Pittsford Regatta

  • May 31, 2008 To Jun 1, 2008
  • sprint
  • Schoen Place
  • Pittsford, NY (USA)
  • Hosted By: Pittsford Crew
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

The following are the heat sheets for the Scholastic events for Saturday afternoon and
Sunday June 1.  A few changes to the original scheme of scheduling
have been made.

Heat sheets for the Master racing are here: Masters Schedule May 28 2008 Rev A pdf.pdf 
First, we had a few lightweight events with only one or two boats
registered from the same crew.  In the interest of competition and
giving everyone as much chance to row against another crew, those
boats have been moved to the non-ltwt events.

Second, due to the forecast of inclement weather, and anticipated
traffic on the canal from tour boats that may adversely impact the 
race schedule, the Saturday schedule includes time trials in lieu of 
match race heats for races with 8 or more boats. We felt this change 
was necessary to ensure timely completion, while still allowing crews 
the opportunity for plenty of exciting match racing.

2008 Sat scholastic Rev B2 PDF.pdf

2008 Sunday scholastic Rev B2 PDF.pdf