Head of the Occoquan

  • Hosted By: Occoquan Boat Club

 Occoquan Boat Club (OBC) Official Regatta T-shirts


Scenic City Rowing (Scholastic blade shirts)

Scenic City Rowing originated the Collegiate and Junior Rowing blades shirts, now copied by others. Our blade shirts are constantly updated for new programs and any blade design changes. The Collegiate Rowing blade shirt has 380 blades for every college rowing team in the US. The Junior Rowing blade shirt has 876 blades for every high school-aged rowing program in the US on it. 


Rubini Jewelers - Rowing Jewelry

Rubini Jewelers is a small family owned and run business in Alexandria Virginia, rowing since 1965, making jewelry since 1975. Stop by, meet the Rubini's, see their beautiful rowing jewelry and perhaps purchase a piece for you personally :o)