Head Up the Creek
- Mar 9, 2014
- head
- False Creek
- Vancouver, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: False Creek Rowing Club
So we have a few things from Canuck Place, a hospice for young people, and some more umbrellas from RBC Royal Bank. If you are looking for more of the hats from the RBC Canadian Open Golf Championships from a few years back, please let me know at [email protected] and I can get you all you need (and more I expect).
Yolk's Mobile Breakfast's www.yolks.ca will be back serving the best breakfast in town, along with coffee and hot apple cider.
Our safety boats and the crews that man them are provided by the Jericho Sailing Centre Association's Rescue Crew , the Kitsilano Yacht Club, the Vancouver College Rowing Program and hopefully the False Creek Yacht Club.
Our Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) licensed and associate umpires are volunteers from Rowing BC and it is through their services that we are able to obtain insurance through RCA.
First Aid Response Services are being arranged with St John Ambulance, but we hope that they are once again merely spectators to the events of the day.