26th Annual Grand Rapids High School Rowing Invitational

  • Apr 24, 2021
  • sprint
  • Grand River
  • Grand Rapids, MI (USA)
  • Hosted By: Forest Hills Central High School

We (and the City of Grand Rapids) are interpreting the current MDHHS orders as they apply to this regatta to be “recreation and entertainment”, and thus allowing up to a grand total or 1,000 people or less for the entire area of Riverside park.  

  • We are only allowing West Michigan teams to participate this year in an effort to keep our numbers down.
  • Athletes must adhere to MDHHS guidelines for testing for Covid and have a negative test within 7 days of the event.

To discourage congregation of people:

  • We should NOT actively encourage spectators – we could easily exceed the 1,000 maximum if we did. 

(we do not need to prohibit, but should not encourage (read between the lines))

  • There will be NO food preparation or food tents on site this year –
    • All athletes can bring a brown bag for the day, or be provided 1 at the beginning of the day.
    • Tents will only be for shelter in case of strong weather, or for use as a Headquarters or First Aid station for a team.
    • The Team HQ tent can be used to replenish fluids for hydration only during the day
  • There will be NO Food Trucks or Vendors of any kind at Riverside park
    • No food trucks, no vendors like Earthbound
  • Any gatherings to eat must be six or less and spaced by 6 feet

Health Guidelines:

  • Athletes must adhere to MDHHS guidelines for testing for Covid and have a negative test within 7 days of the event.
  • Athletes, volunteers and coaches will be required to wear PPE masks at all times during the day on park grounds
  • PPE Masks and Sanitizing wipes will be made available to any attendees or persons requesting (I have plenty)
  • Any spectators who show up will be encouraged (through signage) to follow Public Health and MDHHS guidelines with regards to social distancing and the wearing of masks

Coaches/Coxie Meeting:

  • We are still discussing how we will handle this, especially for those Novice that will be at this venue for the first time at this event, but also while working to ensure we are following safe social distancing guidance.

Schedule and Events:

  • This will be updated on Regatta Central this weekend, with this information posted there as well.