Delta Deas Scholastic Regatta

  • Hosted By: Delta Deas Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2019)

May 22, 2019

Hello Coaches and Administrators, 

The schedule for this weekend's Delta Deas Scholastic Regatta is now available

As all West Coast regattas seem to be doing, all event communication will be done through WhatsApp. Results will be posted to Twitter @deltadeasrowing and the days results will later be uploaded to Regatta Central. Be sure to interact with us on social media (twitter/instagram) to make this regatta more interactive. 


If you are borrowing a boat from Delta please go through the schedule and inform me of the time of the heat and potenial final so I can plan accordingly. We are loaning out lots of equipment so this information is crucial to keep my coaches sane!! 


WEIGH INS - Athletes must weigh in BOTH days between the hours of 6:45am and 9am (as indicated in regatta packet). The chief umpire has requests that all athletes weighing in have photo ID! Weigh in will be at the boathouse. 


COACHES MEETING - Saturday at 7am infront of the boathouse. Please bring your scratches to the meeting! There will be no meeting Sunday, any updates will be communicated via WhatsApp prior to the dock opening. 


TRAILER ARRIVAL - Please send me an email with your trailer ETA. We will be able to park trailers starting mid-day Friday. 


ON-SITE PARKING - Please reference the venue section on Regatta Central.There is limited parking in the gravel lot with the trailers, but ample parking further into the park. There is to be NO STREET PARKING on the NORTH side of Deas Island Road - this is an emergency lane, vehicles WILL be towed!! Please tell your parents and drivers to be patient with the parking attendants... They will be trying their best to fit everyone in close to the boatpark! 


There will be a concession running both days outfront of the boathouse - cash only. Potable water is available in the park!

Medals for 1st, ribbons for 2nd & 3rd are to be collected at the boathouse! 


Looking forward to a great weekend of racing! 
