Midwest Junior Rowing Championship

  • May 16, 2020 To May 17, 2020
  • sprint
  • Harsha Lake
  • Bethel, OH (USA)
  • Hosted By: Cincinnati Jr. Rowing Club, Inc.
  • 2020 Registered Regatta
  • Cancelled


The 2020 Midwest Junior Rowing Championship will not happen on it's scheduled May date. 

Assuming the national health situation allows it, we would like to host a Midwest Championship race in June.  The park is eager to host a race and will be flexible to meet the region's needs.  The plan would be to host the race 4-5 weeks after all Midwest states have lifted their shelter-in-place requirements.

We will streamline the race schedule to meet the needs of the teams attending, rather than focusing on Natioinals Qualification.  The race will also award the standard Midwest medals, plaques, and trophies.

All Midwest teams are currently eligible to enter the race, regardless of their MJRA membership status.  Any team that is found to be violating their state orders on Gathering sizes, Shelter in Place Orders, or similar health-related policies will be ineligible to participate.   All eligibility decisions will be made by the MJRA commmittee.

Please feel free to contact Kim Smyth or Greg Hull with any questions.  I would also appreciate a quick note on the status of your program, and your intention to participate in the event, to facilitate further planning.

Wishing all programs the best,
