Hudson Valley Rowing League Championships 43

  • Hosted By: Hudson Valley Rowing League

The venue for this regatta is the mighty Hudson River. 

  • The course length is 1500 meters, but may be shortened due to weather or water conditions. 
  • Normally, the course runs from North to South, but on occasion, usually due to river conditions and/or  water traffic, the course may run from the South to North.


Some Helpful tips to make this Regatta enjoyable to everybody:

  • Teams must use their own bow numbers.
  • The North dock is for loading/launching boats.  The South dock is for landing/unloading boats.
  • The finish line (orange flag and/or bouy) is immediately North of the South dock.  Have rowers row beyond the South dock for each race. 
  • An orange flag will be dropped or will be raised for each shell crossing the finish line.  If available, a horn will sound for each shell crossing the finish line.
  • Beware of the bouys just South of the South Dock.  Row towards the east side of these bouys to prevent damage to your shell as they mark an old dock that is usually only seen at low tide.
  • Only coaches and rowers that are moving/helping with boats are allowed in the dock area.  This area will be cordoned off.  Coaches and rowers are asked to follow the directions of the race day (shell traffic) officials while transporting your shells in this area.
  • Please make sure that your areas are clean prior to leaving at the end of the Regatta.