RCA National Rowing Championships

  • Hosted By: Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
Note: For updates and last minute changes be sure to check the news and heat-sheet/draw pages.
Event# Time* Event Code Event
Friday, November 8, 2013
G1 Womens 1x - JW1X, BW1X, W1X
G2 Womens 2- JW2-, BW2-, W2-
G3 Womens Ltwt 1x - BLW1X, LW1X
G4 Mens 1x - JM1X, BM1X, M1X
G5 Mens 2- JM2-, BM2-, M2-
G6 Mens Ltwt 1x - BLM1X, LM1X
G7 Mens Ltwt 2- BLM2-, LM2-
Sunday, November 10, 2013
P8 ASW1X Womens AS 1x
P9 ASM1X Mens AS 1x
P10 TA Womens 1x
P11 TA Mens 1x
P12 LTA Womens 2x/2-
P13 LTA Mens 2x/2-

Event times (if listed) are typically for the finals. The schedule is tentative and subject to change