930-1130
Path Patrol 930-1130
Path Patrol 930-1130
Path Patrol 930-1130, 130 - end
Path Patrol 930-1130, Observer PM
Path Patrol 930-1130, Observer PM
Path Patrol 930-1130Bathroom PM
Photographer, Clothing Sales 12-2
Registration 1 - end
Registration 1 - end, food prep
Registration 11-1
Registration 11-1
Registration 11-1, Clothing Sales 1-2
Registration 7-11, Clothing Sales 2-4
Registration 7-9
Registration 7-9, Timing/Scoring PM
Registration 9-11
Registration 9-11, Path Patrol 1130-130
Registration Coordinator, Observer PM
Registration Packets, Food prep, Clothing Sales 12-2
Rower Food AM
Rower Food AM Driver PM
Rower Food AM, Observer PM
Rower Food AM, Parking 11-3
Safety inspection 1030-12, path patrol 130-end
Safety Inspection 645-10
Safety Inspection 730-10
Safety Inspection Coordinator
Set up
Set up
Set up
Set up
Set up
Set up
Set up
Set up
Start Marshall
Start Marshall Novice
Timing/Scoring All Day
Timing/Scoring All Day
Timing/Scoring All Day at finish
Timing/Scoring AM
Timing/Scoring AM
Timing/Scoring AM
Timing/Scoring AM
Timing/Scoring AM Start
Timing/Scoring AM, Clothing Sales 2-4
Timing/Scoring PM
Timing/Scoring PM
Water Safety Coordinator