Sweeps and Sculls Regatta

  • Hosted By: Narragansett Boat Club

Below are instructions for participants coming to sprint regattas at NBC.

The Overall Rules: The USRA's Rules of Rowing will be in effect, with a few modifications, since this regatta has a floating start and no albano buoy system.

Masters: Every rower's age and the average boat age must be at least 21. Masters events will be handicapped, if necessary. All races are 1000m and run in final-only format. If there are more than 7 entries for an event, at the discretion of the regatta director, the event may be divided into multiple flights with 1st place medals for each flight. Ages for masters are based on the FISA system (age as of year-end), handicapped if necessary (USRowing handicaps).

Junior/High School: (We follow the USRA Rules of Rowing definition for eligibility): A Junior is a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is and has been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full-time student seeking a diploma. A competitor thus ceases to be a Junior after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th birthday, or of the year in which they complete the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a full-time student, whichever is later. All races are 1500m and will be run in a final-only format. In events with more than 7 entries, flights will be based on age and/or skill level (A, B, etc as designated by the coach at registration). Medals will be awarded as follows: events/flights with up to 3 entries 1st place will be awarded a medal, 4 entries will be awarded 1st and 2nd place, and 5+ entries will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Novice: Novice rowers are in their first year of competition.

Open: All races are 2000m and run in final-only format.

Regatta Meeting: There will be a meeting for scullers, coaches and coxswains via Zoom the Friday evening before the regatta. A link for the regatta meeting will be sent to all registrants two days before the regatta. The time and Zoom link for the regatta meeting will also be posted with the race schedule. Check out the Regatta Traffic Pattern Map one more time.

Shell storage and parking: we have limited space and on the morning of the regatta trailers will be directed to parking spaces along River Rd or on the grass across from the Narragansett Boat Club. Please do NOT park your trailer prior to this time or you will block the traffic flow. Car-topped boats can be dropped off for storage in the park beginning the morning of the regatta. You will not be able to park your car in the park. Communications will be sent to all participants with regard to trailer parking and boat drop off. PLEASE follow the parking assistants’ directions so we can accommodate everyone as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Bow Markers: We will supply bow markers as you launch. Crews should be prepared to tell the Dock Master their event # and the flight (a, b, c, etc) within that event.

Equipment check: Before launching check your wing nuts, rigger bolts, collar bolts, footstretchers, etc., anything that may be problematic.

Launch Times: Usually you will launch at least 30 minutes before your scheduled race time. Do not delay launching beyond this point. We will stick to the racing schedule.

Oar and scull storage: If possible, have someone bring your sculls and/or oars to the dock as you bring your shell. We do not have enough room on the docks to store oars prior to launching.

Launching: All visiting boats will launch from the North dock. Enter the ramp to the dock STERN first, walk to your right (to the south). Await any oncoming race. Then cross the racecourse to the far side of the channel, to starboard of the red buoy #6. Row up the river, aiming slightly to the east of the large radio tower in Pawtucket. Keep your eyes peeled for the red and green channel buoys. They are very strong and repel carbon fiber with ease.

Warm-ups: We will stick to the schedule. Crews must be within hailing distance of the start no later than 4 minutes prior to the published starting time. Crews are not to go 60 strokes north or south of their starting line. Where you warm up will depend upon the race schedule. In general, please keep off the course so as not to impede any races coming down the course.

Approaching the Starting Line: Alert the Regatta Marshall that you are present 3 minutes before your race and they will direct you from the warm-up area to the starting line. You will see placards on the Providence shore marking the 1000, 1500, and 2000 meter start lines. The Starting launch will be at the appropriate mark and will call you to the line. Keep your shell north of the line. Wait for the starter/referee to bring you up to the line. The Lanes are numbered 1 through 7, starting from the Providence/NBC shore and heading east. Make certain that you keep 20 feet of distance between the tips of your blades and those of the next shell.

Pointing the Boat: Two large orange triangular buoys mark the finish line at the Albin Moser NBC boathouse. Coxswains should point their boats towards the orange buoys and adjust depending upon the wind and tide to stay in their lane. Please use stroke to back and bow to row, or vice versa, to point your boat. Simply having one side row will pull you toward the other boat(s) and move you ahead.

Hand Signals: If coxswains are making adjustments, the person rowing at bow or two should have his/her hand up. If a crew is not ready, the bow person’s arm should go up – FULLY EXTENDED – and the crew should be taking corrective action. This is especially important for bow-coxed boats.

The Starting Command: This will be the starting procedure for all conditions. There will be no polling of the scullers or crews. Once the Starter/Referee feels the boats are as even as possible and hands are down, he/she will announce "Attention! Go!" There will be a pause between "Attention!" and "Go!" There should be NO movement in the boats until the Starter/Referee says, "Go!" Since we do not have stakeboats, there will be no Countdown Starts.

Equipment Breakage: It should be understood that crews and scullers are responsible for a complete check of equipment prior to leaving for the start. In the event of equipment breakage or any major mishap within the first 30 seconds of the race, the coxswain should stop rowing and raise his hand immediately. The Referee will determine the severity of the breakage and the appropriate action – restart, postponement, etc. A crew that falsely claims breakage or causes any major mishap within the first 30 seconds, may or may not be assessed of a Warning or Excluded, depending upon the Starter/Referee's assessment and decision. Sweep boats should note that the stern pairs on eights and the bow pairs of all other boats should alert their coxswains as to what directions the referee may be giving the boat.

Steering and Navigating the Course: The Seekonk River Course is a tidal estuary. As such, we will usually have an incoming tide for the early races, slack tide for the middle races, and an outgoing tide for the latter events. Stay within your lane relative to the other boats. If certain boats are veering dramatically off course, the Referee will alert them by using a white flag. If this is you, please be ready to respond accordingly. As you cross the different 500-meter marks, you will find placards on the shore. Do not follow the shore, point your boat toward the large orange finish buoys.

Finish Line: The finish line is near the south end of the boathouse, just before the south deck. Row until you hear the horn. 

Returning to the dock: After the finish, continue rowing toward the Henderson Bridge. Be aware of construction barges. Row clockwise. Approach the South dock cautiously. Wait for the dockmaster to call you in. Land your shell, have someone assist you, if possible, so that you can take your shell and your sculls/oars off the dock as quickly as possible. Do not leave your equipment on the dock.

Protests: In the event of a Protest, it must be made on the water at the end of the race and then presented in writing to the Regatta Director within 30 minutes of the completion of the race in question. There is also a $50.00 cash bond that you must present. If the protest is upheld, the bond is returned. If not, the bond is retained by the Regatta.

Bare Feet: Bare feet will not be allowed on the dock. All rowers or support personnel must have some type of non-skid footwear if they want to go on the dock. Crews will be turned away if they approach the dock with bare feet.