Mile High Rowing Club

Parker, CO

Programs & Classes

Nov '24
Feb '25

2024 - 2025 Winter Training

Mile High Rowing Colorado’s robust training program will prepare the team for Spring sprint racing and help athletes lower their 2,000 meter scores. Our goal is to help every athlete PR on their 2K. Due to the intensity of the winter season program we will be accepting athletes currently in 9th grade, 14 years old or older only. In combination with erging there will also be an in-person training on Saturdays at Edgewater Rowhouse. In addition, there will be the option to add on CrossFit classes in Denver or a similar program like OTF Boulder at an additional cost. The cross fit, or OTF costs will be solidified once we secure exact numbers from those interested. A training trip to Sacramento is also in the works. Travel costs would be additional. It is not mandatory that athletes attend. More information on that to come once dates have been solidified with the Sacramento Aquatic Center. Athletes will compete in two races over winter season. The Shocker Sprints (Feb 15th) and the Denver Indoor Rowing Championships (date TBD). No traveling is required for either race.
Mile High Rowing Colorado’s robust training program will prepare the team for Spring sprint racing and help athletes lower their 2,000 meter scores. Our goal is to help every athlete PR on their 2K. Due to the intensity of the winter season program we will be accepting athletes currently in 9th grade or 14 years old and older only. In combination with erging there will also be an in person training on Saturdays at Edgewater Rowhouse. In addition there will be the option to add on CrossFit classes in Denver or Boulder at an additional cost. The cross fit costs will be solidified once we secure exact numbers from those interested. A training trip to Sacramento is also in the works. Travel costs would be additional. It is not mandatory that athletes attend. More information on that to come once dates have been solidified with the Sacramento Aquatic Center. Athletes will compete in two races over winter season. The Shocker Sprints (Feb 15th) and the Denver Indoor Rowing Championships (date TBD). No traveling is required for either race. M, T, W Zoom 17:00-18:00 PM, T & TH Zoom 5:15-6:15 AM, SAT RowHouse 12:00-1:00 PM, this has not yet been solidified for November. We will have alternate meeting options. CrossFits are run by the CrossFit Instructors CrossFit Mach 983, 6:30 - 7:30 PM (Monday & Wednesday) Crossfit Boulder, 6:30 - 7:30 PM (Tuesday & Thursday)
Additional Information
Program Size 30 (5 spots remaining)
Registration Opens November 13, 2024, 12:00:00 AM MST
Registration Deadline November 26, 2024, 11:59:00 PM MST