Head of the Hog

  • Hosted By: Sarasota Crew

Updated COVID-19 measures:



  • Visiting teams must monitor the health of athletes, coaches and volunteers. If anyone shows signs and symptoms they must leave and seek medical attention
  • Visiting teams should advise members that have symptoms previous to race day to stay home
  • All participant and support staff must wear masks while on the Regatta Island
  • Teams must monitor symptoms with the symptom questionnaire (release Nov2nd to team contacts)
  • Only those that have all “NO” responses to questionnaire will be allowed to participate
  • Teams will only be allowed to have participants and support staff on the Regatta Island
  • Visiting team members that have contact with or have had Covid-19 within the last 14 days must seek the permission from their team and health professional to attend.
  • All participants and support staff will be symptom checked upon entry of the island
    • Temperature check: Anyone testing over 100.2F will not be permitted to participate
    • Oxygen Saturation:  Anyone with SpO2 reading of 95% or below will not be permitted to participate
    • Only those that pass both symptom checks will be permitted to participate.
    • Successful completion of both symptom check will result in be provided the necessary wristband to participate.

Distancing Measures:

  • No spectators will be allowed on Regatta Island.  Spectators may view the race from other areas of the park
  • Visiting teams will be asked to arrive at staggered times
  • Team areas will be marked, and teams will be expected to stay within their allotted area
  • Trailer area will be for rowers and coaches only
  • Teams will distance from others while launching, racing, and docking.
  • All equipment must be stored within the team trailer area
  • Teams will be expected to follow all cleaning and distancing guidelines while in their area
  • Team tents are permitted only if distancing measures are practiced
  • Visiting teams are not allowed to visit other visiting team areas



Practice:  Friday from 3PM – 5PM

Tents may be requested from SANCA [email protected].  Tents will be placed in your team athlete/staff area near your trailer space.


This year, due to COVID-19 precautions, there will be no BBQ on Friday evening before the races on Saturday. 


Practice will be allowed from 3PM (earliest launch time)- 6PM (latest off of the dock time) Friday November 20th.