FSRA Sculling Championships
- Apr 16, 2016 To Apr 17, 2016
- sprint
- Benderson Park
- Sarasota, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association
Interactive map of Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL
Map of Venue Traffic Pattern - only north bound travel on race course; boats must continue around regatta island.
Free Admission: Admission to Nathan Benderson Park is free for all attendees and spectators. Parking fees will be collected.
Coaches only Bike Path: On the western shoreline, there is a dedicated Coaches' Ride Along Path. Traffic pattern
on Coaches' path is NORTHBOUND only. To reach the Start Line area, you will ride south on a separate path on the
far (inland) side of the coaches' path. Be sure to bring your own bike.
Spectator bikes: Spectators are welcome to bring their own bikes to utilize throughout this beautiful facility. All
public areas are accessible, except only coaches are allowed on the Coaches' Ride Along Path on the western
shoreline. There is a secondary path which is available to Spectators slightly west of the Coaches' Path.
Tent and Team Space Policy for Nathan Benderson Park (NBP).
Recently, NBP experienced multiple encounters with tents that were not properly anchored or secured that resulted in safety hazards to the venue and its patrons. Therefore, in the best interest of safety for the athletes and spectators, SANCA is mandating that any tent larger than two combined 10x10 EZ set up tents must meet specific safety standards regarding fire and wind load. In order to ensure that these requirements are met, larger tents are required to be rented through SANCA and installed by the SANCA approved tent contractor. This policy is to better enhance the safety of our NBP customers. Please provide your request 10 days prior to the event to ensure availability. If your team is larger than 75 athletes and you require a larger space special exceptions can be made in writing to accommodate such request.
Sarasota County Park Rules
Park Hours
- April - October: 6:00am - 8:00pm
Public Conduct
- Swimming is prohibited unless by Special Use Permit
- Littering or dumping is prohibited
- Open fires are prohibited
- Glass containers are prohibited
- Overnight camping is prohibited
- Dogs must be on a 6 foot leash
- Dog owners must pick up after defecating dogs
- Feeding of wildlife is prohibited
- Bird Island may not be trespassed
- Shore fishing is premitted following Florida Department of Wildlife regulations
- Fishing is prohibited from the docks and starting platforms
- No trespassing or fishing is premitted from the wave attenuator
- Tents larger than 10' x 10' in size are prohibited
- Tents 10' x 10' in size or less must be properly secured and may be open to inspection by SANCA staff
- Fire extinguishers are required in cooking areas and will be available to inspection by SANCA staff
Indecent Exposure
- Indecent exposure, soliciting or lewd and lascivious acts are prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
Alcohol Use Policy
- Sarasota County Alcohol Use Policy will be in effect
- An alcohol permit must be obtained to serve alcohol at any special events within Nathan Benderson Park
- Alcohol Use Permits are contingent in obtaining proper insurance as described in the Sarasota County use agreement